Changelog for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Sink Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 1.6.23

  • CVE jackson-core Dependency
  • CVE netty-codec-http Dependency
  • CVE Commons-Configuration2 Dependency

Version 1.6.22

  • CVE fixed in dependency commons-compress
  • CVE fixed in dependency org.bitbucket.b_c_jose4j

Version 1.6.21

  • CC-24669: Updated user-agent for ADLS-Gen2-Sink and Blob-Sink to attribute traffics from CCloud.
  • Bumped connect.templates.version
  • CC-21626: Updated jackson core version to fix CVE related to PRISMA-2023-0067.

Version 1.6.20

  • Fix thread leak due to open netty client

Version 1.6.19

  • CC-21624 snappy-java:1.1.8 CVE - bump connect-plugins-parent to 0.9.20 to get snappy-java:

Version 1.6.18

  • Integrating with SR client having OAuth capabilities

Version 1.6.17

  • Downgrading SR client to 6.0.3 because of perf issues

Version 1.6.16

  • CVE fixes for netty-codec, snakeyaml, json-smart

Version 1.6.15

  • Update maven.repo from http to https
  • CCMSG-2390 and others, fix of multple vulnerabilities

Version 1.6.14

  • RCCA-10524: Fix gzip compression for non struct JSON data

Version 1.6.13

  • CC-15191 | CVE fix for jackson-mapper-asl.
  • CCMSG-2194 | CVE fix for snakeyaml dependency.

Version 1.6.12

  • Rcca 9788 - inc-rcca-9788-azure-data-lake-storage-gen2-sink-connector-stuck-with-some-partition
  • CCMSG-2350 | Bump up the dependency for kafka-connect-avro-data to v6.1.6 to include bug fixes from converters.
  • CCMSG-1963 CVE fix for confluent-log4j

Version 1.6.11

  • Make httpClientFactory local task object
  • Fix failing integration tests. Increase connect come-up timeout with
  • CCMSG-1964:Updating connect-plugin-parent to pull gson latest version
  • CCMSG-2044: Update hdfs and add AbfsPerfTracker to client

Version 1.6.10

  • RCCA-7896: Reset next scheduled rotation periodically
  • MINOR: Remove logging of sink records at trace level.

Version 1.6.9

  • CCMSG-1811: Added jackson-annotations explicit depedendency to fix NoClassDefFound Error when using JsonConverter

Version 1.6.8

  • CCMSG-1611: Excluded jetty-webapp to resolve CVE
  • CCMSG-1734: Updated jackson bom to upgrade all dependent jars
  • RCCA-4994: Uniform versions for serializer dependencies
  • CCMSG-1667: Resolved protobuf CVEs by updating to latest commons

Version 1.6.7

  • RCCA-5984: Fixed issue converting from protobuf to avro

Version 1.6.6

No changes

Version 1.6.5

  • CCMSG-1408: Updated Netty Version

Version 1.6.4

  • CC-15895: Updated storage account and blob container name validations to correct length restrictions

Version 1.6.3

  • CCMSG-1261: Upgraded parent to 0.6.6 and resolve CVE in commons compress dependency
  • Minor: Performed NPE check when closing Parquet writer
  • Updated the support term for ADLS Gen2 Sink

Version 1.6.2

  • CC-14337, CCMSG-494: Used topic directory container, and improve logging and robustness for ADLS2 write permissions validation

Version 1.6.1

  • CCMSG-806: Added support decimal format for JsonFormat

Version 1.6.0

  • CCMSG-525: Upgraded parent POM to 0.6.2, storage-common to 10.0.3 and jackson-databind to to address CVEs
  • Updated storage-common-parent version to include Avro Data dependency fix
  • Upgraded to parent 0.5.5 and fix commons codec CVE
  • CC-11426: Added user agent to azure connectors
  • Addressed CVEs for Azure Blob storage