Third Party Libraries for Azure Service Bus Source Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 1.2.7

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
assembly-plugin-boilerplate Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
JetBrains Java Annotations Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Common Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus Content Type Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-2-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
reload4j Apache-2.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
SLF4J Reload4j Binding MIT
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.2.6

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
assembly-plugin-boilerplate Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
JetBrains Java Annotations Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Common Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 Apache-2.0
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus Content Type Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-2-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
reload4j Apache-2.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
SLF4J Reload4j Binding MIT
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.2.5

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
assembly-plugin-boilerplate Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API UnclassifiedLicense, Restricted-rightsCDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.2.4

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
assembly-plugin-boilerplate Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API UnclassifiedLicense, Restricted-rightsCDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.2.3

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
assembly-plugin-boilerplate Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API UnclassifiedLicense, Restricted-rightsCDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.2.2

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API UnclassifiedLicense, Restricted-rightsCDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0Apache-2.0CC0-1.0Apache-2.0MIT
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.2.1

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API UnclassifiedLicense, Restricted-rightsCDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0Apache-2.0CC0-1.0Apache-2.0MIT
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.2.0

Included Project License
adal4j MIT
Adapter: RxJava Apache-2.0
AHC/Client Apache-2.0
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
Asynchronous Http Client Netty Utils Apache-2.0
Azure Java Client Authentication Library for AutoRest MIT
Azure Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
Checker Qual MIT
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Converter: Jackson Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Client Runtime for AutoRest MIT
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaMail API UnclassifiedLicense, Restricted-rightsCDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JCIP Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
logging-interceptor Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Microsoft Azure SDK annotations MIT
Microsoft Azure SDK for Service Bus MIT
Netty Reactive Streams Implementation Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/HTTP Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec/Socks Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0Apache-2.0CC0-1.0Apache-2.0MIT
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler/Proxy Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
Nimbus JOSE+JWT Apache-2.0
Nimbus LangTag Apache-2.0
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions Apache-2.0
okhttp Apache-2.0
okhttp-urlconnection Apache-2.0
okio Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
Proton-J Apache-2.0
qpid-proton-j-extensions MIT
reactive-streams CC0-1.0
Retrofit Apache-2.0
rxjava Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause