Third Party Libraries for Google BigQuery Sink Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 2.5.6

Included Project License
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseEPL-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
API Common BSD-3-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20240229-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240319-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-3-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Paranamer Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-CSV Apache-2.0
jackson-module-scala Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JOpt Simple MIT
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
ParaNamer Core BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Scala Library BSD-3-ClausePublic-DomainGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Scala Reflect Apache-2.0
scala-collection-compat Apache-2.0
scala-java8-compat Apache-2.0
scala-logging Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-Clause
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.5.5

Included Project License
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseEPL-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
API Common BSD-3-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20240229-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240319-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-3-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Paranamer Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-CSV Apache-2.0
jackson-module-scala Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JOpt Simple MIT
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
Netty/Buffer Apache-2.0
Netty/Codec Apache-2.0
Netty/Common Apache-2.0
Netty/Handler Apache-2.0
Netty/Resolver Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll Apache-2.0
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
ParaNamer Core BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Scala Library BSD-3-ClausePublic-DomainGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Scala Reflect Apache-2.0
scala-collection-compat Apache-2.0
scala-java8-compat Apache-2.0
scala-logging Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-Clause
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.5.4

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseEPL-2.0
API Common BSD-3-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20231111-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20231202-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-3-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-Clause
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.5.3

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseEPL-2.0
API Common BSD-3-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20231111-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20231117-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-3-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-3-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-Clause
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.5.2

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseEPL-2.0
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230715-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20230710-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.5.1

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseEPL-2.0
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230520-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20230617-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.5.0

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseEPL-2.0
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230311-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20230301-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.4.4

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.1
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230210-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20220705-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.4.3

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.1
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230210-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20220705-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.4.2

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.1
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230210-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20220705-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.4.1

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.1
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230210-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20220705-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0public-domain
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 2.4.0

Included Project License
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache HTTP transport v2 for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Kafka Apache-2.0BSD-2-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.1
API Common BSD-2-Clause
AutoValue Annotations Apache-2.0
BigQuery Apache-2.0
BigQuery API v2-rev20230210-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20220705-2.0.0 Apache-2.0
Debezium Core Apache-2.0public-domain
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) BSD-2-Clause
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) BSD-2-Clause
Google APIs Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials BSD-3-Clause
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Google Cloud Core Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Core HTTP Apache-2.0
Google Cloud Storage Apache-2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Google OAuth Client Library for Java Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0
io.grpc:grpc-context Apache-2.0
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. Apache-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
OpenCensus Apache-2.0
proto-google-common-protos Apache-2.0
proto-google-iam-v1 Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
snappy-java Apache-2.0
ThreeTen backport BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMIT
ThreeTen-Extra BSD-2-Clause
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause