Third Party Libraries for VMware Tanzu GemFire Sink Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 1.0.12

Included Project License
${project.artifactId} Apache-2.0
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMITCDDL-1.1Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-Clause
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: JSR310 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-onlyLGPL-2.1-or-later
javax.resource API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0GPL-1.0-only
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-commons Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
micrometer-observation Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-2-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.11

Included Project License
${project.artifactId} Apache-2.0
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMITCDDL-1.1Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-Clause
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: Joda Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: JSR310 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-onlyLGPL-2.1-or-later
javax.resource API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0GPL-1.0-only
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-commons Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
micrometer-observation Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-2-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.10

Included Project License
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
assembly-plugin-boilerplate Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-2-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.9

Included Project License
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
assembly-plugin-boilerplate Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java CC0-1.0Apache-2.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.8

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.7

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.6

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.5

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.4

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.3

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.2

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Checker Qual MIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures Apache-2.0
Guava ListenableFuture only Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram BSD-2-ClauseCC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
Java Native Access Platform Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterApache-2.0ISCLGPL-2.1-or-later
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-Clause
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Spring Web Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.1

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode MX4J1_0MITBSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0CC0-1.0public-domain
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
Checker Qual GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Core :: HTTP Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-1.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Core :: IO Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Core :: Server EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0NCSAApache-2.0
Core :: Utilities Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionApache-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0MITEPL-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram CC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime  
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access LGPL-2.1-only
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JLine BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
SpotBugs Annotations LGPL-2.1-only
Spring AOP Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Context Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Apache-2.0
Spring Shell Apache-2.0
Spring Web Apache-2.0
ZkClient Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 1.0.0

Included Project License
Animal Sniffer Annotations MIT
AntLR BSD-3-Clause-Clear
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Validator Apache-2.0
Apache Geode MX4J1_0MITBSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0CC0-1.0public-domain
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j API Apache-2.0
Apache Log4j Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cache Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Configuration :: OGDL Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Ciphers Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Core Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Cryptography :: Hashing Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Event Apache-2.0
Apache Shiro :: Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
Checker Qual GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT
ClassGraph MIT
Commons Digester Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Confluent Server Apache-2.0
Core :: HTTP Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-1.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Core :: IO Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Core :: Server EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0NCSAApache-2.0
Core :: Utilities Apache-2.0EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionApache-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0MITEPL-1.0
error-prone annotations Apache-2.0
fastutil Apache-2.0MIT
Findbugs Annotations under Apache License Apache-2.0
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java Apache-2.0CC0-1.0
HdrHistogram CC0-1.0public-domain
istack common utility code runtime  
J2ObjC Annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Native Access LGPL-2.1-only
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.resource-api CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
javax.transaction-api CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception CDDL-1.0
JGroups Apache-2.0
JLine BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
JOpt Simple MIT
jose4j Apache-2.0
LatencyUtils CC0-1.0public-domain
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Library Apache-2.0
micrometer-core Apache-2.0
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Util] BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
RMI IO Utilites Apache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
SpotBugs Annotations LGPL-2.1-only
Spring AOP Apache-2.0
Spring Beans Apache-2.0
Spring Context Apache-2.0
Spring Core Apache-2.0
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Apache-2.0
Spring Shell Apache-2.0
Spring Web Apache-2.0
ZkClient Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause