IBM MQ Source Connector for Confluent Platform¶
The Kafka Connect IBM MQ Source Connector is used to read messages from an IBM MQ cluster and write them to a Apache Kafka® topic.
Before using this connector, consider the following:
- Confluent Platform also includes a general JMS Source connector that uses a JNDI-based mechanism to connect to the JMS broker. If you have to use JNDI to connect to your JMS broker, consider using the JMS Source connector instead.
- The 11.x version of this is connector does not support at-least-once semantics and is no longer supported. To upgrade to a 12.x version, see Migrate from 11.x to 12.x.
- You must download the IBM MQ client library JAR files to use this connector.
The IBM MQ Source connector includes the following features:
- At least once delivery
- Multiple tasks
- JMS message types
- Retries and reconnection
- Message acknowledgement
- CSFLE (Client-side field level encryption)
At least once delivery¶
This connector guarantees that records are delivered at least once to the Kafka topic. If the connector restarts, there may be some duplicate records in the Kafka topic.
Note that the IBM MQ Source connector allows you to configure a JMS destination
type of either queue
or topic
. If the connector is the only consumer
consuming from the source destination, Confluent recommends you configure the
JMS destination type. With a destination type of queue
, the
connector will deliver messages at-least-once–that is, messages will be
persisted in the queue.
If there are many consumers consuming messages from the same JMS destination,
then Confluent recommends you configure the topic
destination type as it
will broadcast messages to connector and other consumers. If you configure
, you must explicitly set the durable configuration parameter,
in the connector configuration; JMS topics don’t
persist messages unless you use a durable subscription.
Multiple tasks¶
The IBM MQ Source connector supports running one or more tasks. You can specify
the number of tasks in the tasks.max
configuration parameter. This can lead
to performance gains when multiple files need to be parsed.
JMS message types¶
The connector currently supports TextMessage and BytesMessage. The connector does not currently support ObjectMessage or StreamMessage.
Retries and reconnection¶
The IBM MQ Source connector uses the general retry policy implemented for most Confluent connectors; however, the IBM MQ Source connector uses exponential backoff after each retry attempt. The backoff time is the time between retries and is a random value between zero and the exponentially increasing bound:
initialbackoffTime * 2 ^ (retry-1)
The exponential bound is capped at one minute, and the initial backoff time is
100 milliseconds (ms). While the total amount of retries attempted is not
configurable in the IBM MQ Source connector, the maximum total time spent
retrying before failure can be configured by the max.retry.time
configuration property. The max.retry.time
configuration property sets the maximum time in milliseconds that the connector
will attempt to retry–the default value is 3600000 ms (one hour).
The following errors will trigger a retry:
With the exception of MQRC_GET_INHIBITED
, all of the above errors will first
shut down the connection and then reconnect before retrying.
Message acknowledgement¶
The IBM MQ Source connector sends an acknowledgement message when one of the following occurs:
- Message Queue (MQ) no longer has any more records.
- The
configuration limit has been breached.
To ensure each batch sends an acknowledgement, you must set batch.size
to an equal value.
CSFLE (Client-side field level encryption)¶
This connector supports the CSFLE functionality. For more information, see Manage CSFLE.
You can use this connector for a 30-day trial period without a license key.
After 30 days, you must purchase a connector subscription which includes Confluent enterprise license keys to subscribers, along with enterprise-level support for Confluent Platform and your connectors. If you are a subscriber, you can contact Confluent Support at for more information.
See Confluent license properties for license properties and information about the license topic.
Configuration Properties¶
For a complete list of configuration properties for this connector, see Configuration Reference for IBM MQ Source Connector for Confluent Platform. To understand how the connector internally configures the acknowledgement mode, see the following section.
For an example of how to get Kafka Connect connected to Confluent Cloud, see Connect Self-Managed Kafka Connect to Confluent Cloud.
Acknowledgement mode¶
The connector internally uses CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE
mode to receive and
acknowledge messages from the JMS broker. In this mode, acknowledging any
message will acknowledge every message received (see section 6.2.10 in the JMS
2.0 Specification). To prevent
messages from being prematurely acknowledged, the connector processes only one
message at time. In other words, the connector will not try to receive new
messages until the last message is committed to a Kafka topic. This might
compromise the throughput of the connector, but messages will be transferred to
Kafka successfully.
Migrate from 11.x to 12.x¶
Users who have previously deployed an 11.x version can leverage at-least-once semantics by migrating to a 12.x version using the following steps:
Step 1: Stop Connect¶
Stop Connect using the Shutting Down Kafka Connect instructions. Connect performs classloading only during worker startup. To identify any later plugins, you must restart the entire worker.
Step 2: Install a later version of IBM MQ Source connector¶
To install a later version of IBM MQ Source connector using the Confluent CLI, run a command similar to the following:
confluent connect plugin install confluentinc/kafka-connect-ibmmq:12.x
This will install the 12.x version of IBM MQ Source connector. While running the previous command, ensure you choose the option to replace the existing connector.
To install an later version of IBM MQ Source connector manually, follow the instructions in Installing plugins.
Step 3: Start Kafka Connect¶
- For standalone mode, follow the steps in Standalone Mode.
- For distributed mode, follow the steps in Distributed Mode.
- For running Kafka in production, see Running Kafka in Production.
Install the IBM MQ Source Connector¶
You can install this connector by using the Confluent Hub Client installation instructions, or by manually downloading the ZIP file.
The following are required to install and run the Connect IBM MQ Source connector:
- IBM MQ 8.0.0 or later, or IBM MQ on Cloud service.
- You must install the connector on every machine where Connect will run.
- If you want to install the connector using Confluent Hub, you must install the Confluent Hub Client. This is installed by default with Confluent Enterprise.
- An installation of the IBM MQ client library JAR files. For help with downloading the JAR files, see the Client Libraries section.
Install the connector using the Confluent CLI¶
To install the latest
connector version using Confluent Hub Client, navigate to your Confluent Platform installation directory
and run the following command:
confluent connect plugin install confluentinc/kafka-connect-ibmmq:latest
You can install a specific version by replacing latest
with a version number
as shown in the following example:
confluent connect plugin install confluentinc/kafka-connect-ibmmq:12.2.0
Install the connector manually¶
Download and extract the ZIP file for your connector and then follow the manual connector installation instructions.
Client Libraries¶
To use the Kafka Connect IBM MQ connector, you must download the IBM MQ client library JAR files. To download the required JAR files, complete the following steps:
- Follow IBM’s Getting the IBM MQ classes for Java and JMS instructions to download the IBM MQ client JAR.
- Copy only the
file into theshare/confluent-hub-components/confluentinc-kafka-connect-ibmmq/lib
directory of your Confluent Platform installation on each Connect worker node. - Restart all of the Connect worker nodes.
Connecting to IBM MQ¶
Before you can use this connector, you must install the IBM MQ client JARs into this connector’s installation directory. See the IBM MQ documentation for details.
This connector connects directly to the IBM MQ using a number of configuration properties that should match your environment.
The following example shows a typical configuration of the connector for use with distributed mode:
"name": "connector1",
"config": {
"connector.class": "",
The connector supports other configuration options not included in the example above.
This connector consumes messages from IBM MQ using the configured message selectors and writes them to a single Kafka topic. If you want to write messages to multiple topics, use a simple message transform that routes the messages based upon your criteria.
The IBM MQ connector produces messages with keys and values that adhere to the schemas described in the following sections.
This schema is used to store the incoming MessageID on the message interface. This will ensure that when that if the same message id arrives it will end up in the same partition. In practice this should never occur. The schema defines the following fields:
Name | Schema | Required | Default Value | Documentation |
messageID | STRING | yes | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSMessageID(). |
This schema is used to store the value of the JMS message. The schema defines the following fields:
Name | Schema | Required | Default Value | Documentation |
messageID | STRING | yes | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSMessageID(). | |
messageType | STRING | yes | This field stores the type of message that was received. This corresponds
to the sub-interfaces of Message.
BytesMessage =
bytes , MapMessage = map ,
ObjectMessage =
object , StreamMessage =
stream and TextMessage =
text . The corresponding field will be populated with the values from the
respective message sub-interface. |
timestamp | INT64 | yes | Data from the getJMSTimestamp() method. | |
deliveryMode | INT32 | yes | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSDeliveryMode(). method. | |
correlationID | STRING | no | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSCorrelationID(). method. | |
replyTo | Destination | no | This schema is used to represent a JMS Destination, and is either queue or topic. | |
destination | Destination | no | This schema is used to represent a JMS Destination, and is either queue or topic. | |
redelivered | BOOLEAN | yes | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSRedelivered(). | |
type | STRING | no | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSType(). | |
expiration | INT64 | no | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSExpiration(). | |
priority | INT32 | no | This field stores the value of Message.getJMSPriority(). | |
properties | Map of STRING, PropertyValue | yes | This field stores the data from all of the properties for the Message indexed by their propertyName. | |
bytes | BYTES | no | This field stores the value from BytesMessage.html.readBytes(byte[]). | |
map | Map of STRING, PropertyValue | no | This field stores the data from all of the map entries returned from MapMessage.getMapNames() for the Message indexed by their key. | |
text | STRING | no | This field stores the value from TextMessage.html.getText(). |
This schema is used to represent a JMS Destination, and is either queue or topic. The schema defines the following fields:
Name | Schema | Required | Default Value | Documentation |
destinationType | STRING | yes | The type of JMS Destination, and either queue or topic . |
name | STRING | yes | The name of the destination. This will be the value of Queue.getQueueName() or Topic.getTopicName(). |
This schema is used to store the data that is found in the properties of the
message. To ensure that the proper type mappings are preserved field
stores the value type for the field. The corresponding field in
the schema will contain the data for the property. This ensures that the data is
retrievable as the type returned by Message.getObjectProperty().
The schema defines the following fields:
Name | Schema | Required | Default Value | Documentation |
propertyType | STRING | yes | The Java type of the property on the Message. One of boolean , byte ,
short , integer , long , float , double , or string . |
boolean | BOOLEAN | no | The value stored as a boolean. Null unless propertyType is set to boolean . |
byte | INT8 | no | The value stored as a byte. Null unless propertyType is set to byte . |
short | INT16 | no | The value stored as a short. Null unless propertyType is set to short . |
integer | INT32 | no | The value stored as a integer. Null unless propertyType is set to integer . |
long | INT64 | no | The value stored as a long. Null unless propertyType is set to long . |
float | FLOAT32 | no | The value stored as a float. Null unless propertyType is set to float . |
double | FLOAT64 | no | The value stored as a double. Null unless propertyType is set to double . |
string | STRING | no | The value stored as a string. Null unless propertyType is set to string . |