Changelog for InfluxDB Source Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 1.2.10

  • CC-26614,CC-26391,CC-26390,CC-26389,CC-26829: Fixed okio-jvm, jackson-databind, kotlin-stdlib, bitbucket.b_c_jose4 CVEs

Version 1.2.9

  • CC-20540, CC-21205: Bump connect-plugins version from 0.9.4 to 0.9.15 to fix jackson-core and guava CVEs

Version 1.2.8

  • RCCA-12675: Fixed sink connector offset tracking bug due to uncertain ordering
  • MINOR: Updated Artifactory to correct URL
  • MINOR: Bumped maven-docker-plugin to fix issues in Apple M1

Version 1.2.7

  • CCLOG-2207 and CCLOG-2270: Fixed jackson-databind and InfluxDB CVEs

Version 1.2.6

  • CCLOG-1894: Migration from Confluent-log4j to reload4j to fix CVE

Version 1.2.5

  • CCLOG-2163: Redacted sensitive username from log
  • CCLOG-1889: Upgraded InfluxDB Java version to fix OkHttp vulnerabilities

Version 1.2.4

No changes

Version 1.2.3

  • RCCA-4774: Fixed source connector offset tracking for custom query

Version 1.2.2

  • CCLOG-873: Handled null valued fields in series
  • CC-14956: Upgraded InfluxDB driver to latest and then force a patch update on Kotlin dependency
  • MINOR: Updated Slack channel for notifications
  • Updated Docs URL path
  • Bumped InfluxDB client version to upgrade OkHttp dependency

Version 1.2.1

  • CCLOG-220: Updated Netty to 4.1.48.Final and resolved CVE

Version 1.2.0

  • Return null when record list is empty in poll()
  • Added support for retries in InfluxDB calls

Version 1.1.3

  • CCLOG-220: Updated Netty to 4.1.48.Final and resolved CVE

Version 1.1.2

  • Promoted connector to General Availability

Version 1.1.1-preview

  • Changed the default value of topic.mapper from ‘measurements’ to ‘db’. Replaced ‘series’ with ‘measurement’ functionally, but not removing ‘series’ as possible input.

Version 1.1.0-preview

  • Initial version for preview