Changelog for Amazon SQS Source Connector for Confluent Platform¶
Version 2.0.0¶
- CC-21187, CC-20530: Upgraded com.fasterxml.jackson.core_jackson-core to 2.15.2 and to 32.1.1-jre
- CC-21103: Upgraded to AWS SDK for Java 2.x. “sqs.credentials.provider.class” should now implement a static no-args create() method which returns AwsCredentialsProvider. The static builder() method is not supported. Please refer to understand the changes in credential providers.
- CCMSG-2224: Updated Jackson Databind to fix CVE-2022-42003 and CVE-2022-42004
- CCMSG-1954: Updated to 2.9
- Minor:Upgrade connect-commons-plugins from 0.8.12 to 0.8.13 to use backward compatible licensing jar
- Minor:Upgrade connect-commons-plugins from 0.8.11 to 0.8.12 to remove nano version
- CVE: Upgrade connect-commons-plugins from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11
- updated storage commons to fix jackson databind
- CCMSG-1652 updated to latest commons to resolve protobuf CVE
- CCLOG-870: Introduce retry counter with exponential backoff to prevent infinite retry with no backoff
- CCLOG-886: Add config validation ITs; refactor existing IT framework