The Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBrokerMetadataMetadata: Broker information
 CConfConfiguration interface
 CConsumeCbConsume callback class
 CConsumerSimple Consumer (legacy)
 CDeliveryReportCbDelivery Report callback class
 CEventEvent object class as passed to the EventCb callback
 CEventCbEvent callback class
 CHandleBase handle, super class for specific clients
 CKafkaConsumerHigh-level KafkaConsumer (for brokers 0.9 and later)
 CMessageMessage object
 CMessageTimestampMessage timestamp object
 CMetadataMetadata container
 COffsetCommitCbOffset Commit callback class
 COpenCbPortability: OpenCb callback class
 CPartitionerCbPartitioner callback class
 CPartitionerKeyPointerCbVariant partitioner with key pointer
 CPartitionMetadataMetadata: Partition information
 CQueueQueue interface
 CRebalanceCbKafkaConsunmer: Rebalance callback class
 CSocketCbPortability: SocketCb callback class
 CTopicTopic handle
 CTopicMetadataMetadata: Topic information
 Crd_kafka_err_descError code value, name and description. Typically for use with language bindings to automatically expose the full set of librdkafka error codes
 Crd_kafka_group_infoGroup information
 Crd_kafka_group_listList of groups
 Crd_kafka_group_member_infoGroup member information
 Crd_kafka_message_tA Kafka message as returned by the rd_kafka_consume*() family of functions as well as provided to the Producer dr_msg_cb()
 Crd_kafka_metadata_broker_tBroker information
 Crd_kafka_metadata_partition_tPartition information
 Crd_kafka_metadata_tMetadata container
 Crd_kafka_metadata_topic_tTopic information
 Crd_kafka_topic_partition_list_tA growable list of Topic+Partitions
 Crd_kafka_topic_partition_tTopic+Partition place holder