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Download Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform

Run the following command to download Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform:

git clone


The cp-ansible directory created with the above command must not have the world-writable permissions (777). Due to a security risk, Ansible will not load the configuration file, ansible.cfg if the file is in the world-writable directory.

If you do not use git clone, make sure the permissions setting on the cp-ansible source code is 755.

If you are not installing the latest release of Confluent Platform, check out the branch you want to install. For example, if you want to install Confluent Platform 5.5.15, check out the 5.5.15-post branch of Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform. Run the following command to check out the branch:

git checkout <release>-post

The master branch in the Ansible GitHub repot is a development branch and not meant for production deployments. Use the specific version branch for production deployments, upgrades, or testing.