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Prepare Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform

Generate an Inventory File

Before running the Ansible playbooks, you need to generate an inventory file. The inventory file provisions the hosts used for the Confluent Platform components. See Inventory basics: hosts and groups for more information about the Ansible inventory file.

To generate an inventory file, in the directory you installed Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform, copy the hosts_example.yml file onto the host running Ansible as hosts.yml.

Verify SSH to Confluent Platform hosts

To run Ansible playbooks, it is required that the Ansible bastion can reach each host over SSH. Use the following commnand to verify that Ansible can connect over SSH:

ansible -i /path/to/hosts.yml all -m ping

If ping fails, you need to set up your ssh variables. See Connecting to hosts: behavioral inventory parameters for more information about setting up ssh variables.