Migrate Confluent Platform from ZooKeeper to KRaft using Confluent for Kubernetes

Starting in the 2.8 release, Confluent for Kubernetes (CFK) supports migration from a ZooKeeper-based Confluent Platform deployment to a KRaft-based deployment.

The high-level workflow to migrate ZooKeeper to KRaft is:

  1. Review the requirements and considerations.

  2. Configure the Kafka, KRaftController, and KRaftMigration CRs.

  3. Monitor the migration progress.

  4. Select to complete the migration or to roll back to Zookeeper.

    When the migration job reaches the Dual-Write phase, the migration job waits for you to apply the annotation. You have the following options:

Migration time would be dependent on the following factors:

  • Time to take single Kafka roll multiplied by 3
  • Time to migrate metadata from ZooKeeper to KRaftController
  • Time to take the KRaftController roll

If you encounter an issue, review the Troubleshooting tips and the known issues.

Step 1: Review the requirements and considerations

  • Use one of the following CFK versions:

    • 2.8.4 or higher in the 2.8.x branch
    • 2.9.2 or higher
  • CFK only supports migration over the same Confluent Platform version of 7.6 or later.

    Migrating Confluent Platform 7.6.0 clusters is not recommended for production environments. Use Confluent Platform 7.6.1 or later version with CFK 2.8.1 or later for production environment migration.

  • The migration job, KRaftMigrationJob custom resource, does not support the Helm-based Confluent Platform. It only supports migrating the CFK-based Confluent Platform.

  • You need to upgrade Confluent Platform first before running the migration.

    You cannot upgrade of Confluent Platform version and migrate ZooKeeper to KRaft at the same time.

  • To prevent unwanted modification to ZooKeeper, Kafka, and KRaft during and after migration, the migration job puts locks on ZooKeeper, Kafka, and KRaft resources.

    This lock is only enforceable for the CFK deployments with webhooks enabled.

    If you are migrating a deployment that does not have the webhooks enabled, make sure no other actor, for example, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools such as gitOps, FluxCD, is updating/deleting ZooKeeper, Kafka, and KRaft resources while migration is in progress.

    You need to manually remove the lock at the end of the migration after validating a successful migration. For details, see the following migration steps.

  • You can upgrade from ZooKeeper to KRaft in the isolated mode with separate KRaft controller nodes and broker nodes.

    You cannot migrate to the combined mode where KRaft and brokers are on the same process (role=controller, broker).

  • ACL is migrated from ZooKeeper to KRaft.

  • Automatic migration from ZooKeeper to KRaft is not supported in multi-region cluster deployments.

  • CFK does not support rolling back to the ZooKeeper mode once migration to the KRaft mode is triggered.

  • CFK supports ZooKeeper migration of the brokers that use multiple log directories (JBOD). JBOD is in Early Access in Kafka 3.7 which is part of the Confluent Platform 7.7 release.

  • CFK does not automatically delete the ZooKeeper cluster after migration.

    You can delete the ZooKeeper cluster when you verify that it is not used for any other Kafka cluster.

Step 2: Configure the custom resources for migration

To migrate a ZooKeeper-based Confluent Platform deployment to a KRaft-based deployment, use the KRaftMigrationJob custom resource (CR) and follow the steps below.


When you use CFK to migrate from ZooKeeper to KRaft, CFK automatically fetches the Kafka cluster id. You do not need to manually perform the step described in the manual Confluent Platform migration process.

For an example tutorial of the migration process, see the CFK example GitHub repo.

  1. Set the Kafka inter-broker protocol version if needed.

    By default, CFK uses the inter-broker protocol (IBP) version of 3.6 in the ZooKeeper to KRaft migration workflow.

    When migrating a Confluent Platform version higher than 7.6, set the corresponding IBP version in the Kafka CR. To get the IBP, refer to the table in Confluent Platform upgrade guide. For example, to migrate a Confluent Platform deployment of version 7.8 from ZooKeeper to KRaft, set the IBP version to the corresponding 3.8 as below:

    kind: Kafka
        "platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-ibp-version": "3.8"
  2. Create a KRaftController CR as following and apply the KRaftController CR.

    1. Configure the KRaftController CR to reflect the desired state post-migration.

      The migration does not automatically inherit previous configurations present in ZooKeeper. For example. if RBAC is enabled on the cluster before migration, then create the KRaftController CR with RBAC configuration as shown in the following sample CR:

      kind: KRaftController
          - User:kafka
          type: rbac
                secretRef: kraftcontroller-credential
              type: plain
            bootstrapEndpoint: kafka.confluent.svc.cluster.local:9071
              enabled: true
    2. Add the migration-related annotation.

      This migration annotation indicates CFK to wait for KRaftMigrationJob to modify KRaftController CR with migration configurations and then create the KRaftController pods.

      kind: KRaftController
          platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-hold-krc-creation: "true"

      An example KRaftController CR:

      kind: KRaftController
        name: kraftcontroller
        namespace: confluent
          platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-hold-krc-creation: "true"
        dataVolumeCapacity: 10G
          application: docker.io/confluentinc/cp-server:7.8.0
          init: confluentinc/confluent-init-container:2.10.0
        replicas: 3
  3. Create a KRaftMigrationJob CR and apply the CR to kick off the migration process.

    kind: KRaftMigrationJob
        zookeeper:         # provide ZK clusterRef
        kRaftController:   # provide KRaftController clusterRef
        kafka:             # provide Kafka clusterRef

    For example:

    kind: KRaftMigrationJob
      name: kraftmigrationjob
      namespace: confluent
          name: kafka
          namespace: confluent
          name: zookeeper
          namespace: confluent
          name: kraftcontroller
          namespace: confluent

Step 3: Monitor migration progress

To track the phases and the progress, run the following commands as soon as the migration is started. The commands will continuously print outputs to your terminal as they are generated, so run the commands in separate shell windows.

kubectl get kraftmigrationjob <migration job name> -n <namespace> -oyaml -w

Review the CFK log and look for the migration phases/subphases to understand which phase the migration job is in.

kubectl logs <CFK-pod-name> -f -n <namespace>

Note that Kubernetes does not keep the logs of restarted pods.

Step 4: Select to move to KRaft-only deployment

The migration job status shows a message:

KRaft migration workflow is in dual write mode.

At this point, Confluent Platform is in DUAL-WRITE phase (Metadata being copied to both ZooKeeper and KRaft controller), and the migration job waits for your input to move to the KRaft only mode or to roll back to ZooKeeper.

Take the following steps to proceed:

  1. To move to KRaft only deployment, check the logs and validate that all data has been migrated without any loss. You can use the following command:

    kubectl logs -f -c=kraftcontroller --selector app=kraftcontroller -n <namespace> | grep "Completed migration of metadata from ZooKeeper to KRaft"
  2. If validation passes and you wish to complete the migration process, apply the platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-trigger-finalize-to-kraft annotation to the migration job CR.

    kubectl annotate kraftmigrationjob <migration job name> \
      platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-trigger-finalize-to-kraft=true \
      --namespace <namespace>

    The migration job moves to the MoveToKRaftControllerOnly phase.

  3. Alternatively, if validation fails, you can roll back to using Zookeeper cluster.


    Rollback can only be done till the cluster is in the Dual-Write mode, up to this point. Since the data in ZooKeeper is still consistent with that of the KRaft metadata log, it is still possible to revert back to ZooKeeper. Once you take the KRaft controller out of the migration mode and restart Kafka in KRaft mode, you can no longer roll back to ZooKeeper mode.

Step 5: Perform post-migration tasks

After the migration job completes, you need to manually perform the following tasks:

  1. Remove the lock that the migration job placed on the resources.

    The migration job locks the Kafka, ZooKeeper, and KRaft resources on initialization of migration workflow.

    When migration is completed, status message will prompt you to:

    Remove the lock using the platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-release-cr-lock annotation.

    kubectl annotate kraftmigrationjob <migration job name> \
      platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-release-cr-lock=true \
      --namespace <namespace>
  2. The migration job modifies the yaml representation of Kafka and KRaft CRs. Download the modified Kafka and KRaft CRs to update your CI/CD as necessary.

    For example:

    kubectl get kafka <Kafka CR name> -n <namespace> -oyaml > updated_kafka.yaml
    kubectl get kraftcontroller <KRaftcontroller CR name> -n <namespace> -oyaml > updated_kraftcontroller.yaml
  3. After migration completes and after you verify that it is not used for any other Kafka cluster, remove the ZooKeeper cluster.

    kubectl delete -f <Zookeeper CR>

Roll back to ZooKeeper

If the migration fails, you can roll back to the ZooKeeper cluster in the migration process prior to taking the KRaft controllers out of the migration mode. Up to that point, the controller makes dual writes to KRaft and ZooKeeper. Since the data in ZooKeeper is still consistent with that of the KRaft metadata log, it is still possible to revert back to ZooKeeper.

To roll back to ZooKeeper:

  1. Apply the platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-trigger-rollback-to-zk annotation to the migration job.

    kubectl annotate kraftmigrationjob <migration job name> \
      platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-trigger-rollback-to-zk=true --overwrite \
      --namespace <namespace>
  2. Remove the controller, controller_epoch, and migration nodes.

    When you get the status message to delete the controller nodes from ZooKeeper, run the following commands:

    zookeeper-shell <zkhost:zkport> deleteall <kafka-cr-name>-<kafka-cr-namespace>/controller
    zookeeper-shell <zkhost:zkport> deleteall <kafka-cr-name>-<kafka-cr-namespace>/controller_epoch
    zookeeper-shell <zkhost:zkport> deleteall <kafka-cr-name>-<kafka-cr-namespace>/migration
  3. Trigger node removal process.

    kubectl annotate kraftmigrationjob <migration job name> \
      platform.confluent.io/continue-kraft-migration-post-zk-node-removal=true \
      --overwrite \
      --namespace <namespace>

Migration phases and sub-phases

This section describes the phases and sub-phases in the ZooKeeper to KRaft migration. Use the information to follow the progress. In case of an error, you can use the information in the CFK log to troubleshoot at which phase, the migration job runs into an issue.

Review the CFK log and look for the migration phase/subphase to understand which phase the migration job is in.

The ZooKeeper to KRaft migration process includes the following phases:

  1. SETUP
  4. MoveToKRaft or RollbackToZk

Migration phase: SETUP

When the migration job is in the SETUP phase, the log will have the status, Migration current status SETUP/<sub-phase>. For example:

Migration current status SETUP/SubPhaseSetupAddMigrationAnnotation:

CFK performs the following tasks at each sub-phase during the SETUP phase:

  1. SubPhaseSetupAddMigrationAnnotation: Adds the platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-cr-lock annotation to the ZooKeeper, Kafka, and KRaft controller CRs.
  2. SubPhaseSetupCheckHealthyKafka: Ensures Kafka is running healthy.
  3. SubPhaseSetupCheckKafkaVersion: Ensures Kafka version is 7.6.0 or higher.
  4. SubPhaseSetupEnsureKRaftControllerExists: Ensure KRaftController is present in the hold state. KRaftController created with the platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-hold-krc-creation annotation does’t come alive until CFK removes the annotation later, at SubPhaseSetupMutateKRaftController.
  5. SubPhaseSetupTriggerIBPUpgrade: Upgrades inter.broker.protocol.version to 3.5.
  6. SubPhaseSetupEnsureIBPUpgradeComplete: Waits for Kafka roll to get complete after inter.broker.protocol.version was upgraded in the previous sub-phase.
  7. SubPhaseSetupFetchKafkaClusterId: Fetches the Kafka Cluster ID from Jolokia Endpoint in Kafka Cluster.
  8. SubPhaseSetupFetchKafkaZookeeperEndpoint: Fetches the ZooKeeper endpoint from the Kafka CR Status.
  9. SubPhaseSetupMutateKRaftController:
    • Removes the hold annotation, platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-hold-krc-creation.
    • Supplies the Kafka Cluster ID from previous step, so that the bootstrapped cluster has the same cluster ID.
    • Adds migration configuration.
  10. SubPhaseSetupKRaftControllerHealthy: Waits for KRaftController to become healthy.
  11. SubPhaseSetupCheckKraftControllerVersion: Validates if KRaftController version is 7.6 or higher.
  12. SubPhaseSetupComplete: Marks the completion of the SETUP phase.

Migration phase: MIGRATE

When the migration job is in the MIGRATE phase, the log will have the status, Migration current status MIGRATE/<sub-phase>. For example:

Migration current status MIGRATE/SubPhaseMigrateEnsureKafkaRollComplete:

CFK performs the following tasks at each sub-phase during the MIGRATE phase:

  1. SubPhaseMigrateTriggerKafkaMigration: Following configs gets added at this phase.
    • Migration configurations
    • KRaft reference
  2. SubPhaseMigrateEnsureKafkaRollComplete: Wait for the Kafka roll to complete.
  3. SubPhaseMigrateMonitorMigrationProgress: Monitors the migration progress, and checks if it reaches DUAL-WRITE mode.
  4. SubPhaseMigrateDualWrite: Marks the completion of Migration phase.

Migration phase: DUAL-WRITE

The DUAL-WRITE phase doesn’t have any sub-phases.

The migration job status shows a message:

KRaft migration workflow is in dual write mode.

At this point, Confluent Platform is in DUAL-WRITE state (Metadata being copied to both ZooKeeper and KRaft controller), the migration job waits for your input to move to the KRaft only mode or to roll back to ZooKeeper.

When you apply the desired annotation, platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-trigger-finalize-to-kraft or platform.confluent.io/kraft-migration-trigger-rollback-to-zk, the migration job moves to the MoveToKRaftControllerOnly or RollbackToZk phase phase.

Migration Phase: MoveToKRaftControllerOnly

When the migration job is in the MoveToKRaftControllerOnly phase, the log will have the status, Migration current status SETUP/<sub-phase>. For example:

Migration current status MoveToKRaftControllerOnly/SubPhaseMoveToKRaftControllerEnsureKafkaRollIsComplete:

The migration job performs the following tasks at each sub-phase during the MoveToKRaftControllerOnly phase:

  1. SubPhaseMoveToKRaftControllerTriggerZkRemoval: Removes ZooKeeper dependency from Kafka.
  2. SubPhaseMoveToKRaftControllerEnsureKafkaRollIsComplete: Waits for Kafka roll to finish.
  3. SubPhaseMoveToKRaftControllerTriggerKRaftControllerMigrationModeRemoval: Triggers migration config removal from KRaftControllers.
  4. SubPhaseMoveToKRaftControllerEnsureKRaftControllerMigrationModeRemovalComplete: Waits for KRaftController roll to get completed.
  5. SubPhaseMoveToKRaftControllerComplete: Marks completion of the migration.

Migration Phase: RollbackToZk

To roll back to ZooKeeper, the migration job performs the following tasks at each sub-phase during the RollbackToZK phase:

  1. SubPhaseRollbackToZkMakeProcessRoleEmpty: Removes process.roles properties from Kafka.

  2. SubPhaseRollbackToZkEnsureKafkaRollIsComplete: Ensures Kafka roll is complete.

  3. SubPhaseRollbackToZkWaitForManualNodeRemovalFromZk: Waits for a manual removal for ZooKeeper controller node.

    When you remove the controller, controller_epoch, and migration nodes and trigger node removal process as described in the second and third steps in Roll back to ZooKeeper, the migration moves to the next sub-phase.

  4. SubPhaseRollbackToZkRemoveKRaftControllerDepsInKafka: Removes KRaft dependency from Kafka.

  5. SubPhaseRollbackToZkEnsureKafkaRollIsComplete2: Ensures Kafka roll is complete.

  6. SubPhaseRollbackToZkAddClusterMetadataCleanUpAnnotationInKafka: Adds platform.confluent.io/format-cluster-metadata-in-kafka annotation which directs the init container to remove cluster_metadata directory /mnt/data/data0/logs/__cluster_metadata in Kafka.

  7. SubPhaseRollbackToZkEnsureKafkaRollIsComplete3: Ensures Kafka roll is complete.

  8. SubPhaseRollbackToZkRemoveClusterMetadataCleanUpAnnotationInKafka: Removes platform.confluent.io/format-cluster-metadata-in-kafka.

  9. SubPhaseRollbackToZkEnsureKafkaRollIsComplete4: Ensures Kafka roll is complete.

  10. SubPhaseRollbackToZkComplete: Marks completion of rollback to ZooKeeper.

Migration phase: COMPLETE

The final phase of the ZooKeeper to KRaft migration has the one of the following status:


    This is the final phase and it doesn’t have any sub-phase associated with this phase.


    This is the failure phase, if the migration sees a non recoverable error.

Troubleshoot ZooKeeper to KRaft migration issues

The following is a list of tasks you can perform to troubleshoot issues during a migration:

  • Collect the support bundle when the migration job is stuck.

  • Get the output of the command, if possible:

    kubectl get kraftmigrationjob <migration job name> \
      -n <namespace> \
      -oyaml > kraftmigrationjob.yaml
  • Enable debug logging for CFK if there is not enough logs available in the CFK log to troubleshoot the migration issue.

  • Look in the CFK log that confirms when the migration job is started. For example:

    2024-10-15T19:52:31.435Z  INFO  kraftmigrationjob log/log.go:31
    Migration current status SETUP/SubPhaseSetupAddMigrationAnnotation: <nil>, requeuing ...  {"name": "kraftmigrationjob", "namespace": "intellimine-otp"
  • Understand the phase/subphase flow and the log message in the CFK log. For example:

    2024-10-15T18:42:56.734Z  INFO     kraftmigrationjob  log/log.go:31
    Migration current status MIGRATE/SubPhaseMigrateEnsureKafkaRollComplete: <nil>, requeuing ...{"name": "kraftmigrationjob", "namespace": "intellimine-otp"}
    2024-10-15T18:42:56.740Z  INFO     kraftmigrationjob  log/log.go:31
    Migration current status MIGRATE/SubPhaseMigrateEnsureKafkaRollComplete: kafka [kafka] in namespace [intellimine-otp] roll not complete yet, requeuing {"name": "kraftmigrationjob", "namespace": "intellimine-otp"}
  • To help with debugging, enable TRACE level logging for metadata migration:

    log4j.logger.org.apache.kafka.metadata.migration=TRACE, stdout
  • Check if you are running into a known issue.

Known issues in KRaft migration

Issue: Migration fails in FIPS mode in CFK 2.8.x

The migration job fails if FIPS is enabled in the Confluent Platform deployment.

Workaround: Disable FIPS, migrate to KRaft, and re-enable FIPS.

Fixed Version: This issue is fixed in CFK 2.9.0.

Issue: A Kafka pod is stuck during the rollback to ZooKeeper phase

In the rollback to ZooKeeper process, a Kafka pod is stuck on the first restart with an error message that a topic was not found.

Workaround: None.

Fixed Version: This issue is fixed in CFK 2.9.0.

Issue: During rollback to ZooKeeper, ZooKeeper nodes cannot be deleted

During the rollback to ZooKeeper phase, the KRaftMigrationJob is stuck with the error message that the ZooKeeper nodes cannot be deleted.

Failed to delete some node(s) in the subtree!

Solution: Provide the required TLS certificates using the zookeeper-shell or zkcli tool. After giving the right permission to the ZooKeeper, you will be able to complete the rollback process.

Fixed Version: This issue is fixed in CFK 2.9.0.