Enum | Description |
RecordDeserializationException.DeserializationExceptionOrigin |
Exception | Description |
ApiException |
Any API exception that is part of the public protocol and should be a subclass of this class and be part of this
AuthenticationException |
This exception indicates that SASL authentication has failed.
AuthenticationTimeoutException |
AuthenticationTimeoutException represents that an asynchronous authentication did not execute
within its timeout threshold and threw an error.
AuthorizationException | |
AuthorizerNotReadyException |
An exception that indicates that the authorizer is not ready to receive the request yet.
BalanceCannotBeImprovedException |
Thrown when the Confluent Balancer is detecting goal violation but is unable to fix it.
BalancerBrokerExcludedForReplicaPlacementException |
Thrown when a Confluent Balancer operation is rendered invalid because of a replica exclusion placed on a broker.
BalancerJbodEnabledMisconfigurationException |
Thrown when the Confluent Balancer is not able to start because JBOD is enabled for the cluster.
BalancerLoadError |
Thrown when the Confluent Balancer plugin cannot be loaded.
BalancerMisconfigurationException | |
BalancerOfflineException |
Thrown when the Confluent Balancer component is not ready to process requests, either because it is not enabled
or because it has not managed to start yet.
BalancerOperationFailedException |
A general exception for any failure related to a user-initiated Confluent Balancer operation
BrokerAdditionInProgressException |
Thrown if a broker addition request for a specific broker/s is currently being executed.
BrokerFailureFixInProgressException |
Thrown if there are dead brokers in the cluster and balancer is working on fixing it.
BrokerIdNotRegisteredException | |
BrokerNotAvailableException | |
BrokerRegistrationDoesNotContainActiveSecretException | |
BrokerRemovalCanceledException |
Thrown if a broker removal request for the specific broker was canceled.
BrokerRemovalInProgressException |
Thrown if a broker removal request for the specific broker is currently being executed
BrokerRemovedException |
Thrown if a broker removal request for the specific broker has been previously completed
BrokerReplicaExclusionNotFoundException |
Thrown when the replica exclusion was not found, typically during an attempt to delete it
CellNotFoundException | |
ClusterAuthorizationException |
Exception indicates authorization failure to perform cluster link operations.
ClusterLinkDisabledException |
Exception indicates that the cluster link is disabled.
ClusterLinkExistsException |
Indicates that the link name for the cluster link creation already exists.
ClusterLinkInUseException |
Indicates that the cluster link could not be deleted because it is currently
in use by one or more services.
ClusterLinkNotFoundException |
Indicates that the cluster link for the given link name was not found.
ClusterLinkPausedException |
Indicates that the cluster link is paused and therefore should not be operated on.
ConcurrentTransactionsException | |
ControllerMovedException | |
ControllerRegistrationDoesNotContainActiveSecretException | |
CoordinatorLoadInProgressException |
In the context of the group coordinator, the broker returns this error code for any coordinator request if
it is still loading the group metadata (e.g.
CoordinatorNotAvailableException |
In the context of the group coordinator, the broker returns this error code for metadata or offset commit
requests if the group metadata topic has not been created yet.
CorruptRecordException |
This exception indicates a record has failed its internal CRC check, this generally indicates network or disk
DelegationTokenAuthorizationException | |
DelegationTokenDisabledException | |
DelegationTokenExpiredException | |
DelegationTokenNotFoundException | |
DelegationTokenOwnerMismatchException | |
DemotionLimitReachedException | |
DisconnectException |
Server disconnected before a request could be completed.
DuplicateBrokerRegistrationException | |
DuplicateResourceException |
Exception thrown due to a request that illegally refers to the same resource twice
(for example, trying to both create and delete the same SCRAM credential for a particular user in a single request).
DuplicateSequenceException | |
DuplicateVoterException | |
ElectionNotNeededException | |
EligibleLeadersNotAvailableException | |
EvenClusterLoadTaskInProgressException |
Thrown if an even cluster load request for the cluster is currently in progress.
FeatureUpdateFailedException | |
FencedInstanceIdException | |
FencedLeaderEpochException |
The request contained a leader epoch which is smaller than that on the broker that received the
FencedMemberEpochException | |
FencedReplicationSessionIdException |
This exception indicates that the leader sent a replication request with a stale replication session ID.
FencedStateEpochException |
Thrown when the share coordinator rejected the request because the share-group state epoch did not match.
FetchSessionIdNotFoundException | |
FetchSessionTopicIdException | |
GroupAuthorizationException | |
GroupIdNotFoundException | |
GroupMaxSizeReachedException |
Indicates that a consumer group is already at its configured maximum capacity and cannot accommodate more members
GroupNotEmptyException | |
GroupSubscribedToTopicException | |
IllegalGenerationException | |
IllegalSaslStateException |
This exception indicates unexpected requests prior to SASL authentication.
InconsistentClusterIdException | |
InconsistentGroupProtocolException | |
InconsistentTopicIdException | |
InconsistentVoterSetException | |
IneligibleReplicaException | |
InsufficientDataForCellLoadComputationException | |
InsufficientRebalancePlanMetricsException |
Thrown when the cluster does not have enough metrics to compute a rebalance plan for removing
a broker.
InterruptException |
An unchecked wrapper for InterruptedException
InvalidBrokerRemovalException |
An exception thrown when the requested broker removal operation is invalid.
InvalidBrokerReplicaExclusionException |
Thrown when the replica exclusion fails for whatever reason
InvalidClusterLinkException |
Indicates that an invalid cluster link name was provided.
InvalidCommitOffsetSizeException | |
InvalidConfigurationException | |
InvalidFetchSessionEpochException | |
InvalidFetchSizeException | |
InvalidGroupIdException | |
InvalidMetadataException |
An exception that may indicate the client's metadata is out of date
InvalidOffsetException |
Thrown when the offset for a set of partitions is invalid (either undefined or out of range),
and no reset policy has been configured.
InvalidPartitionsException | |
InvalidPidMappingException | |
InvalidPrincipalTypeException | |
InvalidProducerEpochException |
This exception indicates that the produce request sent to the partition leader
contains a non-matching producer epoch.
InvalidRecordStateException |
Thrown when the acknowledgement of delivery of a record could not be completed because the record
state is invalid.
InvalidRegistrationException |
Thrown when a broker registration request is considered invalid by the controller.
InvalidReplicaAssignmentException | |
InvalidReplicationFactorException | |
InvalidReplicationOffsetException |
This exception indicates that the partition leader sent a replication request with a message offset
that does not match the follower's LogEndOffset.
InvalidRequestException |
Thrown when a request breaks basic wire protocol rules.
InvalidRequiredAcksException | |
InvalidSessionTimeoutException | |
InvalidShareSessionEpochException |
Thrown when the share session epoch is invalid.
InvalidTimestampException |
Indicate the timestamp of a record is invalid.
InvalidTopicException |
The client has attempted to perform an operation on an invalid topic.
InvalidTxnStateException | |
InvalidTxnTimeoutException |
The transaction coordinator returns this error code if the timeout received via the InitProducerIdRequest is larger than
the `transaction.max.timeout.ms` config value.
InvalidUpdateVersionException | |
InvalidVoterKeyException | |
KafkaStorageException |
Miscellaneous disk-related IOException occurred when handling a request.
KafkaStorageMetadataCorruptionException |
Checksum validation of FTPS file fails/(yields IOException) during broker startup.
LeaderNotAvailableException |
There is no currently available leader for the given partition (either because a leadership election is in progress
or because all replicas are down).
ListenerNotFoundException |
The leader does not have an endpoint corresponding to the listener on which metadata was requested.
LogDirNotFoundException |
Thrown when a request is made for a log directory that is not present on the broker
MemberIdRequiredException | |
MetadataNotAvailableException |
An exception that indicates that metadata is not available.
MismatchedEndpointTypeException | |
MultiChecksumTypeException | |
NetworkException |
A misc.
NewLeaderElectedException | |
NoReassignmentInProgressException |
Thrown if a reassignment cannot be cancelled because none is in progress.
NotControllerException | |
NotCoordinatorException |
In the context of the group coordinator, the broker returns this error code if it receives an offset fetch
or commit request for a group it's not the coordinator of.
NotEnoughReplicasAfterAppendException |
Number of insync replicas for the partition is lower than min.insync.replicas This exception is raised when the low
ISR size is discovered *after* the message was already appended to the log.
NotEnoughReplicasException |
Number of insync replicas for the partition is lower than min.insync.replicas
NotLeaderForPartitionException | Deprecated
since 2.6.
NotLeaderOrFollowerException |
Broker returns this error if a request could not be processed because the broker is not the leader
or follower for a topic partition.
OffsetMetadataTooLarge |
The client has tried to save its offset with associated metadata larger than the maximum size allowed by the server.
OffsetMovedToTieredStorageException | |
OffsetNotAvailableException |
Indicates that the leader is not able to guarantee monotonically increasing offsets
due to the high watermark lagging behind the epoch start offset after a recent leader election
OffsetOutOfRangeException |
No reset policy has been defined, and the offsets for these partitions are either larger or smaller
than the range of offsets the server has for the given partition.
OffsetTieredException | |
OperationNotAttemptedException |
Indicates that the broker did not attempt to execute this operation.
OtherChecksumTypeException | |
OutOfOrderSequenceException |
This exception indicates that the broker received an unexpected sequence number from the producer,
which means that data may have been lost.
PolicyViolationException |
Exception thrown if a create topics request does not satisfy the configured policy for a topic.
PositionOutOfRangeException | |
PreferredLeaderNotAvailableException | |
PrincipalDeserializationException |
Exception used to indicate a kafka principal deserialization failure during request forwarding.
ProducerFencedException |
This fatal exception indicates that another producer with the same
transactional.id has been
started. |
PushReplicationStartedException |
This exception may be returned by leader in the fetch response, which indicates
that the leader has switched to the push replication mode for the partition
QuotaEntityNotFoundException | |
ReassignmentInProgressException |
Thrown if a request cannot be completed because a partition reassignment is in progress.
RebalanceInProgressDuringPlanComputationException |
Reassigning partitions were detected while a rebalance plan was being computed, leaving it invalid.
RebalanceInProgressException | |
RebalancePlanComputationException |
An error occurred while computing an SBC rebalance plan.
RecordBatchTooLargeException |
This record batch is larger than the maximum allowable size
RecordDeserializationException |
This exception is raised for any error that occurs while deserializing records received by the consumer using
the configured
Deserializer . |
RecordTooLargeException |
This record is larger than the maximum allowable size
ReplicaNotAvailableException |
The replica is not available for the requested topic partition.
ResourceNotFoundException |
Exception thrown due to a request for a resource that does not exist.
RetriableException |
A retriable exception is a transient exception that if retried may succeed.
SaslAuthenticationException |
This exception indicates that SASL authentication has failed.
SecretsLogFailedException | |
SecurityDisabledException |
An error indicating that security is disabled on the broker.
SerializationException |
Any exception during serialization in the producer
ShareSessionNotFoundException |
Thrown when the share session was not found.
SnapshotNotFoundException | |
SslAuthenticationException |
This exception indicates that SSL handshake has failed.
StaleBrokerEpochException | |
StaleMemberEpochException |
The StaleMemberEpochException is used in the context of the new
consumer group protocol (KIP-848).
TelemetryTooLargeException |
This exception indicates that the size of the telemetry metrics data is too large.
TenantNotFoundException | |
ThrottlingQuotaExceededException |
Exception thrown if an operation on a resource exceeds the throttling quota.
TimeoutException |
Indicates that a request timed out.
TopicAuthorizationException | |
TopicDeletionDisabledException | |
TopicExistsException | |
TransactionAbortableException | |
TransactionAbortedException |
This is the Exception thrown when we are aborting any undrained batches during
a transaction which is aborted without any underlying cause - which likely means that the user chose to abort.
TransactionalIdAuthorizationException | |
TransactionalIdNotFoundException | |
TransactionCoordinatorFencedException | |
UnacceptableCredentialException |
Exception thrown when attempting to define a credential that does not meet the criteria for acceptability
(for example, attempting to create a SCRAM credential with an empty username or password or too few/many iterations).
UnknownControllerIdException | |
UnknownLeaderEpochException |
The request contained a leader epoch which is larger than that on the broker that received the
UnknownMemberIdException | |
UnknownProducerIdException |
This exception is raised by the broker if it could not locate the producer metadata associated with the producerId
in question.
UnknownServerException |
An error occurred on the server for which the client doesn't have a corresponding error code.
UnknownSubscriptionIdException |
This exception indicates that the client sent an invalid or outdated SubscriptionId
UnknownTopicIdException | |
UnknownTopicOrPartitionException |
This topic/partition doesn't exist.
UnreleasedInstanceIdException | |
UnrepresentableBrokerIdException |
Thrown when the given broker ID is not representable (e.g a negative number)
UnstableOffsetCommitException |
Exception thrown when there are unstable offsets for the requested topic partitions.
UnsupportedAssignorException | |
UnsupportedByAuthenticationException |
Authentication mechanism does not support the requested function.
UnsupportedCompressionTypeException |
The requesting client does not support the compression type of given partition.
UnsupportedEndpointTypeException | |
UnsupportedForMessageFormatException |
The message format version does not support the requested function.
UnsupportedSaslMechanismException |
This exception indicates that the SASL mechanism requested by the client
is not enabled on the broker.
UnsupportedVersionException |
Indicates that a request API or version needed by the client is not supported by the broker.
VoterNotFoundException | |
WakeupException |
Exception used to indicate preemption of a blocking operation by an external thread.