Mask Fields in a Table with Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink®️ enables generating a topic that contains masked fields from an input topic with only a few clicks.

In this guide, you create a Flink table and apply the Mask Fields action to generate a topic that has user names masked out, by using a preconfigured regular expression. The Mask Fields action creates a Flink SQL statement for you, but no knowledge of Flink SQL is required to use it.

This guide shows the following steps:


  • Access to Confluent Cloud.
  • The OrganizationAdmin, EnvironmentAdmin, or FlinkAdmin role for creating compute pools, or the FlinkDeveloper role if you already have a compute pool. If you don’t have the appropriate role, contact your OrganizationAdmin or EnvironmentAdmin. For more information, see Grant Role-Based Access in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink.
  • A provisioned Flink compute pool.

Step 1: Inspect the example stream

In this step, you query the read-only customers table in the examples.marketplace database to inspect the stream for fields that you can mask.

  1. Log in to Confluent Cloud and navigate to your Flink workspace.

  2. In the Use catalog dropdown, select your environment.

  3. In the Use database dropdown, select your Kafka cluster.

  4. Run the following statement to inspect the example customers stream.

    SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.customers;

    Your output should resemble:

    customer_id name                  address                  postcode city              email
    3134        Dr. Andrew Terry      45488 Eileen Walk        78690    Latoyiaberg
    3243        Miss Shelby Lueilwitz 199 Bernardina Brook     79991    Johnburgh         dominick.oconner@hotmail.c…
    3027        Korey Hand            655 Murray Turnpike      08917    Port Sukshire

Step 2: Create a source table

In the step, you create a customers_source table for the data from the example customers stream. You use the INSERT INTO FROM SELECT statement to populate the table with streaming data.

  1. Run the following statement to register the customers_source table. Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink creates a backing Kafka topic that has the same name automatically.

    -- Register a customers source table.
    CREATE TABLE customers_source (
      customer_id INT NOT NULL,
      name STRING,
      address STRING,
      postcode STRING,
      city STRING,
      email STRING,
      PRIMARY KEY(`customer_id`) NOT ENFORCED
  2. Run the following statement to populate the customers_source table with data from the example customers stream.

    -- Persistent query to stream data from
    -- the customers example stream to the
    -- customers_source table.
    INSERT INTO customers_source(
    SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.customers;
  3. Run the following statement to inspect the customers_source table.

    SELECT * FROM customers_source;

    Your output should resemble:

    customer_id name                  address                  postcode city              email
    3088        Phil Grimes          07738 Zieme Court        84845    Port Dillontown
    3022        Jeana Gaylord        021 Morgan Drives        35160    West Celena
    3097        Lily Ryan            671 Logan Throughway     58261    Dickinsonburgh

Step 3: Apply the Mask Fields action

In the previous step, you created a Flink table that had rows with customer names, which might be confidential data. In this step, you apply the Mask Fields action to create an output table that has the contents of the name field masked.

  1. Navigate to the Environments page, and in the navigation menu, click Data portal.

  2. In the Data portal page, click the dropdown menu and select the environment for your workspace.

  3. In the Recently created section, find your customers_source topic and click it to open the details pane.

  4. Click Actions, and in the Actions list, click Mask fields to open the Mask fields dialog.

  5. In the Field to mask dropdown, select name.

  6. In the Regex for name dropdown, select Word characters.

  7. In the Runtime configuration section, either select an existing service account or create a new service account for the current action.


    The service you select must have the EnvironmentAdmin role to create topics, schemas, and run Flink statements.

  8. Optionally, click the Show SQL toggle to view the statements that the action will run.

    The code resembles:

    CREATE TABLE `<your-environment>`.`<your-kafka-cluster>`.`customers_source_mask`
      LIKE `<your-environment>`.`<your-kafka-cluster>`.`customers_source`
    INSERT INTO `<your-environment>`.`<your-kafka-cluster>`.`customers_source_mask` SELECT
      REGEXP_REPLACE(`name`, '(\w)', '*') as `name`,
    FROM `<your-environment>`.`<your-kafka-cluster>`.`customers_source`;
  9. Click Confirm.

    The action runs the CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO statements. These statements register the customers_source_mask table and populate it with rows from the customers_source table. The strings in the name column are masked by the REGEXP_REPLACE function.

Step 4: Inspect the output table

The statements that were generated by the Mask Fields action created an output table named customers_source_mask. In this step, you query the output table to see the masked field values.

  • Return to your workspace and run the following command to inspect the customers_source_mask output table.

    SELECT * FROM customers_source_mask;

    Your output should resemble:

    customer_id name                 address                postcode city              email
    3104        **** *** ******      342 Odis Hollow        27615    West Florentino   bryce.hodkiewicz@hotmail.c…
    3058        **** ******* ******  33569 Turner Glens     14107    Schummchester
    3138        **** ****** ******** 944 Elden Walks        39293    New Ernestbury

Step 5: Stop the persistent query

The INSERT INTO statement that was created by the Mask Fields action runs continuously until you stop it manually. Free resources in your compute pool by deleting the long-running statement.

  1. Navigate to the Flink page in your environment and click Flink statements.
  2. In the statements list, find the statement that has a status of Running.
  3. In the Actions column, click and select Delete statement.
  4. In the Confirm statement deletion dialog, copy and paste the statment name and click Confirm.