Configure Authorization for Confluent Platform with Ansible Playbooks

Role-based access control

You can use Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform (Confluent Ansible) to configure role-based access control (RBAC). The Kafka broker hosts will be configured as the Metadata Service (MDS) hosts.

By default, there are two Kafka listeners: one for inter-broker communication and one for the Confluent Platform components. However, the component listener uses an authentication mode unsupported for external clients, and it is recommended that you configure at least one additional listener for your Kafka clients. See Configure listeners for details.

Do NOT customize the listener named internal when configuring RBAC.

Role-based access control using OAuth/OIDC

Open Authorization (OAuth) 2.0 is an open-standard authorization protocol that provides applications the ability for securely designated access. You can leverage your own identity provider and centralize identity management across your Confluent Platform cluster and other service deployments on the cloud and on-premises.

Starting with Confluent Ansible 7.7, you can configure Confluent components with OAuth and OIDC, an OAuth-based authentication mechanism.

For the OAuth overview in Confluent Platform, see OAuth 2.0 for Confluent Platform.

To enable OAuth/OIDC on Confluent components using Confluent Ansible, Confluent Platform version 7.7 or later is required. For the OAuth overview in Confluent Platform, see OAuth 2.0 for Confluent Platform.

The auth_mode: oauth setting enables OAuth authorization and authentication for Kafka, MDS, and all Confluent Platform components.

In the LDAP and OAuth dual authentication mode, you have the option to disable the server-level OAuth in specific Confluent Platform components. For example, if you want to use the LDAP-based basic authentication on Schema Registry, you set schema_registry_auth_mode: ldap. All Schema Registry clients in this case need to have basic authentication credentials, and all Kafka and MDS clients need OAuth credentials.


  • An OIDC-compliant identity provider (IdP).
  • Port 8090 must be opened on the Kafka brokers and accessible by all hosts.
  • Set up one principal in OIDC for the MDS admin user to bootstrap roles and permissions for the Confluent Platform component principals. It is recommended that you create a user named superuser.
  • Set up one principal per Confluent Platform component in your OIDC server. These users are used by the Confluent Platform components to authenticate to MDS and access their respective resources. In the below examples, the following component users are used:
    • Confluent Server: kafka_broker
    • Schema Registry: schema_registry
    • Connect: kafka_connect
    • ksqlDB: ksql
    • REST Proxy: kafka_rest
    • Confluent Server REST API: kafka_broker
    • Control Center: control_center

Settings for OAuth

To enable OAuth, set the required and optional variables in the hosts.yml inventory file.

The following are the most commonly used variables to enable OAuth:

  • auth_mode

    Authorization mode on all Confluent Platform components. Possible values are ldap, oauth, ldap_with_oauth and none.

    Set to oauth for OAuth cluster and ldap_with_oauth for cluster with both LDAP and OAuth support. When set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth, you must set oauth_jwks_uri, oauth_token_uri, oauth_issuer_url, oauth_superuser_client_id, oauth_superuser_client_password.

  • oauth_superuser_client_id

    Client ID for authorization and token request to an identify provider (Idp). The super user for all MDS API requests.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

  • oauth_superuser_client_password

    The password for oauth_superuser_client_id.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

  • oauth_token_uri

    The IdP token endpoint, from where a token is requested by MDS when OAuth is enabled.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

  • oauth_issuer_url

    The issuer URL, which is typically the authorization server’s URL. This value is used to compare to issuer claim in the JSON Web Token (JWT) for verification.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

  • oauth_jwks_uri

    The OAuth/OIDC provider URL from which the provider’s JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) can be retrieved.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

For a full list of variables related to OAuth, see the Confluent Ansible variables file at:

For an example inventory file for a greenfield OAuth configuration, see the sample inventory file at:

Required settings for RBAC

Sample inventory files for RBAC configuration are provided in the sample_inventories directory under the Confluent Ansible home directory:

Add the required variables in your hosts.yml to enable and configure RBAC.

Enable RBAC with Ansible

    rbac_enabled: true

Provide OAuth details for RBAC to look up and validate users

    auth_mode: oauth
    oauth_token_uri: <idp_token_endpoint>
    oauth_issuer_url: <idp_issuer_url>
    oauth_jwks_uri: <idp_jwks_uri>
  • oauth_token_uri

    The Idp token endpoint, from where a token is requested by MDS when OAuth is enabled.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

  • oauth_issuer_url

    The issuer URL, which is typically the authorization server’s URL. This value is used to compare to issuer claim in the JSON Web Token (JWT) for verification.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

  • oauth_jwks_uri

    The OAuth/OIDC provider URL from which the provider’s JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) can be retrieved.

    Required when auth_mode is set to oauth or ldap_with_oauth.

    Default: none

Provide the super user credentials for bootstrapping RBAC within Confluent Platform

The superuser user is used in the inventory file in the sample_inventories directory mentioned above.

    oauth_superuser_client_id: superuser
    oauth_superuser_client_password: password

Provide OAuth users for Confluent Platform components

The following users are configured in the inventory file in the sample_inventories directory mentioned above.

    kafka_broker_oauth_user: kafka_broker
    kafka_broker_oauth_password: password
    schema_registry_oauth_user: schema_registry
    schema_registry_oauth_password: password
    kafka_connect_oauth_user: connect_worker
    kafka_connect_oauth_password: password
    ksql_oauth_user: ksql
    ksql_oauth_password: password
    kafka_rest_oauth_user: rest_proxy
    kafka_rest_oauth_password: password
    control_center_oauth_user: control_center
    control_center_oauth_password: password

Migrate from LDAP to OAuth

You can migrate a Confluent Platform deployment of version 7.7.0 or higher from LDAP to OAuth. Upgrading the Confluent Platform version and migrating to OAuth simultaneously is not supported.

To migrate an existing Confluent Platform deployment from LDAP to OAuth:

  1. All the required LDAP variables must be set in the hosts.yml inventory file.

  2. Set the required OAuth variables listed above.

  3. Set auth_mode: ldap_with_oauth in the hosts.yml inventory file.

  4. Run the following command:

    ansible-playbook -i <hosts.yml> confluent.platform.all --skip-tags package
  5. In the dual mode, LDAP with OAuth, migrate the clients to OAuth.

Role-based access control using LDAP


  • An LDAP server reachable from your Kafka broker hosts.
  • Port 8090 must be opened on the Kafka brokers and accessible by all hosts.
  • Set up one principal in LDAP for the MDS admin user to bootstrap roles and permissions for the Confluent Platform component principals. This principal must have the search privilege to read and query users and groups in the LDAP server. It is recommended that you create a user named mds.
  • Set up one principal per Confluent Platform component in your LDAP server. These users are used by the Confluent Platform components to authenticate to MDS and access their respective resources. In the below examples, the following component users are used:
    • Confluent Server: kafka_broker
    • Schema Registry: schema_registry
    • Connect: connect_worker
    • ksqlDB: ksql
    • REST Proxy: rest_proxy
    • Confluent Server REST API: kafka_broker
    • Control Center: control_center
  • (Optional) Generate a key pair to be used by the OAuth-enabled listener as described in Create a PEM key pair.


If using mTLS or Kerberos for inter-broker authentication, you don’t need to set up an LDAP user for Kafka brokers.

Required settings for RBAC

Sample inventory files for RBAC configuration are provided in the sample_inventories directory under the Confluent Ansible home directory:

Add the required variables in your hosts.yml to enable and configure RBAC.

Enable RBAC with Ansible

    rbac_enabled: true

Provide LDAP server details for RBAC to look up and validate users

Consult your LDAP admins and see Configure LDAP Group-Based Authorization for MDS and Configure LDAP Authentication for the custom properties you need to set.

The following is an example ldap_config with sample LDAP properties.

    kafka_broker_custom_properties: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory 3000 ldap://ldap1:389 uid=mds,OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com password simple OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com uid
      ldap.user.memberof.attribute.pattern: CN=(.*),OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com cn CN=(.*),OU=rbac,DC=example,DC=com
      ldap.user.object.class: account

If using LDAPS and if the certificate authority is in Kafka’s truststore, include the following properties in the kafka_broker_custom_propertiesdictionary:

  kafka_broker_custom_properties: ldaps://<ldap-host>:636 SSL
    ldap.ssl.truststore.location: "{{kafka_broker_truststore_path}}"
    ldap.ssl.truststore.password: "{{kafka_broker_truststore_storepass}}"

If using LDAPs and if the CA is not in Kafka’s truststore, you can make use of the copy file feature:

      - source_path: /path/to/truststore.jks
        destination_path: /var/ssl/private/ldaps.truststore.jks
    kafka_broker_custom_properties: ldaps://<ldap-host>:636 SSL
      ldap.ssl.truststore.location: /var/ssl/private/ldaps.truststore.jks
      ldap.ssl.truststore.password: <password>

Provide the super user credentials for bootstrapping RBAC within Confluent Platform

The mds user is used in the inventory file in the sample_inventories directory mentioned above.

    mds_super_user: mds
    mds_super_user_password: password

Provide LDAP users for Confluent Platform components

The following users are configured in the inventory file in the sample_inventories directory mentioned above.

    kafka_broker_ldap_user: kafka_broker
    kafka_broker_ldap_password: password
    schema_registry_ldap_user: schema_registry
    schema_registry_ldap_password: password
    kafka_connect_ldap_user: connect_worker
    kafka_connect_ldap_password: password
    ksql_ldap_user: ksql
    ksql_ldap_password: password
    kafka_rest_ldap_user: rest_proxy
    kafka_rest_ldap_password: password
    control_center_ldap_user: control_center
    control_center_ldap_password: password


When installing one or more individual Confluent Platform components, use the certificate_authority tag. The tag creates the pem files that MDS requires and copies the files to the managed servers.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml confluent.platform.all --tags=certificate_authority

For complete information on installing individual components, see Install individual Confluent Platform components.

Role-based access control using mTLS

Settings for RBAC with mTLS

Sample inventory files for RBAC configurations are provided in the sample_inventories directory under the Confluent Ansible home directory:

Add the required variables in your inventory file to enable and configure RBAC with mTLS.

The following are the most commonly used variables to enable RBAC with mTLS:

  • rbac_enabled

    Set to true for RBAC.

  • auth_mode

    Authorization mode on all Confluent Platform components.

    Set to mtls for RBAC with mTLS only.

  • mds_ssl_client_authentication

    The configuration of the MDS server to enforce SSL client authentication on MDS.

    The MDS server will use mTLS certificates for authentication and the principal extracted from certificates for authorization.

    Options are:

    • none: The client does not need to to send certificate. If the client sends certificate it will be ignored.
    • requested: The clients may or may not send the certificates. In case clients do not send certificates, there should be either LDAP or OAuth credentials/token which should provide the principal. This option is used during upgrades.
    • required: The client must send certificates to the server.

    Default: none

  • ssl_client_authentication

    Kafka broker listeners configuration to enforce SSL client authentication.

    Options are:

    • none: The client does not need to to send certificate. If the client sends certificate it will be ignored.
    • requested: The clients may or may not send the certificates. In case clients do not send certificates, there should be either LDAP or OAuth credentials/token which should provide the principal. This option is used during upgrades.
    • required: The client must send certificates to the server.

    Default: none

  • <component>_ssl_client_authentication

    The component-level setting for Schema Registry, Connect, REST Proxy to enforce SSL client authentication.

    Options are:

    • none: The client does not need to to send certificate. If the client sends certificate it will be ignored.
    • requested: The clients may or may not send the certificates. In case clients do not send certificates, there should be either LDAP or OAuth credentials/token which should provide the principal. This option is used during upgrades.
    • required: The client must send certificates to the server.

    Default: The value of ssl_client_authentication

  • erp_ssl_client_authentication

    Embedded REST Proxy server’s configuration to enforce SSL client authentication on Embedded REST Proxy.

    Options are:

    • none: The client does not need to to send certificate. If the client sends certificate it will be ignored.
    • requested: The clients may or may not send the certificates. In case clients do not send certificates, there should be either LDAP or OAuth credentials/token which should provide the principal. This option is used during upgrades.
    • required: The client must send certificates to the server.

    Default: mds_ssl_client_authentication value

  • impersonation_super_users

    Required for auth_mode: mtls.

    A list of principals allowed to get an impersonation token for other users except the impersonation-protected users (impersonation_protected_users).

    For more information, see Enable Token-based Authentication for RBAC.

    For example:

      - 'kafka_broker'
      - 'kafka_rest'
      - 'schema_registry'
      - 'kafka_connect'

    Default: None

  • impersonation_protected_users

    Required for RBAC with mTLS only.

    A list of principals who cannot be impersonated by REST Proxy. Super users should be added here to disallow them from being impersonated.

    For example:

      - 'super_user'
  • principal_mapping_rules

    The rules to map the DN from the certificates into a username.

    Default: DEFAULT

    For example:

       - "RULE:.*CN=([a-zA-Z0-9.-_]*).*$/$1/"
       - "DEFAULT"


In any communication, if LDAP credentials or IDP token are present, the principal will come from the credential or token. If only a certificate is present, then the principal will be extracted from it.

File-based authentication for Control Center

For RBAC only configured with mTLS authentication, the file-based authentication for Control Center should be set up using the custom properties in the inventory file. It is needed for Control Center UI login. For example:

kafka_broker_custom_properties: FILE <credential-file-path>

The credential file (<credential-file-path>) must be present on all brokers running MDS and should be consistent. Each line in the file has <username>:<password>. For example:

user1: password1
user2: password2

Optional settings for RBAC

Add the optional settings in your hosts.yml to enable and configure RBAC.

Provide your own MDS server certificates and key pair for OAuth

    create_mds_certs: false

    token_services_public_pem_file: # Path to public.pem
    token_services_private_pem_file: # Path to tokenKeypair.pem

Disable MDS-based ACLs

    mds_acls_enabled: false

By default, MDS-based ACLs are enabled when RBAC is enabled.

Configure additional principals as RBAC super users

user1 and group1 are used in this example.

      - User:user1
      - Group:group1

Other considerations


When setting sasl_protocol: kerberos, you need keytabs/principals for ZooKeeper, KRaft, Kafka, and external clients. See Configure SASL/GSSAPI (Kerberos) authentication.

However, because the rest of Confluent Platform components use their own listener, there is no need to create Kerberos principals and keytabs for those components. They will authenticate to Kafka using their LDAP or OAuth user/password.

Role-based access control with centralized MDS

Starting in Confluent Platform 6.0.0, you can use Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform to configure role-based access control (RBAC) with a centralized Metadata Service (MDS) on a remote Confluent Platform cluster.

This section provides the additional requirements and settings for the configuration.

The requirements and configuration details in Role-based access control also apply for this configuration.


  • The public key used by the MDS for its OAuth-enabled listener must be provided to the current cluster that you are setting RBAC on.
  • The principal used for authenticating to the remote MDS cluster must be a super user on the remote MDS cluster.

Required settings for RBAC with centralized MDS

To enable and configure RBAC with the centralized MDS, add the additional mandatory variables in your inventory file to.

Enable RBAC centralized MDS with Ansible

    external_mds_enabled: true

Provide the centralized MDS bootstrap URLs

Specify the URL for the MDS REST API on the Kafka cluster hosting MDS:


For example:


Provide the centralized MDS bootstrap servers

Specify a list of the hostnames and ports for the listeners hosting the MDS that you wish to connect to: <mds-broker-hostname1>:<port>,<mds-broker-hostname2>:<port>


For example:


Provide the centralized MDS broker listener security configuration

Specify the security settings of the remote Kafka broker that the centralized MDS runs on: (mds_broker_bootstrap_servers):

      ssl_enabled:             ----- [1]
      ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: ----- [2]
      sasl_protocol:           ----- [3]
  • [1] Set ssl_enabled to true if the remote MDS uses TLS.

  • [2] Set ssl_mutual_auth_enabled to true if the remote MDS uses mTLS.

  • [3] Set sasl_protocol to the SASL protocol for the remote MDS. Options are: none, kerberos, sasl_plain, sasl_scram

    The MDS listener must have an authentication mode, mTLS, Kerberos, SASL/PLAIN, or SASL/SCRAM.

    You can set sasl_protocol to none only if ssl_enabled ([1]) and ssl_mutual_auth_enabled ([2]) to true, therefor specifying mTLS authentication mode for the listener.

The following example is for mTLS on the centralized MDS brokers:

      ssl_enabled: true
      ssl_mutual_auth_enabled: true
      sasl_protocol: none

Provide the paths to the centralized MDS server certificates and key pair for OAuth

    create_mds_certs: false

Cluster registry

You can use Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform to name your clusters within the cluster registries in Confluent Platform.

Cluster registry provides a way to centrally register and identify Kafka clusters in the metadata service (MDS) to simplify the RBAC role binding process and to enable centralized audit logging.

Register the Kafka clusters in the MDS cluster registry using the following variables in the inventory file of the cluster.

  • To register a Kafka cluster in the MDS:

  • To register a Schema Registry cluster in the MDS:

  • To register a Kafka Connect cluster in the MDS:

  • To register a ksqlDB cluster in the MDS:
