Changelog for Amazon S3 Sink Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 10.5.13

  • PR-752 - CC-27029 Bumped joda-time version to fix conversion issues for some timezones

Version 10.5.12

  • PR-748 - CC-26925 Added validation for and s3.wan.mode configs
  • PR-745 - CC-24623 Handled Avro SchemaParseException and Parquet InvalidSchemaException according to errors.tolerance

Version 10.5.11

  • PR-741 - CC-26516 Bumped aws version and jackson dependency versions
  • PR-740 - CC-26361 Bumped commons-configuration2 dependency version

Version 10.5.10

  • PR-735 - CC-26046 Pinned zookeeper version to 3.8.4

Version 10.5.9

  • PR-730 - CC-25322 Bumped kafka-connect-storage-common-parent

Version 10.5.8

  • PR-722 - Bumped kafka-connect-storage-common-parent to 11.2.5
  • PR-700 - MINOR: Added diagnostic info for topic partition assignments

Version 10.5.7

  • PR-696 - [CC-21863] Resolve plugin.discovery error
  • PR-692 - [CC-21863] CVE fixes

Version 10.5.6

  • PR-684 - Removed x-amz-server-side-encryption to get SEE-C working

Version 10.5.5

  • PR-680 - CC-22247 | Fixed S3 Sink’s Parquet conversion exception.

Version 10.5.4

  • PR-673 - CC-21917 | Added support for decimal.format config to be passed to json formatter.

Version 10.5.3

  • PR-660 - ESC-581: pin dependencies to resolve CVEs for Citi escalation

Version 10.5.2

  • PR-659 - [CC-20979] [CC-20329] Updated CVEs (jackson and snappy package)

Version 10.5.1

  • PR-651 - CC-19464 | Added logs to track the count for each of the rotation criteria. This helps debug at runtime the number of rotations that occurred for each criteria.

Version 10.5.0

  • PR-647 - Revert “Added service.yml for setting up semaphore pipeline”.
  • PR-641 - CCMSG-2432 Updated SnakeYaml to address CVE-2022-1471.
  • PR-638 - CCMSG-2416 CCMSG-2417 Updated json-smart and jettison.
  • PR-630 - CC-19543 Added standard logs.
  • PR-637 - CC-19528 | Add Integration tests for SR backed types.
  • PR-633 - Added service.yml for setting up semaphore pipeline.
  • PR-632 - CCMSG-2346 | Exclude jetty-webapp as compile scope dependency.
  • PR-628 - MINOR: Pin parquet dependency version to 1.11.2.