Third Party Libraries for Amazon S3 Sink Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 10.5.11

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-CSV Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta Validation API Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist MPL-1.1Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0NOASSERTION
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] NOASSERTION
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections Apache-2.0WTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Provider MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.10

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-CSV Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta Validation API Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist MPL-1.1Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0NOASSERTION
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava Apache-2.0proprietary-licenseBSD-3-Clause
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections Apache-2.0WTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Provider MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.9

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-CSV Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta Validation API Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist MPL-1.1Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0NOASSERTION
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava Apache-2.0proprietary-licenseBSD-3-Clause
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections Apache-2.0WTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Provider MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.8

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 BSD-3-Clause
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-dataformat-CSV Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta Validation API Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist MPL-1.1Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0NOASSERTION
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava Apache-2.0proprietary-licenseBSD-3-Clause
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-3-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections Apache-2.0WTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Provider MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.7

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-onlyLGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1MPL-2.0
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEPL-2.0
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation EPL-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters EPL-1.0EPL-2.0Apache-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava Apache-2.0proprietary-licenseBSD-3-Clause
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections Apache-2.0WTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Provider MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.6

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
argparse4j MIT
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0MITEPL-2.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clauseproprietary-license
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections BSD-2-ClauseWTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Provider MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.5

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
argparse4j MIT
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0MITEPL-2.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clauseproprietary-license
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections BSD-2-ClauseWTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Provider MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.4

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
argparse4j MIT
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0MITEPL-2.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections BSD-2-ClauseWTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Binding MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.3

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
argparse4j MIT
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0MITEPL-2.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-json GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
Metrics Core Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections BSD-2-ClauseWTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Binding MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.2

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
argparse4j MIT
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type Apache-2.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0MITEPL-2.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-json CDDL-1.0
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded proprietary-licenseApache-2.0
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections BSD-2-ClauseWTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Binding MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.1

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
argparse4j MIT
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEDL 1.0
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type Apache-2.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0MITEPL-2.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-json CDDL-1.0
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded proprietary-licenseApache-2.0
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections BSD-2-ClauseWTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Binding MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause

Version 10.5.0

Included Project License
aopalliance-repackaged CDDL-1.0
Apache Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils Apache-2.0
Apache Commons CLI Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Codec Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Compress Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Configuration Apache-2.0
Apache Commons IO Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Logging Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Math Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Text Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth Apache-2.0
Apache Hadoop Common Apache-2.0
Apache HttpClient Apache-2.0
Apache HttpCore Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Avro Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Column Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Common Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Format Structures Apache-2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Apache-2.0
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute Apache-2.0
Apache ZooKeeper - Server Apache-2.0
argparse4j MIT
asm BSD-3-Clause
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS Apache-2.0
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS Apache-2.0
AWS SDK for Java - Core Apache-2.0
Commons Lang Apache-2.0Apache-2.0
Commons Pool Apache-2.0
commons-collections Apache-2.0
Curator Client Apache-2.0
Curator Framework Apache-2.0
Curator Recipes Apache-2.0
dnsjava BSD-2-Clause
FindBugs-jsr305 Apache-2.0
Gson Apache-2.0
HK2 API module CDDL-1.0
HK2 Implementation Utilities CDDL-1.0
ion-java Apache-2.0
Jackson Apache-2.0
Jackson dataformat: CBOR Apache-2.0
Jackson datatype: jdk8 Apache-2.0
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) Apache-2.0
Jackson-annotations Apache-2.0
Jackson-core Apache-2.0
jackson-databind Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: base Apache-2.0
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON Apache-2.0
Jakarta Activation API BSD-3-Clause
Jakarta Annotations API EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only
Jakarta Bean Validation API Apache-2.0EPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta RESTful WS API EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jakarta XML Binding API BSD-3-Clause
jakarta.inject EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Java Architecture For XML Binding CDDL-1.1
Java Servlet API CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0
JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework CDDL-1.0
JavaServer Pages(TM) API GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1
Javassist Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-or-laterMPL-1.1
javax.annotation-api CDDL-1.0 CDDL-1.0
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type Apache-2.0 CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-container-servlet CDDL-1.0
jersey-container-servlet-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-client CDDL-1.0
jersey-core-common Public-DomainCDDL-1.0
jersey-core-server BSD-3-ClauseCDDL-1.0Apache-2.0
jersey-inject-hk2 BSD-3-ClauseCC0-1.0MITEPL-2.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
jersey-json CDDL-1.0
jersey-server CDDL-1.0
jersey-servlet CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception
Jettison Apache-2.0
Jetty :: Continuation Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
Jetty :: Utility Servlets and Filters Apache-2.0EPL-1.0
JLine BSD-2-Clause
JMES Path Query library Apache-2.0
Joda-Time Apache-2.0
jose4j Apache-2.0
JSch BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0
JSON Small and Fast Parser Apache-2.0
jsr311-api CDDL-1.0
kafka-connect-storage-common Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded proprietary-licenseApache-2.0
kafka-connect-storage-core Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-format Confluent
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner Confluent
Kerb Simple Kdc Apache-2.0
Kerby ASN1 Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Config Apache-2.0
Kerby PKIX Project Apache-2.0
Kerby Util Apache-2.0
Kerby XDR Project Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Admin Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Client Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Common Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb core Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Crypto Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Identity Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Server Apache-2.0
Kerby-kerb Util Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Apache-2.0
Log Redactor Metrics Apache-2.0
LZ4 and xxHash Apache-2.0
Maven Artifact Apache-2.0
minimal-json MIT
Old JAXB Runtime CDDL-1.0
OSGi resource locator CDDL-1.0
Plexus Common Utilities Apache-2.0
Protocol Buffers [Core] BSD-2-Clause
RE2/J BSD-3-Clause
Reflections BSD-2-ClauseWTFPL
ServiceLocator Default Implementation CDDL-1.0
SLF4J Reload4j Binding MIT
SnakeYAML EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0
snappy-java Apache-2.0
Stax2 API Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause
swagger-annotations Apache-2.0
Token provider Apache-2.0
Woodstox Apache-2.0
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson Apache-2.0
zstd-jni BSD-2-Clause