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Kafka Clients

This section describes the clients included with Confluent Platform.

Confluent Platform includes client libraries for multiple languages that provide both low-level access to Apache Kafka® and higher level stream processing.

Install Documentation
Java Kafka Java Consumer and Kafka Java Producer
JMS JMS Client

Feature Support

The following tables describes the client support for various Confluent Platform features.

Feature C/C++ Go Java .NET Python
Admin API Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Control Center metrics integration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Custom partitioner Yes No Yes No No
Exactly Once Semantics No No Yes No No
Idempotent Producer No No Yes No No
Kafka Streams No No Yes No No
Record Headers Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SASL Kerberos/GSSAPI Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SASL PLAIN Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
SASL SCRAM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Simplified installation Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Schema Registry Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Topic Metadata API Yes Yes Yes No Yes