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Manual Install using Systemd on Ubuntu and Debian

This topic provides instructions for installing a production-ready Confluent Platform configuration in a multi-node Ubuntu or Debian environment with a replicated ZooKeeper ensemble.

With this installation method, you connect to every node manually to run the Confluent Platform installation commands.


You must complete these steps for each node in your cluster.

Before installing Confluent Platform, your environment must have the following software and hardware requirements.

Get the Software

The APT repositories provide packages for Debian-based Linux distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu. You can install individual Confluent Platform packages or the entire platform. For a list of available packages, see the documentation or you can search the repository (apt-cache search <package-name>).


You can install the entire platform or the individual component packages. For a listing of packages, see Confluent Platform Packages.

  1. Install the Confluent public key. This key is used to sign the packages in the APT repository.

    wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

    Your output should resemble:

  2. Add the repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list by running this command:

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
  3. Update apt-get and install the entire Confluent Platform platform.

    • Confluent Platform:

      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install confluent-platform-2.11
    • Confluent Platform using only Confluent Community components:

      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install confluent-community-2.11


    The package name contains the Confluent Platform version followed by the Scala version. For example, denotes Confluent Platform version 5.1.4 and Scala version 2.11.

    Your output should resemble:

    Setting up confluent-schema-registry (5.1.4-1) ...
    Notice: Not creating existing directory /var/log/confluent, ensure proper permissions for user cp-schema-registry group confluent
    Notice: If you are planning to use the provided systemd service units for
    Notice: confluent-schema-registry, make sure that read-write permissions
    Notice: for user cp-schema-registry and group confluent are set up according to the
    Notice: following commands:
    chown cp-schema-registry:confluent /var/log/confluent && chmod u+wx,g+wx,o= /var/log/confluent
    Setting up confluent-support-metrics (5.1.4-1) ...
    Setting up confluent-platform-2.11 (5.1.4-1) ...

Configure Confluent Platform

Configure Confluent Platform with the individual component properties files. By default these are located in <path-to-confluent>/etc/. You must minimally configure the following components.


These instructions assume you are running ZooKeeper in replicated mode. A minimum of three servers are required for replicated mode, and you must have an odd number of servers for failover. For more information, see the ZooKeeper documentation.

  1. Navigate to the ZooKeeper properties file (/etc/kafka/ file and modify as shown.


    This configuration is for a three node ensemble. This configuration file should be identical across all nodes in the ensemble. tickTime, dataDir, and clientPort are all set to typical single server values. The initLimit and syncLimit govern how long following ZooKeeper servers can take to initialize with the current leader and how long they can be out of sync with the leader. In this configuration, a follower can take 10000 ms to initialize and can be out of sync for up to 4000 ms based on the tickTime being set to 2000ms.

    The server.* properties set the ensemble membership. The format is

    • myid is the server identification number. There are three servers that each have a different myid with values 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The myid is set by creating a file named myid in the dataDir that contains a single integer in human readable ASCII text. This value must match one of the myid values from the configuration file. You will see an error if another ensemble member is already started with a conflicting myid value.
    • leaderport is used by followers to connect to the active leader. This port should be open between all ZooKeeper ensemble members.
    • electionport is used to perform leader elections between ensemble members. This port should be open between all ZooKeeper ensemble members.

    The autopurge.snapRetainCount and autopurge.purgeInterval have been set to purge all but three snapshots every 24 hours.

  2. Navigate to the ZooKeeper log directory (e.g., /var/lib/zookeeper/) and create a file named myid. The myid file consists of a single line that contains the machine ID in the format '<machine-id>'. When the ZooKeeper server starts up, it knows which server it is by referencing the myid file. For example, server 1 will have this myid value.



In a production environment, multiple brokers are required. During startup brokers register themselves in ZooKeeper to become a member of the cluster.

Navigate to the Apache Kafka® properties file (/etc/kafka/ and customize the following:

  • Connect to the same ZooKeeper ensemble by setting the zookeeper.connect in all nodes to the same value. Replace all instances of localhost to the hostname or FQDN (fully qualified domain name) of your node. For example, if your hostname is zookeeper:

  • Configure the broker IDs for each node in your cluster using one of these methods.

    • Dynamically generate the broker IDs: add and comment out For example:

      ############################# Server Basics #############################
      # The ID of the broker. This must be set to a unique integer for each broker.
    • Manually set the broker IDs: set a unique value for on each node.

  • Configure how other brokers and clients communicate with the broker using listeners, and optionally advertised.listeners.

    • listeners: Comma-separated list of URIs and listener names to listen on.
    • advertised.listeners: Comma-separated list of URIs and listener names for other brokers and clients to use. The advertised.listeners parameter ensures that the broker advertises an address that is accessible from both local and external hosts.

    For more information, see Production Configuration Options.

Control Center

  1. Navigate to the Control Center properties file (/etc/confluent-control-center/ and customize the following:

    # host/port pairs to use for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster
    # location for Control Center data
    # the Confluent license
    # ZooKeeper connection string with host and port of a ZooKeeper servers

    This configuration is for a three node multi-node cluster. For more information, see Control Center configuration details.

  2. Navigate to the Kafka server configuration file (/etc/kafka/ and enable Confluent Metrics Reporter.

    ##################### Confluent Metrics Reporter #######################
    # Confluent Control Center and Confluent Auto Data Balancer integration
    # Uncomment the following lines to publish monitoring data for
    # Confluent Control Center and Confluent Auto Data Balancer
    # If you are using a dedicated metrics cluster, also adjust the settings
    # to point to your metrics Kafka cluster.
    # Uncomment the following line if the metrics cluster has a single broker
  3. Add these lines to the Kafka Connect properties file (/etc/kafka/ to add support for the interceptors.

    # Interceptor setup

Start Confluent Platform

Start Confluent Platform and its components using systemd service unit files. You can start immediately by using the systemctl start command or enable for automatic startup by using the systemctl enable command. These instructions use the syntax for immediate startup.


ZooKeeper, Kafka, and Schema Registry must be started in this specific order, and must be started before any other components.

  1. Start ZooKeeper.

    sudo systemctl start confluent-zookeeper
  2. Start Kafka.

    sudo systemctl start confluent-kafka
  3. Start Schema Registry.

    sudo systemctl start confluent-schema-registry
  4. Start other Confluent Platform components as desired.

    • Control Center

      sudo systemctl start confluent-control-center
    • Kafka Connect

      sudo systemctl start confluent-kafka-connect
    • Confluent REST Proxy

      sudo systemctl start confluent-kafka-rest
    • KSQL

      sudo systemctl start confluent-ksql


You can check service status with this command: systemctl status confluent*. For more information about the systemd service unit files, see Using Confluent Platform systemd Service Unit Files.


Run this command to remove Confluent Platform, where <component-name> is either confluent-platform-2.11 (Confluent Platform) or confluent-community-2.11 (Confluent Platform using only Confluent Community components).

sudo apt-get remove <component-name>

For example, run this command to remove Confluent Platform:

sudo apt-get remove confluent-platform-2.11

Your output should resemble:

(Reading database ... 79286 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing confluent-platform-2.11 (5.1.4-1) ...

Next Steps

Try out the Confluent Platform Quick Start.