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confluent local start


Start Confluent Platform services. For a list of available services, see Confluent Platform Packages.


The confluent local commands are intended for a single-node development environment and are not suitable for a production environment. The data that are produced are transient and are intended to be temporary. For production-ready workflows, see Install and Upgrade Confluent Platform.

confluent local start [<service>] --path <path-to-confluent>



You must either specify the path for each Confluent CLI confluent local command invocation, export the path as an environment variable for each terminal session, or set the path to your Confluent Platform installation in your shell profile. For example:

cat ~/.bash_profile
export CONFLUENT_HOME=<path-to-confluent>
Name, shorthand Description
--path <path-to-confluent> Path to Confluent Platform install directory.
-h, --help Print command information.

Positional arguments

Name, shorthand Default Description
<service> All services The service name. If specified, it starts the service and all dependencies.


  • Start all available services:

    confluent local start

    Your output should resemble:

    Starting zookeeper
    zookeeper is [UP]
    Starting kafka
    kafka is [UP]
    Starting schema-registry
    schema-registry is [UP]
    Starting kafka-rest
    kafka-rest is [UP]
    Starting connect
    connect is [UP]
    Starting ksql-server
    ksql-server is [UP]
    Starting control-center
    control-center is [UP]
  • Start Apache Kafka® and ZooKeeper as its dependency:

    confluent local start kafka

    Your output should resemble:

    Starting zookeeper
    zookeeper is [UP]
    Starting kafka
    kafka is [UP]