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confluent local


Use the confluent local commands to try out Confluent Platform by running a single-node instance locally on your machine.

Keep in mind, these commands require Java to run, as described in Tarball installation.


The confluent local commands are intended for a single-node development environment and are not suitable for a production environment. The data that are produced are transient and are intended to be temporary. For production-ready workflows, see Install and Upgrade Confluent Platform.

confluent local: Manage a local Confluent Platform development environment.

Usage: confluent local <command> [<subcommand>] [<parameters>]

These are the available commands:

    acl         Specify acl for a service.
    config      Configure a connector.
    consume     Consume data from topics
    current     Get the path of the data and logs of the services managed by the current confluent run.
                Override default setting with "CONFLUENT_CURRENT" environment variable.
    demo        Run demos provided in GitHub repo
    destroy     Delete the data and logs of the current confluent run.
    list        List available services.
    load        Load a connector.
    log         Read or tail the log of a service.
    produce     Produce data to topics
    start       Start all services or a specific service along with its dependencies
    status      Get the status of all services or the status of a specific service along with its dependencies.
    stop        Stop all services or a specific service along with the services depending on it.
    top         Track resource usage of a service.
    unload      Unload a connector.
    version     Print the Confluent Platform flavor and version or the individual version of a service.

'confluent local help' lists available commands. See 'confluent local help <command>' to read about a
specific command.

Here are the available confluent local commands

Command Description
confluent local acl Specify ACL for a service.
confluent local config Configure a connector.
confluent local consume Consume data from topics.
confluent local current Print the filesystem path of the data and logs of the services managed by the current confluent local command.
confluent local demo Run demos provided in GitHub repo
confluent local destroy Delete the data and logs of the current Confluent Platform run.
confluent local list List all available services or plugins.
confluent local load Load a connector.
confluent local log Read or tail the log of a service.
confluent local produce Produce data to topics.
confluent local start Start all services or a specific service along with its dependencies.
confluent local status Get the status of all services or the status of a specific service and its dependencies.
confluent local stop Stop all services or a specific service its dependent services.
confluent local top View service resource usage.
confluent local unload Unload a connector.
confluent local version Print the Confluent CLI version.


You must either specify the path for each Confluent CLI confluent local command invocation, export the path as an environment variable for each terminal session, or set the path to your Confluent Platform installation in your shell profile. For example:

cat ~/.bash_profile
export CONFLUENT_HOME=<path-to-confluent>

Environment Variables

The confluent local commands support the CONFLUENT_CURRENT environment variable, which can be set dynamically. For more information, see Installing and Configuring the CLI. To configure properties for specific services through an environment variable using confluent local commands, use the given prefix for the corresponding service provided in the following table.

Service Prefix
Apache Kafka® $KAFKA_
Schema Registry $SCHEMA_REGISTRY_
Kafka Connect $CONNECT_

For example, to set the system property when starting Kafka Connect locally, run the command:

export CONNECT_OPTS=""
confluent local start connect --path <path-to-confluent>

To set the same system property when invoking Kafka core, run the following command:

export KAFKA_OPTS=""
confluent local start kafka --path <path-to-confluent>

Note that the Kafka, Kafka Connect, and ZooKeeper startup scripts use variables prefixed with $KAFKA_ (for example, $KAFKA_OPTS and $KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS). However, the Confluent CLI confluent local commands for these services use a service-specific prefix to distinguish the service to which the variables apply (as shown in the table above).


You can specify a custom location to store the CLI data and logs. By default the Confluent CLI stores its data and logs in your platform’s temporary directory.


You can check the current data and log location with the confluent local current command.

  1. Create a directory:

    mkdir <path-to-confluent>/var
  2. Set the path to your directory:

    export CONFLUENT_CURRENT=<path-to-confluent>/var