Changelog for Databricks Delta Lake Sink Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 1.0.17

  • CC-27232: Bumped commons-compress to 1.26.1 to fix CVE-2024-25710 and CVE-2024-26308

Version 1.0.16

  • CC-26430: Bumped jackson-databind to 2.16.2 to fix CVE-2023-35116.

Version 1.0.15

  • HUB-234: Fixed broken docs url.

Version 1.0.14

  • CC-26381: Bumped netty-codec-http to 4.1.108.Final to fix CVE-2024-29025.

Version 1.0.13

  • CC-26431: Bumped commons-configuration to 2.10.1 to fix CVE-2024-29131.
  • CC-26434: Bumped zookeeper to 3.8.4 to fix CVE-2024-23944.
  • CC-26518: Excluded ion-java to fix CVE-2024-21634.

Version 1.0.12

  • CC-23018: Bumped snappy-java to
  • CC-23108: Bumped zookeeper to 3.7.2.
  • CC-23017: Bumped avro to 1.11.3.
  • CC-23174: Bumped guava to 32.1.1-jre.
  • CC-23175: Bumped jackson-core to 2.15.2.

Version 1.0.11

  • Fixed CVE-2022-1471, CVE-2023-1370, CVE-2022-40153, CVE-2023-2976, CVE-2023-34455.

Version 1.0.10

  • CCDB-5343: Updated SnakeYAML to version 2.0 and json-smart to version 2.4.10

Version 1.0.9

  • CCDB-5223, CCDB-5049: Fixed CVE-2022-42003, CVE-2002-42004, CVE-2021-29425 CVE-2021-37533 CVE-2022-26612.

Version 1.0.8

  • CCDB-5190: Updated doc strings for config properties

Version 1.0.7

  • CCDB-5131, CCDB-5174, CCDB-5109: Fixed multiple CVEs

Version 1.0.6

  • CCDB-4799: Updated default flush interval to 300,000 ms

Version 1.0.5

  • CCDB-5064: Allowed Delta Lake Sink connector with 2 or more tasks
  • CCDB-5067: Fixed potential memory leak in Delta Lake Sink connector in AWS
  • CCDB-4949: Migrated from confluent-log4j to reload4j
  • CCDB-5079: Fixed Delta Lake Sink issue causing S3 sink task’s system tests to fail
  • CCDB-5072: Fixed issue of Delta Lake Sink connector in AWS not correctly handling commit offsets
  • CCDB-5075: Fixed issue of Delta Lake Sink connector frequently failing with “Failed to connect to server” error
  • CCDB-5095: Fixed issue of Delta Lake “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS” fails with Multi Task

Version 1.0.4

  • CCDB-4880: Investigated NPE in Databricks Delta Lake Sink Connector
  • CCDB-5050: Version 1.0.3 of the Delta Lake Sink connector was throwing NoClassDefFoundError
  • CCDB-5053: Fixed “Path does not exist” error
  • CCDB:5054: Delta Lake Sink connector unit tests were not configured properly and were getting skipped from build
  • CCDB-4935: Fixed CVE hadoop-common:2.10.1 and CCDB-4830: Fixed CVE jackson-databind:

Version 1.0.3

Multiple CVE fixes Optimized CREATE TABLE and COPY INTO commands CCDB-4840: Allow URL connection from SQL cluster CCDB-4452: Add User Agent Entry configuration CCDB-4678: Get updated S3 files before every modifying operation

Version 1.0.2

CCDB-4425: Specify fields to partition a table

Version 1.0.1

First GA version

Version 1.0.0-preview

Initial version