Third Party Libraries¶
Version 1.0.14¶
Included Project | License |
Android SDK | Android-Sdk |
Animal Sniffer Annotations | MIT |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HTTP transport for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
API Common | BSD-2-Clause |
argparse4j | MIT |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AutoValue Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Bundle | |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery API v2-rev20240423-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
BSON | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT |
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240319-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Core functionality for the Reactor Netty library | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | BSD-3-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) | BSD-2-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) | BSD-2-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) | BSD-2-Clause |
Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Cloud Core | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core gRPC | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Pub/Sub | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Storage | Apache-2.0 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google OAuth Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | Apache-2.0 |
HTTP functionality for the Reactor Netty library | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-alts | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-api | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-auth | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-context | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-core | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-stub | Apache-2.0 |
IPAddress | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: Joda | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-CSV | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-XML | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS: base | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Activation API | BSD-3-ClauseGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEDL-1.0 |
Jakarta XML Binding API | BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Native Access | LGPL-2.1-only |
Java Native Access Platform | Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only |
Java Servlet API | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-servlet | CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later |
JetBrains Java Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
JOpt Simple | MIT |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
jsoup Java HTML Parser | Apache-2.0MIT |
jsr311-api | CDDL-1.0 |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Logback Classic Module | EPL-1.0LGPL-3.0-only |
Logback Core Module | EPL-1.0LGPL-3.0-only |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Artifact | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Model | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Plugin API | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for File Share Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for Identity | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Keys | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Secrets | MIT |
Microsoft Azure common module for Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure internal Avro module for Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Java Core Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Java JSON Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Management Java Core Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Netty HTTP Client Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for App Platform Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for App Service Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Authorization Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for CDN Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Cognitive Search Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Compute Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Instance Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Registry Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Service Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for CosmosDB Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for DNS Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for EventHubs Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Managed Service Identity (MSI) Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Monitor Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Network Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Private DNS Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Redis Cache Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Resource Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for ServiceBus Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Sql Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Storage Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Traffic Manager Management | MIT |
minimal-json | MIT |
MongoDB Java Driver (unmaintained) | Apache-2.0 |
MongoDB Java Driver Core | Apache-2.0 |
msal4j | MIT |
msal4j-persistence-extension | MIT |
Netty/Buffer | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Socks | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler/Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Classes/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Native/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [BoringSSL - Static] | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus Content Type | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus LangTag | Apache-2.0 |
Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM | Apache-2.0 |
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions | Apache-2.0 |
okhttp | Apache-2.0 |
okio | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
OpenCensus | Apache-2.0 |
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber | Apache-2.0 |
org.eclipse.sisu.inject | EPL-1.0 |
org.eclipse.sisu.plexus | EPL-1.0 |
perfmark:perfmark-api | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus :: Component Annotations (deprecated) | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus Classworlds | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus Common Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-common-protos | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-iam-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reactive-streams | mit-0CC-BY-1.0 |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Provider | MIT |
SnakeYAML | EPL-1.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Spring AOP | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Beans | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Commons Logging Bridge | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Context | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Core | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Web | Apache-2.0IETF |
spring-security-core | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-crypto | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-oauth2-client | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-oauth2-core | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-web | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
ThreeTen backport | BSD-2-Clause |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.13¶
Included Project | License |
Android SDK | Android-Sdk |
Animal Sniffer Annotations | MIT |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Apache HTTP transport for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
API Common | BSD-2-Clause |
argparse4j | MIT |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AutoValue Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Bundle | |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery API v2-rev20240423-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
BSON | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT |
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240319-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Core functionality for the Reactor Netty library | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | BSD-3-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) | BSD-2-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) | BSD-2-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) | BSD-2-Clause |
Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Cloud Core | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core gRPC | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Pub/Sub | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Storage | Apache-2.0 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google OAuth Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
HTTP functionality for the Reactor Netty library | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-alts | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-api | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-auth | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-context | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-core | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-stub | Apache-2.0 |
IPAddress | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: Joda | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-CSV | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-XML | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS: base | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Activation API | BSD-3-ClauseGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEDL-1.0 |
Jakarta XML Binding API | BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Native Access | LGPL-2.1-only |
Java Native Access Platform | Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only |
Java Servlet API | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-servlet | CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later |
JetBrains Java Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
JOpt Simple | MIT |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
jsoup Java HTML Parser | Apache-2.0MIT |
jsr311-api | CDDL-1.0 |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
Logback Classic Module | EPL-1.0LGPL-3.0-only |
Logback Core Module | EPL-1.0LGPL-3.0-only |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Artifact | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Model | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Plugin API | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for File Share Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for Identity | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Keys | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Secrets | MIT |
Microsoft Azure common module for Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure internal Avro module for Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Java Core Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Java JSON Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Management Java Core Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Netty HTTP Client Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for App Platform Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for App Service Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Authorization Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for CDN Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Cognitive Search Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Compute Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Instance Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Registry Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Service Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for CosmosDB Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for DNS Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for EventHubs Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Managed Service Identity (MSI) Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Monitor Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Network Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Private DNS Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Redis Cache Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Resource Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for ServiceBus Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Sql Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Storage Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Traffic Manager Management | MIT |
minimal-json | MIT |
MongoDB Java Driver (unmaintained) | Apache-2.0 |
MongoDB Java Driver Core | Apache-2.0 |
msal4j | MIT |
msal4j-persistence-extension | MIT |
Netty/Buffer | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Socks | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler/Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Classes/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Native/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [BoringSSL - Static] | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus Content Type | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus LangTag | Apache-2.0 |
Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM | Apache-2.0 |
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions | Apache-2.0 |
okhttp | Apache-2.0 |
okio | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
OpenCensus | Apache-2.0 |
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber | Apache-2.0 |
org.eclipse.sisu.inject | EPL-1.0 |
org.eclipse.sisu.plexus | EPL-1.0 |
perfmark:perfmark-api | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus :: Component Annotations (deprecated) | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus Classworlds | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus Common Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-common-protos | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-iam-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reactive-streams | mit-0CC-BY-1.0 |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Provider | MIT |
SnakeYAML | EPL-1.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Spring AOP | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Beans | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Commons Logging Bridge | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Context | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Core | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Web | Apache-2.0IETF |
spring-security-core | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-crypto | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-oauth2-client | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-oauth2-core | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-web | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
ThreeTen backport | BSD-2-Clause |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.12¶
Included Project | License |
Android SDK | Android-Sdk |
Animal Sniffer Annotations | MIT |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Apache HTTP transport for the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
API Common | BSD-2-Clause |
argparse4j | MIT |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AutoValue Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Bundle | |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery | Apache-2.0 |
BigQuery API v2-rev20240423-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
BSON | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionMIT |
Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20240319-2.0.0 | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Core functionality for the Reactor Netty library | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | BSD-3-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (Core) | BSD-2-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (gRPC) | BSD-2-Clause |
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java (HTTP JSON) | BSD-2-Clause |
Google APIs Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP | BSD-3-Clause |
Google Cloud Core | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core gRPC | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Core HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Pub/Sub | Apache-2.0 |
Google Cloud Storage | Apache-2.0 |
Google HTTP Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
Google OAuth Client Library for Java | Apache-2.0 |
grpc-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
GSON extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
HTTP functionality for the Reactor Netty library | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-alts | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-api | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-auth | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-context | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-core | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-grpclb | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-netty-shaded | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite | Apache-2.0 |
io.grpc:grpc-stub | Apache-2.0 |
IPAddress | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: Joda | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson datatype: JSR310 | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson module: Old JAXB Annotations (javax.xml.bind) | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-CSV | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-dataformat-XML | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS: base | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-JAXRS: JSON | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Activation API | BSD-3-ClauseGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionEDL-1.0 |
Jakarta XML Binding API | BSD-3-ClauseEPL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Native Access | LGPL-2.1-only |
Java Native Access Platform | Apache-2.0LGPL-2.1-only |
Java Servlet API | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-servlet | CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later |
JetBrains Java Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
JOpt Simple | MIT |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
jsoup Java HTML Parser | Apache-2.0MIT |
jsr311-api | CDDL-1.0 |
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava | Apache-2.0proprietary-licenseBSD-3-Clause |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-licenseConfluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 | Apache-2.0 |
Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Artifact | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Model | Apache-2.0 |
Maven Plugin API | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for File Share Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for Identity | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Keys | MIT |
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Secrets | MIT |
Microsoft Azure common module for Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure internal Avro module for Storage | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Java Core Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Java JSON Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Management Java Core Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure Netty HTTP Client Library | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for App Platform Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for App Service Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Authorization Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for CDN Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Cognitive Search Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Compute Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Instance Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Registry Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Service Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for CosmosDB Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for DNS Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for EventHubs Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Key Vault Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Managed Service Identity (MSI) Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Monitor Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Network Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Private DNS Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Redis Cache Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Resource Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for ServiceBus Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Sql Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Storage Management | MIT |
Microsoft Azure SDK for Traffic Manager Management | MIT |
minimal-json | MIT |
MongoDB Java Driver (unmaintained) | Apache-2.0 |
MongoDB Java Driver Core | Apache-2.0 |
msal4j | MIT |
msal4j-persistence-extension | MIT |
Netty/Buffer | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/HTTP2 | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Codec/Socks | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Handler/Proxy | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Classes/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Resolver/DNS/Native/MacOS | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [BoringSSL - Static] | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/TomcatNative [OpenSSL - Classes] | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Classes/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue | Apache-2.0 |
Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus Content Type | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus LangTag | Apache-2.0 |
Non-Blocking Reactive Foundation for the JVM | Apache-2.0 |
OAuth 2.0 SDK with OpenID Connect extensions | Apache-2.0 |
okhttp | Apache-2.0 |
okio | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
OpenCensus | Apache-2.0 |
org.conscrypt:conscrypt-openjdk-uber | Apache-2.0 |
org.eclipse.sisu.inject | EPL-1.0 |
org.eclipse.sisu.plexus | EPL-1.0 |
perfmark:perfmark-api | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus :: Component Annotations (deprecated) | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus Classworlds | Apache-2.0 |
Plexus Common Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-cloud-pubsub-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-common-protos | Apache-2.0 |
proto-google-iam-v1 | Apache-2.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reactive-streams | mit-0CC-BY-1.0 |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Provider | MIT |
SnakeYAML | EPL-1.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 | | Apache-2.0 |
Spring AOP | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Beans | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Commons Logging Bridge | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Context | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Core | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) | Apache-2.0 |
Spring Web | Apache-2.0IETF |
spring-security-core | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-crypto | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-oauth2-client | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-oauth2-core | Apache-2.0 |
spring-security-web | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
ThreeTen backport | BSD-2-Clause |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.11¶
Included Project | License |
${project.artifactId} | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | BSD-3-Clause |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0BSD-3-ClauseCC-BY-2.5 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Activation API | BSD-3-Clause |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Servlet API | CDDL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-servlet | CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-or-later |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
jsr311-api | CDDL-1.0 |
Kafka Connect Storage Common Source’s version of Apache Hadoop’s third-party shaded Guava | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clauseproprietary-license |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-2-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Provider | MIT |
SnakeYAML | EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.10¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Servlet API | CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-servlet | CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
jsr311-api | CDDL-1.0 |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | proprietary-licenseApache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-2-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-2-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
SnakeYAML | EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.9¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Text | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | BSD-2-Clause |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Servlet API | CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar | CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-onlyGPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-servlet | CDDL-1.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
jsr311-api | CDDL-1.0 |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | proprietary-licenseApache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
Kerb Simple Kdc | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby ASN1 Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Config | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby PKIX Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby Util | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby XDR Project | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Admin | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Client | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Common | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb core | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Crypto | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Identity | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Server | Apache-2.0 |
Kerby-kerb Util | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-2-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-2-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
SnakeYAML | EPL-1.0BSD-3-ClauseApache-2.0 |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Token provider | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.8¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-converter | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0Confluent |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-2-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-2-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.7¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-converter | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0Confluent |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-2-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-2-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagickBSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.6¶
Included Project | License |
ant | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0public-domainInfo-ZIP |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons BeanUtils Core | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
Data Mapper for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
EL | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Glassfish Jasper | CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Glassfish Jasper API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionSISSL-1.2CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
hadoop-core | Apache-2.0 |
HSQLDB | hsql |
HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
jasper-compiler | |
jasper-runtime | |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Development Tools Core | EPL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Utilities | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-converter | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0Confluent |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
oro | Apache-1.1 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
Servlet API | EPL-1.0SISSL-1.2SISSL-1.2SISSL-1.2CDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Servlet Specification 2.5 API | CDDL-1.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
StAX API | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0BSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.5¶
Included Project | License |
ant | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0public-domainInfo-ZIP |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons BeanUtils Core | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
Data Mapper for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
EL | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Glassfish Jasper | CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Glassfish Jasper API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionSISSL-1.2CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
hadoop-core | Apache-2.0 |
HSQLDB | hsql |
HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
jasper-compiler | |
jasper-runtime | |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Development Tools Core | EPL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Utilities | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-converter | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0Confluent |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
oro | Apache-1.1 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
Servlet API | EPL-1.0SISSL-1.2SISSL-1.2SISSL-1.2CDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Servlet Specification 2.5 API | CDDL-1.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
StAX API | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0BSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.4¶
Included Project | License |
ant | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0public-domainInfo-ZIP |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons BeanUtils Core | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
Data Mapper for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
EL | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Glassfish Jasper | CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Glassfish Jasper API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionSISSL-1.2CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
hadoop-core | Apache-2.0 |
HSQLDB | hsql |
HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
jasper-compiler | |
jasper-runtime | |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
Java Development Tools Core | EPL-1.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Utilities | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0EPL-1.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-s3 | proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-converter | Apache-2.0ConfluentApache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0Confluent |
Log Redactor | Apache-2.0 |
Log Redactor Metrics | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
minimal-json | MIT |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
oro | Apache-1.1 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
RE2/J | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
Servlet API | EPL-1.0SISSL-1.2SISSL-1.2SISSL-1.2CDDL-1.0CDDL-1.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Servlet Specification 2.5 API | CDDL-1.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
StAX API | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0BSD-2-Clause |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.3¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0Apache-1.1 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Annotations API | EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only |
Jakarta RESTful WS API | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jakarta.inject | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-core-common | Public-DomainCDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-s3 | Apache-2.0proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
OSGi resource locator | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
reload4j | Apache-2.0 |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J Reload4j Binding | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagick |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.2¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0Apache-1.1 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Annotations API | EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only |
Jakarta RESTful WS API | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jakarta.inject | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-core-common | Public-DomainCDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-s3 | Apache-2.0proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
OSGi resource locator | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J LOG4J-12 Binding relocated | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagick |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.1¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0Apache-1.1 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Annotations API | EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only |
Jakarta RESTful WS API | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jakarta.inject | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-core-common | Public-DomainCDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-s3 | Apache-2.0proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
OSGi resource locator | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J LOG4J-12 Binding relocated | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagick |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |
Version 1.0.0¶
Included Project | License |
Apache Avro | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons BeanUtils | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons CLI | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Codec | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Compress | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Configuration | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons IO | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Lang | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Logging | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Math | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Commons Net | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory API ASN.1 API | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Directory LDAP API Utilities | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Auth | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Hadoop Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpClient | Apache-2.0 |
Apache HttpCore | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Avro | Apache-2.0Apache-1.1 |
Apache Parquet Column | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Common | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Encodings | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Format Structures | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Parquet Hadoop | Apache-2.0 |
Apache Yetus - Audience Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Jute | Apache-2.0 |
Apache ZooKeeper - Server | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS I18n | Apache-2.0 |
ApacheDS Protocol Kerberos Codec | Apache-2.0 |
asm | BSD-3-Clause |
ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart | Apache-2.0 |
ASM Core | BSD-3-Clause |
assembly-plugin-boilerplate | |
AWS Java SDK for Amazon S3 | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS KMS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS Java SDK for AWS STS | Apache-2.0 |
AWS SDK for Java - Core | Apache-2.0 |
Checker Qual | MIT |
Commons Digester | Apache-2.0 |
Commons Lang | Apache-2.0Apache-2.0 |
Commons Pool | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | Apache-2.0 |
Confluent Server | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Client | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Framework | Apache-2.0 |
Curator Recipes | Apache-2.0 |
error-prone annotations | Apache-2.0 |
FindBugs-jsr305 | Apache-2.0 |
Gson | Apache-2.0 |
Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures | Apache-2.0 |
Guava ListenableFuture only | Apache-2.0 |
Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java | CC0-1.0Apache-2.0 |
ion-java | Apache-2.0 |
J2ObjC Annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson dataformat: CBOR | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Jackson-core | Apache-2.0 |
jackson-databind | Apache-2.0 |
Jakarta Annotations API | EPL-1.0EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionGPL-3.0-only |
Jakarta RESTful WS API | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jakarta.inject | EPL-2.0GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
Java Architecture For XML Binding | CDDL-1.1 |
java-xmlbuilder | Apache-2.0 |
JavaServer Pages(TM) API | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
JavaServlet(TM) Specification | GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exceptionCDDL-1.1 |
javax.annotation-api | CDDL-1.0 | | CDDL-1.0 |
JAX-RS provider for JSON content type | Apache-2.0 |
JCIP Annotations under Apache License | Apache-2.0 | | CDDL-1.1GPL-2.0-with-classpath-exception |
jersey-core | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-core-common | Public-DomainCDDL-1.0 |
jersey-json | CDDL-1.0 |
jersey-server | CDDL-1.0 |
JetS3t | Apache-2.0 |
Jettison | Apache-2.0 |
Jetty Server | Apache-2.0NCSAApache-2.0EPL-1.0Apache-2.0 |
Jetty SSLEngine | Apache-2.0 |
JLine | BSD-2-Clause |
JMES Path Query library | Apache-2.0 |
Joda-Time | Apache-2.0 |
jose4j | Apache-2.0 |
JSch | BSD-3-ClauseBSD-3-ClauseMITApache-2.0 |
JSON Small and Fast Parser | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-avro-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-avro-data | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-connect-s3 | Apache-2.0proprietary-license |
kafka-connect-storage-common | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-common-htrace-core4-shaded | Apache-2.0Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-core | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-format | Confluent |
kafka-connect-storage-partitioner | Confluent |
kafka-schema-registry-client | Apache-2.0 |
kafka-schema-serializer | Apache-2.0 |
LZ4 and xxHash | Apache-2.0 |
Metrics Core Library | Apache-2.0 |
Nimbus JOSE+JWT | Apache-2.0 |
Old JAXB Runtime | CDDL-1.0 |
OSGi resource locator | CDDL-1.0 |
Protocol Buffers [Core] | Apache-2.0BSD-3-Clause |
Protocol Buffers [Util] | BSD-3-Clause |
SLF4J API Module | MIT |
SLF4J LOG4J-12 Binding relocated | MIT |
snappy-java | Apache-2.0 |
Stax2 API | Apache-2.0ImageMagick |
swagger-annotations | Apache-2.0 |
Woodstox | Apache-2.0 |
Xml Compatibility extensions for Jackson | Apache-2.0 |
xmlenc | BSD-2-Clause |
zstd-jni | BSD-2-Clause |