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Kafka Connect ActiveMQ Source Connector

The ActiveMQ Source Connector is used to read messages from an ActiveMQ cluster and write them to a Apache Kafka® topic.


Confluent Platform also includes a general JMS source connector that uses a JNDI-based mechanism to connect to the JMS broker. If you have to use JNDI to connect to your JMS broker, consider using that connector instead.

Install the ActiveMQ Connector


This connector is bundled natively with Confluent Platform. If you have Confluent Platform installed and running, there are no additional steps required to install.

If you are using Confluent Platform using only Confluent Community components, you can install the connector using the Confluent Hub client (recommended) or you can manually download the ZIP file.

Install the connector using Confluent Hub

Confluent Hub Client must be installed. This is installed by default with Confluent Enterprise.

Navigate to your Confluent Platform installation directory and run this command to install the latest (latest) connector version. The connector must be installed on every machine where Connect will be run.

confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-activemq:latest

You can install a specific version by replacing latest with a version number. For example:

confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-connect-activemq:5.1.4

Install Connector Manually

Download and extract the ZIP file for your connector and then follow the manual connector installation instructions.


You can use this connector for a 30-day trial period without a license key.

After 30 days, this connector is available under a Confluent enterprise license. Confluent issues enterprise license keys to subscribers, along with providing enterprise-level support for Confluent Platform and your connectors. If you are a subscriber, please contact Confluent Support at for more information.

See Confluent Platform license for license properties and License topic configuration for information about the license topic.

Client Libraries

The Kafka Connect ActiveMQ connector includes all the libraries required to work with ActiveMQ, so there is nothing else to install.

JMS Message types

The connector currently supports only TextMessage and BytesMessage but does not currently support ObjectMessage or StreamMessage .

Connecting to ActiveMQ

This connector connects directly to ActiveMQ using a connection URL for your messaging system, using the ActiveMQ client libraries included with the connector.

The following example shows a typical configuration of the connector for use with distributed mode:

  "name": "connector1",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.activemq.ActiveMQSourceConnector",

The connector supports other configuration options not included in the example above.


This connector consumes messages from ActiveMQ using the configured message selectors and writes them to a single Kafka topic. If you want to write messages to multiple topics, use a simple message transform that routes the messages based upon your criteria.


The ActiveMQ connector produces messages with keys and values that adhere to the schemas described in the following sections.


This schema is used to store the incoming MessageID on the message interface. This will ensure that when that if the same message id arrives it will end up in the same partition. In practice this should never occur.

The schema defines the following fields:

Name Schema Required Default Value Documentation
messageID STRING yes   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSMessageID().


This schema is used to store the value of the JMS message.

The schema defines the following fields:

Name Schema Required Default Value Documentation
messageID STRING yes   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSMessageID().
messageType STRING yes   This field stores the type of message that was received. This corresponds to the subinterfaces of Message. BytesMessage = bytes, MapMessage = map, ObjectMessage = object, StreamMessage = stream and TextMessage = text. The corresponding field will be populated with the values from the respective Message subinterface.
timestamp INT64 yes   Data from the getJMSTimestamp() method.
deliveryMode INT32 yes   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSDeliveryMode().
correlationID STRING no   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSCorrelationID().
replyTo Destination no   This schema is used to represent a JMS Destination, and is either queue or topic.
destination Destination no   This schema is used to represent a JMS Destination, and is either queue or topic.
redelivered BOOLEAN yes   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSRedelivered().
type STRING no   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSType().
expiration INT64 yes   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSExpiration().
priority INT32 yes   This field stores the value of Message.getJMSPriority().
properties Map of STRING, PropertyValue yes   This field stores the data from all of the properties for the Message indexed by their propertyName.
bytes BYTES no   This field stores the value from BytesMessage.html.readBytes(byte[]).
map Map of STRING, PropertyValue no   This field stores the data from all of the map entries returned from MapMessage.getMapNames() for the Message indexed by their key.
text STRING no   This field stores the value from TextMessage.html.getText().


This schema is used to represent a JMS Destination, and is either queue or topic.

The schema defines the following fields:

Name Schema Required Default Value Documentation
destinationType STRING yes   The type of JMS Destination, and either queue or topic.
name STRING yes   The name of the destination. This will be the value of Queue.getQueueName() or Topic.getTopicName().


This schema is used to store the data that is found in the properties of the message. To ensure that the proper type mappings are preserved field propertyType stores the value type for the field. The corresponding field in the schema will contain the data for the property. This ensures that the data is retrievable as the type returned by Message.getObjectProperty().

The schema defines the following fields:

Name Schema Required Default Value Documentation
propertyType STRING yes   The java type of the property on the Message. One of boolean, byte, short, integer, long, float, double, or string.
boolean BOOLEAN no   The value stored as a boolean. Null unless propertyType is set to boolean.
byte INT8 no   The value stored as a byte. Null unless propertyType is set to byte.
short INT16 no   The value stored as a short. Null unless propertyType is set to short.
integer INT32 no   The value stored as a integer. Null unless propertyType is set to integer.
long INT64 no   The value stored as a long. Null unless propertyType is set to long.
float FLOAT32 no   The value stored as a float. Null unless propertyType is set to float.
double FLOAT64 no   The value stored as a double. Null unless propertyType is set to double.
string STRING no   The value stored as a string. Null unless propertyType is set to string.