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KSQL Custom Function Reference (UDF and UDAF)

KSQL has many built-in functions that help with processing records in streaming data, like ABS and SUM. Functions are used within a KSQL query to filter, transform, or aggregate data.

With the KSQL API, you can implement custom functions that go beyond the built-in functions. For example, you can create a custom function that applies a pre-trained machine learning model to a stream.

KSQL supports these kinds of functions:

Stateless scalar function (UDF)
A scalar function that takes one input row and returns one output value. No state is retained between function calls. When you implement a custom scalar function, it’s called a User-Defined Function (UDF).
Stateful aggregate function (UDAF)
An aggregate function that takes N input rows and returns one output value. During the function call, state is retained for all input records, which enables aggregating results. When you implement a custom aggregate function, it’s called a User-Defined Aggregate Function (UDAF).


Tabular functions, which take one input row and return N output values, aren’t supported.

Implement a Custom Function

Folow these steps to create your custom functions:

  1. Write your UDF or UDAF class in Java.

    • If your Java class is a UDF, mark it with the @UdfDescription and @Udf annotations.
    • If your class is a UDAF, mark it with the @UdafDescription and @UdafFactory annotations.

    For more information, see Example UDF class and Example UDAF class.

  2. Deploy the JAR file to the KSQL extensions directory. For more information, see Deploying.

  3. Use your function like any other KSQL function in your queries.


The SHOW FUNCTIONS statement lists the available functions in your KSQL server, including your custom UDF and UDAF functions. Use the DESCRIBE FUNCTION statement to display details about your custom functions.

For a detailed walkthrough on creating a UDF, see Implement a User-defined Function (UDF and UDAF).

Creating UDF and UDAFs

KSQL supports creating User Defined Scalar Functions (UDFs) and User Defined Aggregate Functions (UDAF) via custom jars that are uploaded to the ext/ directory of the KSQL installation. At start up time KSQL scans the jars in the directory looking for any classes that annotated with @UdfDescription (UDF) or @UdafDescription (UDAF). Classes annotated with @UdfDescription are scanned for any public methods that are annotated with @Udf. Classes annotated with @UdafDescription are scanned for any public static methods that are annotated with @UdafFactory. Each UD(A)F that is found is parsed and, if successful, loaded into KSQL.

Each UD(A)F instance has its own child-first ClassLoader that is isolated from other UD(A)Fs. If you need to use any third-party libraries with your UDFs then they should also be part of your jar, i.e., you should create an “uber-jar”. The classes in your uber-jar will be loaded in preference to any classes on the KSQL classpath excluding anything vital to the running of KSQL, i.e., classes that are part of org.apache.kafka and io.confluent. Further, the ClassLoader can restrict access to other classes via a blacklist. The blacklist file is resource-blacklist.txt. You can add any classes or packages that you want blacklisted from UDF use, for example you may not want a UDF to be able to fork processes. Further details on how to blacklist are available below.


To create a UDF you need to create a class that is annotated with @UdfDescription. Each method in the class that represents a UDF must be public and annotated with @Udf. The class you create represents a collection of UDFs all with the same name but may have different arguments and return types.

Optional @UdfParameter annotations can be added to method parameters to provide users with richer information.

Null Handling

If a UDF uses primitive types in its signature it is indicating that the parameter should never be null. Conversely, using boxed types indicates the function can accept null values for the parameter. It is up to the implementor of the UDF to chose which is the most appropriate. A common pattern is to return null if the input is null, though generally this is only for parameters that are expected to be supplied from the source row being processed. For example, a substring(String str, int pos) UDF might return null if str is null, but a null pos parameter would be treated as an error, and hence should be a primitive. (In actual fact, the in-built substring is more lenient and would return null if pos was null).

The return type of a UDF can also be a primitive or boxed type. A primitive return type indicates the function will never return null, where as a boxed type indicates it may return null.

The KSQL server will check the value being passed to each parameter and report an error to the server log for any null values being passed to a primitive type. The associated column in the output row will be null.

Example UDF class

The class below creates a UDF named multiply. The name of the UDF is provided in the name parameter of the UdfDescription annotation. This name is case-insensitive and is what can be used to call the UDF. As can be seen this UDF can be invoked in different ways:

  • with two int parameters returning a long (BIGINT) result.
  • with two long (BIGINT) parameters returning a long (BIGINT) result.
  • with two nullable Long (BIGINT) parameters returning a nullable Long (BIGINT) result.
  • with two double parameters returning a double result.
import io.confluent.ksql.function.udf.Udf;
import io.confluent.ksql.function.udf.UdfDescription;

@UdfDescription(name = "multiply", description = "multiplies 2 numbers")
public class Multiply {

  @Udf(description = "multiply two non-nullable INTs.")
  public long multiply(
    @UdfParameter(value = "V1", description = "the first value") final int v1,
    @UdfParameter(value = "V2", description = "the second value") final int v2) {
    return v1 * v2;

  @Udf(description = "multiply two non-nullable BIGINTs.")
  public long multiply(
    @UdfParameter("V1") final long v1,
    @UdfParameter("V2") final long v2) {
    return v1 * v2;

  @Udf(description = "multiply two nullable BIGINTs. If either param is null, null is returned.")
  public Long multiply(final Long v1, final Long v2) {
    return v1 == null || v2 == null ? null : v1 * v2;

  @Udf(description = "multiply two non-nullable DOUBLEs.")
  public double multiply(final double v1, double v2) {
    return v1 * v2;

If you’re using Gradle to build your UDF or UDAF, specify the ksql-udf dependency:

compile 'io.confluent.ksql:ksql-udf:5.1.4'

To compile with the latest version of ksql-udf:

compile 'io.confluent.ksql:ksql-udf:+'

If you’re using Maven to build your UDF or UDAF, specify the ksql-udf dependency in your POM file:

<!-- Specify the repository for Confluent dependencies -->

<!-- Specify the ksql-udf dependency -->
UdfDescription Annotation

The @UdfDescription annotation is applied at the class level and has four fields, two of which are required. The information provided here is used by the SHOW FUNCTIONS and DESCRIBE FUNCTION <function> commands.

Field Description Required
name The case-insensitive name of the UDF(s) represented by this class. Yes
description A string describing generally what the function(s) in this class do. Yes
author The author of the UDF. No
version The version of the UDF. No
Udf Annotation

The @Udf annotation is applied to public methods of a class annotated with @UdfDescription. Each annotated method will become an invocable function in KSQL. The annotation only has a single field description that is optional. You can use this to better describe what a particular version of the UDF does, for example:

@Udf(description = "Returns a substring of str that starts at pos"
  + " and continues to the end of the string")
public String substring(final String str, final int pos)

@Udf(description = "Returns a substring of str that starts at pos and is of length len")
public String substring(final String str, final int pos, final int len)
UdfParameter Annotation

The @UdfParameter annotation is optional and is applied to the parameters of methods annotated with @Udf. KSQL will use the additional information in the @UdfParameter annotation to provide users with richer information about the method when, for example, they execute DESCRIBE FUNCTION on the method.

The annotation has two parameters: value is the name of the parameter and description which can be used to better describe what the parameter does, for example:

public String substring(
   @UdfParameter("str") final String str,
   @UdfParameter(value = "pos", description = "Starting position of the substring") final int pos)
Configurable UDF

If the UDF class needs access to the KSQL server configuration it can implement io.confluent.common.Configurable, e.g.

@UdfDescription(name = "MyFirstUDF", description = "multiplies 2 numbers")
public class SomeConfigurableUdf implements Configurable {
  private String someSetting = "a.default.value";

  public void configure(final Map<String, ?> map) {
    this.someSetting = (String)map.get("ksql.functions.myfirstudf.some.setting");


For security reasons, only settings whose name is prefixed with ksql.functions.<lowercase-udfname>. or ksql.functions._global_. will be propagated to the Udf.


To create a UDAF you need to create a class that is annotated with @UdafDescription. Each method in the class that is used as a factory for creating an aggregation must be public static, be annotated with @UdafFactory, and must return either Udaf or TableUdaf. The class you create represents a collection of UDAFs all with the same name but may have different arguments and return types.

Example UDAF class

The class below creates a UDAF named my_sum. The name of the UDAF is provided in the name parameter of the UdafDescription annotation. This name is case-insensitive and is what can be used to call the UDAF. The UDAF can be invoked in four ways:

  • With a Long (BIGINT) column, returning the aggregated value as Long (BIGINT). Can also be used to support table aggregations as the return type is TableUdaf and therefore supports the undo operation.
  • with an Integer column returning the aggregated value as Long (BIGINT).
  • with a Double column, returning the aggregated value as Double.
  • with a String (VARCHAR) and an initializer that is a String (VARCHAR), returning the aggregated String (VARCHAR) length as a Long (BIGINT).
@UdafDescription(name = "my_sum", description = "sums")
public class SumUdaf {

  @UdafFactory(description = "sums longs")
  // Can be used with table aggregations
  public static TableUdaf<Long, Long> createSumLong() {
    return new TableUdaf<Long, Long>() {
      public Long undo(final Long valueToUndo, final Long aggregateValue) {
        return aggregateValue - valueToUndo;

      public Long initialize() {
        return 0L;

      public Long aggregate(final Long value, final Long aggregate) {
        return aggregate + value;

      public Long merge(final Long aggOne, final Long aggTwo) {
        return aggOne + aggTwo;

  @UdafFactory(description = "sums int")
  public static TableUdaf<Integer, Long> createSumInt() {
    return new TableUdaf<Integer, Long>() {
      public Long undo(final Integer valueToUndo, final Long aggregateValue) {
        return aggregateValue - valueToUndo;

      public Long initialize() {
        return 0L;

      public Long aggregate(final Integer current, final Long aggregate) {
        return current + aggregate;

      public Long merge(final Long aggOne, final Long aggTwo) {
        return aggOne + aggTwo;

  @UdafFactory(description = "sums double")
  public static Udaf<Double, Double> createSumDouble() {
    return new Udaf<Double, Double>() {
      public Double initialize() {
        return 0.0;

      public Double aggregate(final Double val, final Double aggregate) {
        return aggregate + val;

      public Double merge(final Double aggOne, final Double aggTwo) {
        return aggOne + aggTwo;

  // This method shows providing an initial value to an aggregated, i.e., it would be called
  // with my_sum(col1, 'some_initial_value')
  @UdafFactory(description = "sums the length of strings")
  public static Udaf<String, Long> createSumLengthString(final String initialString) {
    return new Udaf<String, Long>() {
      public Long initialize() {
        return (long) initialString.length();

      public Long aggregate(final String s, final Long aggregate) {
        return aggregate + s.length();

      public Long merge(final Long aggOne, final Long aggTwo) {
        return aggOne + aggTwo;

UdafDescription Annotation

The @UdafDescription annotation is applied at the class level and has four fields, two of which are required. The information provided here is used by the SHOW FUNCTIONS and DESCRIBE FUNCTION <function> commands.

Field Description Required
name The case-insensitive name of the UDAF(s) represented by this class. Yes
description A string describing generally what the function(s) in this class do. Yes
author The author of the UDF. No
version The version of the UDF. No
UdafFactory Annotation

The @UdafFactory annotation is applied to public static methods of a class annotated with @UdafDescription. The method must return either Udaf, or, if it supports table aggregations, TableUdaf. Each annotated method is a factory for an invocable aggregate function in KSQL. The annotation only has a single field description that is required. You can use this to better describe what a particular version of the UDF does, for example:

@UdafFactory(description = "Sums BIGINT columns.")
public static TableUdaf<Long, Long> createSumLong(){...}

@UdafFactory(description = "Sums the length of VARCHAR columns".)
public static Udaf<String, Long> createSumLengthString(final String initialString)

Supported Types

The types supported by UDFs are currently limited to:

Java Type KSQL Type
boolean BOOLEAN
double DOUBLE

Note: Complex types other than List and Map are not currently supported


To deploy your UD(A)Fs you need to create a jar containing all of the classes required by the UD(A)Fs. If you depend on third-party libraries then this should be an uber-jar containing those libraries. Once the jar is created you need to deploy it to each KSQL server instance. The jar should be copied to the ext/ directory that is part of the KSQL distribution. The ext/ directory can be configured via the ksql.extension.dir.

The jars in the ext/ directory are only scanned at start-up, so you will need to restart your KSQL server instances to pick up new UD(A)Fs.

It is important to ensure that you deploy the custom jars to each server instance. Failure to do so will result in errors when processing any statements that try to use these functions. The errors may go unnoticed in the KSQL CLI if the KSQL server instance it is connected to has the jar installed, but one or more other KSQL servers don’t have it installed. In these cases the errors will appear in the KSQL server log (ksql.log) . The error would look something like:

[2018-07-04 12:37:28,602] ERROR Failed to handle: Command{statement='create stream pageviews_ts as select tostring(viewtime) from pageviews;', overwriteProperties={}} (
io.confluent.ksql.util.KsqlException: Can't find any functions with the name 'TOSTRING'

The servers that don’t have the jars will not process any queries using the custom UD(A)Fs. Processing will continue, but it will be restricted to only the servers with the correct jars installed.


Once your UD(A)Fs are deployed you can call them in the same way you would invoke any of the KSQL built-in functions. The function names are case-insensitive. For example, using the multiply example above:

CREATE STREAM number_stream (int1 INT, int2 INT, long1 BIGINT, long2 BIGINT)

SELECT multiply(int1, int2), MULTIPLY(long1, long2) FROM number_stream;

KSQL Custom Functions and Security


In some deployment environments it may be necessary to restrict the classes that UD(A)Fs have access to as they may represent a security risk. To reduce the attack surface of KSQL UD(A)Fs you can optionally blacklist classes and packages such that they can’t be used from a UD(A)F. There is an example blacklist that is found in the file resource-blacklist.txt that is in the ext/ directory. All the entries in it are commented out, but it demonstrates how you can use the blacklist.

This file contains an entry per line, where each line is a class or package that should be blacklisted. The matching of the names is based on a regular expression, so if you have an entry, java.lang.Process


This would match any paths that begin with java.lang.Process, i.e., java.lang.Process, java.lang.ProcessBuilder etc.

If you want to blacklist a single class, i.e., java.lang.Compiler, then you would add:


Any blank lines or lines beginning with # are ignored. If the file is not present, or is empty, then no classes are blacklisted.

Security Manager

By default KSQL installs a simple java security manager for UD(A)F execution. The security manager blocks attempts by any UD(A)Fs to fork processes from the KSQL server. It also prevents them from calling System.exit(..).

The security manager can be disabled by setting to false.

Disabling KSQL Custom Functions

You can disable the loading of all UDFs in the ext/ directory by setting ksql.udfs.enabled to false. By default they are enabled.

Metric Collection

Metric collection can be enabled by setting the config ksql.udf.collect.metrics to true. This defaults to false and is generally not recommended for production usage as metrics will be collected on each invocation and will introduce some overhead to processing time.