Changelog for Oracle CDC Source Connector for Confluent Platform

Version 2.14.6

  • CC-30327: Fixed a bug where the connector checked redo log file consistency for closed threads.
  • CC-31390: Added support for tables with virtual columns. Virtual column values are captured during snapshot and set to null during streaming.

Version 2.14.5

  • CC-31044: Fixed a bug that caused the connector to retry adding redo log files to the log mining session using a closed database connection.

Version 2.14.4

  • CC-30305: Added a new option write for the behavior.on.unparsable.statement configuration. This option logs the unparseable statement and writes it to the corruption topic specified by redo.log.corruption.topic. If write is enabled but redo.log.corruption.topic is not configured, it defaults to the log option.
  • CC-29797: Fixed a bug that caused the connector to stall when the in-memory queue was closed while handling long running transactions.

Version 2.14.3

  • CC-29706: Optimized the snapshot process for very large tables by removing the need to execute a count query to determine the total number of rows.

Version 2.14.2

  • CC-29193: Upgraded Protobuf Java Lite and Full library from 3.21.7 to 3.25.5 to address CVE CVE-2024-7254.
  • CC-28160: Added logic to throw a meaningful exception if the user lacks permission to query the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view.

Version 2.14.1

  • CC-20297 – Improved error messages for redo log mining to include contextual information, such as redo log file names.
  • CC-19867 – Fixed a bug that caused the connector to stall when encountering tables with empty partitions while is set to true.
  • CC-21887 – Fixed a bug that prevented the connector from snapshotting newly added partitioned tables when is set to true.

Version 2.14.0

  • CC-26178: Added support for Oracle 23ai version