Oracle CDC Source Connector for Confluent Platform

Oracle 11g, 12c and 18c Deprecation

Oracle discontinued support for the following Oracle Database versions:

  • Version 11g on December 31, 2022
  • Version 12c on July 31, 2022
  • Version 18c on June 30, 2021

Confluent currently supports Oracle Database versions 19c and later.

The Kafka Connect Oracle CDC Source connector captures each change to rows in a database and then represents the changes as change event records in Apache Kafka® topics. The connector uses Oracle LogMiner to read the database redo log. The connector requires a database user with permissions to use LogMiner and permissions to select from all of the tables captured by the connector. For additional information, see Oracle Database Prerequisites.

The connector can be configured to capture a subset of the tables in a single database, defined as all tables accessible by the user that match an include regular expression. It can also be configured to not capture tables that match a separate exclude regular expression.

The connector writes the changes from each of the tables to Kafka topics, where the table-to-topic mapping is determined by the connector configuration property. This property defaults to the dot-delimited fully-qualified name of the table (for example, database_name.schema_name.table_name).

The connector recognizes literals and several variables (for example, ${tableName} and ${schemaName}) to customize table-to-topic mapping. Variables are resolved at runtime. For example, the following configuration property results in changes to the ORCL.ADMIN.USERS table to be written to the Kafka topic named my-prefix.ORCL.ADMIN.USERS.${databaseName}.${schemaName}.${tableName}

For a list of template variables, see Template variables.

The connector is designed to write all of the raw Oracle redo log records to one Kafka topic logically referred to as the “redo log topic”. The configuration property determines the name of this topic. The connector actually consumes this topic to identify and produce all of the table-specific events written to the table-specific topics. The connector can be configured by setting the property to an empty string to only write to the redo log topic without generating table-specific events to the table-specific topics.

There are many other configuration properties. For example, the metadata associated with each database change event can be included in the Kafka record header or in extra fields (with user-defined field names) in the Kafka record value.


To check out the Oracle CDC Source connector, complete the demo scenario in the blog article introducing the Oracle CDC Source connector.


The Connect Oracle CDC Source connector includes the following features:

Redo log topic

The connector reads the Oracle database redo log and writes each raw redo log event as a separate Kafka record. The connector queries the V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS view. Each row in the result set that applies to one of the matched tables is converted to records with a field for each column in the result set. The connector will write to this topic using an at-least-once guarantee. This means that, following an ungraceful stop of the Connect worker, the connector may rewrite a portion of the redo log event records upon restart.

To access redo log topics, you must grant the connector a corresponding operation–that is, CREATE, READ, or WRITE in an ACL. For output topics, you must grant the connector either CREATE or WRITE in an ACL. When granted READ, WRITE, or DELETE, the connector implicitly derives the DESCRIBE operation. For more information about ACL authorization controls and operations, see Authorization using ACLs.


  • Redo log topics should not be shared among connectors–this may cause unexpected behavior.
  • Currently, the connector only supports writing to the redo log topic with one partition.
  • Confluent recommends you increase your log retention policies to 24 hours. If you have a shorter retention policy and your table doesn’t have many activities, the connector might not be able to find a record with the last committed SCN.
  • When a connector is in the running state, you may not see a redo log topic being created ( The connector will create the topic when a new INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE is committed to the tables the connector is configured for. You may also create the topic with one partition before you run the connector.

Redo log corruption topic

It is possible that the Oracle redo logs themselves may be corrupted. The connector will not terminate if LogMiner reports corrupted blocks or segments. It is possible to configure the connector to write the corrupted block details to a separate Kafka topic, allowing downstream consumers to use this information to track and react to Oracle redo log file corruptions.

Table change event topics

The connector can turn raw logs into change events for each table and write these to Kafka topics using the configured table-to-topic mapping.

Pattern match tables to be captured

The connector configuration uses two regular expressions to identify the tables in the database that it should capture. The connector captures events from all tables in the database whose fully-qualified names (for example, dbo.Users) are matched by the include expression, unless explicitly excluded by matching the exclude expression.

Flexible mapping of tables to Kafka topics

The connector configuration specifies a template that identifies the names of the Kafka topic to which the events are written. This template is resolved into a name for every change event and can use literals or template variables including the schema name, table name, database name, various timestamps, and transaction IDs. This gives users a flexible way of identifying the names of the Kafka topics where the change events are written.

Record keys

The records that the connector writes to Kafka topics have (by default) a key corresponding to the primary key column values for the corresponding row in the database. If the primary key consists of a single column, the Kafka record’s key will contain the value of the column for that row. If the primary key consists of multiple columns, the Kafka record’s key will be a STRUCT containing a field for each of the primary key’s columns. You can change this behavior by setting the key.template configuration property. As with other Connect source connectors, each record’s key determines the topic partition where the connector writes the record.


When a connector is first started, it attempts to obtain a snapshot of all existing rows in each table, writing these (as records) to the Kafka topic for the table, before starting to capture changes made to those rows. This results in the Kafka topic containing records for every row in the database table. However, if the Kafka topic should only contain records from a specific point in time, you can use the start.from configuration property to specify an SCN or timestamp. This will set the point where the connector will start capturing events for all tables.


If the connector is interrupted, is stopped, or fails while performing a snapshot of any tables, upon recovery or restart the connector restarts all incomplete snapshots from the beginning. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to resume a snapshot of a table that is changing while ensuring that all changes to that table have been captured.

Table partition snapshots

When used on CP 6.x or later, the connector has an advanced feature of table partition snapshots. With this feature, the connector performs snapshots, in parallel, of large tables that are partitioned in Oracle, and distributes these table-partition snapshots across all tasks. This helps to scale the number of tasks linearly, so more snapshots are performed in parallel across a larger number of tasks. For example, a connector can capture and snapshot a single large table (N=1) with many table partitions (for example, P=20) using up to P+1 tasks. This reduces the overall time required to perform the snapshot by scaling out the number of tasks.


When running a connector with, create table-specific topics ahead of time. If table-specific topics are not created ahead of time, some tasks assigned to partitioned tables will fail. In addition, ensure target tables are all partitioned. If you have a mix of non-partitioned tables and partitioned tables, use To view the property description, go to

Large object types

You can configure the connector to capture changes in tables that contain columns with binary large object (BLOB), character large object (CLOB), and national character large object (NCLOB) types. These large object (LOB) types are written to separate LOB topics that can be consumed by downstream applications. To enable this feature, specify a template variable to use in the configuration property (see Template variables for supported variables). When enabled, the connector writes LOB objects to a separate topic with the key of the topic, consisting of the table full name, column name, and primary key of the change record of the LOB object row.


  • A table that contains large object (LOB) type columns must include primary keys.
  • LOB objects of more than 1 KB in size are supported. Ensure you set to true.
  • Be careful when updating the value of primary keys when used in association with LOB topics. When an update to the primary key is processed, the connector will emit the updated record to the change event, but will not retroactively update the LOB record key.

Auto-table set sync and task reconfiguration

Tables can be deleted and created in the Oracle database while the connector is running. The connector periodically checks for newly added or recently dropped tables that match the tables to be captured. When the connector identifies new or deleted tables, the connector automatically reconfigures its tasks to stop watching the deleted tables and begin capturing changes from new tables that match the table filter expressions.

Scalable database workloads

The connector is designed to scale from small to large database workloads using connector tasks. The connector can be configured to use as few as one task (tasks.max=1) or scale to as many tasks as required to capture all table changes.

Micro-rebalancing of task loads

This feature applies only to connectors in a Connect cluster running Confluent Platform 6.0 or later. Upon startup, the connector evenly distributes tables across its tasks. The connector monitors throughput variations for each table and the position of each task in the redo log. The connector automatically attempts to distribute the load across all of the connector’s tasks by assigning frequently-changing tables to different tasks.

Automatic creation of Kafka topics

This feature applies only to connectors in a Connect cluster running Confluent Platform 6.0 or later. You can include rules in your connector configuration that define the topic settings for any topic that the source connector writes to. If you are using an earlier version of Confluent Platform, either create the Kafka topics ahead of time or configure your Kafka brokers to automatically create topics (see the broker configuration properties).


When running a connector with, create table-specific topics ahead of time. If table-specific topics are not created ahead of time, some tasks assigned to partitioned tables will fail. In addition, ensure target tables are all partitioned. If you have a mix of non-partitioned tables and partitioned tables, use To view the property description, go to

Automated reconnection

The connector is able to automatically reconnect when the connection to the database is disrupted or interrupted. When a connection is lost, the connector stops, logs a disconnection warning or error messages, and attempts to reconnect using exponential backoff. Once the connection is re-established, the connector automatically resumes normal operation. Several connection properties control this behavior, including (defaults to 5 mins) and (defaults to 24 hours). You can change these values. You set to 0 to disable automated reconnection.

Oracle multi-tenant CDB/PDB architecture support

Oracle provides multitenant architecture support. System tables are stored in a single container database (CDB). User tables are stored in pluggable databases (PDBs) plugged into the CDB. Each instance of the Oracle CDC connector can read user tables that reside in one PDB. The PDB name where user tables reside can be configured using the property To read from system tables in the CDB, leave the configuration property blank. The oracle.sid property must be set to the Oracle system identifier (SID) to access either CDB, PDB, or legacy non-multitenant database.

LogMiner needs all PDBs in the container database to be opened in READ WRITE mode to build a dictionary.


The connector does not support the multitenant container database for Amazon RDS.

Kerberos integration

Use the oracle.kerberos.cache.file configuration property to set the location of the Kerberos ticket cache file. For an example, see Using Kerberos authentication.

LDAP URL Support

Use the ldap.url configuration property to set the LDAP connection URL for the database.


  • This connector supports Oracle Internet Directory (OID) based implementation.
  • Simple Authentication is supported. You must configure and configuration property to use authentication.
  • The connector has been tested to work with OID version and Oracle Database 19c.

Connection reuse through connection pooling

Use the connection.pool.* configuration properties to configure the connection pool for efficient reuse of connections to the database. The connector uses one connection to stream changes from the Oracle database. In addition, it uses one connection per-table during the initial snapshot phase. Once the snapshot is complete, only task zero will require a connection to the database to stream database changes into the redo log topic.

Archived redo log destination

The connector provides a configuration to specify the archived redo log destination used to read the redo log files. Use the configuration to specify the name of the log archive destination to use when mining archived redo logs. You can configure the connector to use a specific destination using the destination name, for example, LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1.

Note that this feature is available from version 2.10.0 for Oracle 19c and in subsequent supported versions.

Infrequently Updated Databases

The connector tracks offsets in the connect offsets topic so that the processing can be resumed from that point upon restarts. The offsets tracked by the connector stores the SCN from which to resume. However, for the connector to be able to emit records to the offsets topic, it needs to process records of relevant tables. On an infrequently updated database where the source offsets are not able to move forward, a task restart can result in an ORA-01291 missing logfile or ORA-01292: no log file error if the archived redo log file corresponding to the stored SCN in the source offset has been purged from the database. In such scenarios, you can use the heartbeat feature (see the following note) to emit heartbeat events from the connector so the source offsets can move forward.

To use the heartbeat feature, set the configuration property to a value greater than 0. This will cause the connector to emit heartbeats to an internal heartbeat topic (configured using at regular intervals. Confluent recommends you set the parameter to a value with an order of minutes to hours. The default value of is 0, which disables emission of heartbeat records from the connector.


  • This feature is available from version 2.3.0 for Oracle 19c and in subsequent supported versions. For supported versions prior to Oracle 19c, use version 2.7.0.
  • If there are long running transactions, then the SCN produced to the heartbeat topic will be the minimum SCN of all open transactions. This means that setting the configuration will not help for cases where a transaction doesn’t commit for periods longer than the retention size of the archive log files. Confluent recommends you look for metrics like oldest-transaction-id-in-buffer, last-processed-transaction-id and more, if available at Monitoring using Java Management Extensions (JMX).

Log sensitive data

Use the configuration property to configure whether the connector logs or redacts sensitive information. Set this property to true only when it is acceptable for troubleshooting purposes. This property defaults to false, such that all sensitive information is redacted by default.

Manage long-running transactions

This section is applicable only when the configuration use.transaction.begin.for.mining.session is set to true.

A long-running transaction can have a negative impact on the connector performance. It can cause each subsequent mining session to do more work and hence take more time to complete, leading to increased lag in processing change events. It can also impact the memory usage of the connector. The connector stores events corresponding to a transaction in an in-memory buffer until it receives the commit or rollback event for the transaction. A long-running transaction that has a large number of changes can lead to increased memory usage and result in an out-of-memory error, if there is an insufficient amount of available memory.

As a general guidance, Confluent recommends you avoid long-running transactions, since it can impact the scalability of the system and could lead to deadlocks. It is best to change your applications so that they don’t have such long-running transactions.

In situations where making changes to an application is not feasible, consider using the and log.mining.transaction.threshold.breached.action configurations to drop long-running transactions. Use these properties with caution as dropping transactions could result in potential data loss.

Use the configuration to define a threshold (in milliseconds) for the transaction age. The transaction age is defined as the period of time the transaction has been open on the database. If the transaction age exceeds this threshold, then an action is taken depending on the value set in log.mining.transaction.threshold.breached.action. The default value is -1, which means that a transaction is retained in the buffer until the connector receives the commit or rollback event for the transaction. This should not be set to a value that is more than the retention period for archived redo log files.

Use the log.mining.transaction.threshold.breached.action configuration to control the action to take when an active transaction exceeds the threshold defined in the configuration. For help with setting the log.mining.transaction.threshold.breached.action property, and for supported values, see its configuration description.


This feature is available from version 2.10.0 for Oracle 19c and in subsequent supported versions.

Before state for update operation

For an update operation, the connector under default configuration populates the state of a row after a change occurs in the change event record. You can configure the connector to include the state of the row before the change by specifying a non-empty value for the configuration output.before.state.field. The specified value will be used as the field name under which the before state would be populated in the change event record. For more information, see this example..

There are no changes to the change event records for snapshot, insert and delete operations when using this feature.


  • This feature is available from version 2.13.0 for all supported versions of Oracle.
  • If the value converter used is JSON_SR, then the schema evolution is not backward compatible.
  • This is not supported for columns with large object (LOB) types.

Requirements and current limitations

The following sections provides usage requirements and current limitations.


Be sure to review the Oracle Database Prerequisites before using the Oracle CDC Source connector.

Oracle versions

The Oracle CDC Source connector is compatible with the following Oracle versions:

The connector supports Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC). The connector has not been tested against Oracle Exadata.


  • The connector works with hosted databases in Oracle Cloud (OCI) if the databases are supported by the connector. The connector does not work with Oracle Autonomous Databases.
  • The LogMiner API still exists in 19c and later supported versions, but Continuous Mining is no longer included.
  • The connector works with Oracle Active Data Guard and Oracle Data Guard, but it must point to a primary database.
  • If the UPDATE or DELETE statement in the Oracle Redo Log only includes ROWID in a where clause (for example, UPDATE MYUSER.CUSTOMER SET FIRST_NAME = 'CONFLUENT' where ROWID = 'AAEm9+AM9AABrA7AAB';), the connector will not be able to create a full record. You can set behavior.on.unparsable.statement=log to skip the record.
  • The connector does not support the multitenant container database for Amazon RDS.

Confluent Platform versions

The connector can be installed in Kafka Connect workers running Confluent Platform 5.3 (and later). It is recommended that you deploy the connector on Connect workers running Confluent Platform 6.0 (and later). In Confluent Platform 6.0 (and later), the connector can automatically distribute workloads across all of the connector’s tasks by assigning frequently-changing tables to different tasks.

Data types

For supported data types, see Supported Data Types.

The connector does not support the following data types and table storage attributes. If a table has columns with any of these unsupported data types, the connector ignores the entire table.

  • Nested tables
  • Objects with nested tables
  • Tables with identity columns
  • Temporal validity columns
  • PKREF columns
  • PKOID columns
  • Nested table attributes and stand-alone nested table columns

The connector cannot differentiate between numeric types INT, INTEGER, SMALLINT, DEC, DECIMAL, NUMBER, NUMERIC. All these numerical types are mapped to the Connect Decimal logical type. For more about this, see Kafka Connect Deep Dive. The connector cannot differentiate between float number types DOUBLE PRECISION, REAL, and FLOAT. All of these float number types are mapped to Connect FLOAT64.


  • You can use the configuration property numeric.mapping to map numeric types with known precision and scale to their best matching primitive type. Numeric mapping property documents the specific precision and scale required on each numeric type to be able to map to a given connect primitive type.
  • A few of the PL/SQL-exclusive data types are not supported.

DDL statements

The connector recognizes and parses DDL statements applied to the database, after the connector starts. These DDL statements are used to identify changes in the structure of captured tables and to adjust the schema of event records written to Kafka.

The connector’s DDL parser does not support the following DDL statements:

  • ALTER TABLE statements to add or remove constraints.

  • ALTER TABLE statements dropping multiple columns in a single statement.

  • ALTER TABLE adding columns of TIMESTAMP type with DEFAULT.

  • ALTER TABLE with columns that contain user-defined types.

  • ALTER TABLE to rename tables or columns.

  • ALTER TABLE statements to remove all data from a specified partition of a partitioned table.

  • ALTER TABLE statements to modify LOB columns.


  • ALTER TABLE statements to modify columns with NULL or NOT NULL that don’t contain the column type in the statement. Note that as a workaround, you can use the following statement:

  • GRANT statements to grant SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and other privileges on tables.


For help with handling DDL statements, see Address DDL Changes in Oracle Database for Confluent Platform.

Mutual TLS with DB authentication and PDBs

Mutual TLS with DB authentication works for CDBs, but does not work for PDBs.

With PDBs, there needs to be an external user identified as 'CN=...'. However, this external user is a global user and not a common user. When the connector is launched, it will fail with the following exception:

ORA-65053: A global user cannot change the container in the session.

Other considerations

  • The Protobuf converter works with the connector when Confluent Platform 6.2.0 or above is used.
  • Currently, the connector does not record transaction summary information.

Redo log

  • If the Oracle redo log is corrupted, or if the Oracle redo log is incompatible with the current table schema, the connector sends the redo log block to the error log topic.
  • Currently, the connector only supports writing to the redo log topic with one partition. All converted redo logs are sent to the same partition. If you create the redo log topic manually, create it as a single partition topic.
  • Versions 2.0.0 and later of the connector use LogMiner with record.buffer.mode. The default setting is "record.buffer.mode"="connector", whereby uncommitted transactions will be buffered in the connector’s memory. If you choose to keep the default setting and have large transactions, ensure you have a large amount of memory for your Connect workers. If not, consider breaking these large transactions into smaller transactions, avoiding a potential out-of-memory issue. For additional information about transactions, see Filtering and Formatting Data Returned to V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS.
  • The Oracle CDC Source connector does not work with an Oracle read-only replica for Amazon RDS. The connector uses the Oracle-recommended Online Catalog, which requires the database to be open for write access. For related details, see Working with an Oracle read-only replica for Amazon RDS.
  • The Oracle CDC Source connector does not work with a DR cluster which doesn’t have the CURRENT status of a redo log. You can check whether redo log files with the CURRENT status exist by running SELECT SEQUENCE# FROM V$LOG WHERE STATUS = 'CURRENT'.

Tables and columns

  • Table or column names selected for mining must not exceed 30 characters.

  • RENAME a column is not supported.

  • When converting the DATE type to Unix Epoch time, the Oracle CDC Source Connector ignores the time portion (hours:minutes:seconds) in the DATE field.

  • When there is an update to the primary key, the Oracle CDC connector will generate a tombstone. For example, if you create a table with the following specifications:

    create table CUSTOMERS (
              FIRST_NAME VARCHAR(50),
              LAST_NAME VARCHAR(50),
              EMAIL VARCHAR(50),
              GENDER VARCHAR(50),
              CLUB_STATUS VARCHAR(20),
              COMMENTS VARCHAR(90),

    Your primary key is ID, if you do:

    log "Updating primary key value"
    docker exec -i oracle sqlplus C\#\#MYUSER/mypassword@//localhost:1521/ORCLCDB << EOF
      update CUSTOMERS set ID = '123' where ID = '1';

    This generates three records in the table topic:

    {"ID":1,"FIRST_NAME":{"string":"Rica"},"LAST_NAME":{"string":"Blaisdell"},"EMAIL":{"string":""},"GENDER":{"string":"Female"},"CLUB_STATUS":{"string":"bronze"},"COMMENTS":{"string":"Universal optimal hierarchy"},"CREATE_TS":{"long":1657297016227},"UPDATE_TS":{"long":1657297016000},"COUNTRY":null,"table":{"string":"ORCLCDB.C##MYUSER.CUSTOMERS"},"scn":{"string":"2162249"},"op_type":{"string":"D"},"op_ts":{"string":"1657297083000"},"current_ts":{"string":"1657282688459"},"row_id":{"string":"AAAR34AAHAAAAFfAAA"},"username":{"string":"C##MYUSER"}}
    {"ID":123,"FIRST_NAME":{"string":"Rica"},"LAST_NAME":{"string":"Blaisdell"},"EMAIL":{"string":""},"GENDER":{"string":"Female"},"CLUB_STATUS":{"string":"bronze"},"COMMENTS":{"string":"Universal optimal hierarchy"},"CREATE_TS":{"long":1657297016227},"UPDATE_TS":{"long":1657297083000},"COUNTRY":null,"table":{"string":"ORCLCDB.C##MYUSER.CUSTOMERS"},"scn":{"string":"2162249"},"op_type":{"string":"I"},"op_ts":{"string":"1657297083000"},"current_ts":{"string":"1657282688460"},"row_id":{"string":"AAAR34AAHAAAAFfAAA"},"username":{"string":"C##MYUSER"}}

    To ignore tombstones in your Sink connector use SMT:

    "transforms": "tombstoneHandlerExample",
    "transforms.tombstoneHandlerExample.type": "io.confluent.connect.transforms.TombstoneHandler",
    "transforms.tombstoneHandlerExample.behavior": "warn",

Numeric mapping

The Oracle CDC connector doesn’t support updating the numeric.mapping setting for a running connector. To update the setting, take the following actions:

  • Delete the redo log topic, table-specific or CDC topics, registered schemas, and the running connector.
  • Deploy a new connector with a new name.


Using single-message transformations (SMTs) is not recommended, unless the following conditions apply:

  • The SMT is insensitive to record schema.
  • The SMT does not alter the schema of records.
  • The SMTs that alter schema are restricted to the table topics using predicates as demonstrated in the SMT Examples documentation.

Install the Oracle CDC Source Connector

You can install this connector by using the confluent connect plugin install command, or by manually downloading the ZIP file.


  • An installation of the Confluent Hub Client.


    The Confluent Hub Client is installed by default with Confluent Enterprise.

  • An installation of the latest (latest) connector version.

    To install the latest connector version, navigate to your Confluent Platform installation directory and run the following command:

    confluent connect plugin install confluentinc/kafka-connect-oracle-cdc:latest

    You can install a specific version by replacing latest with a version number as shown in the following example:

    confluent connect plugin install confluentinc/kafka-connect-oracle-cdc:2.14.0
  • You must add the orai18n.jar file to the /lib folder when installing this connector.

Install the connector manually

Download and extract the ZIP file for your connector and then follow the manual connector installation instructions.


Confluent’s Oracle CDC Source connector is a Confluent Premium connector subject to the Confluent enterprise license and therefore requires an additional subscription.

You can use this connector for a 30-day trial period without a license key.

After 30 days, you must purchase a connector subscription to Confluent’s Oracle CDC Source connector which includes Confluent enterprise license keys to subscribers, along with enterprise-level support for Confluent Platform and your connectors. If you are a subscriber, contact Confluent Support for more information.

See Confluent Platform license for license properties and License topic configuration for information about the license topic.

Configuration Properties

For a complete list of configuration properties for the Oracle CDC Source connector, see Configuration Reference for Oracle CDC Source Connector for Confluent Platform.

Quick Start

For quick start instructions, see Quick Start for the Oracle CDC Source Connector for Confluent Platform.

Creating Topics

Creating Kafka topics for records sourced from your database requires setting a few configuration properties.

Confluent Platform version 6.0 (or later)

If you are using Confluent Platform 6.0 (or later), you can configure your Connect worker to automatically create missing topics by adding properties to the worker and connector configuration.

  1. Add the following configuration property to the Connect worker and then restart the worker.

  2. Add the following configuration properties to the connector configuration:


These properties define a topic creation rule called “redo” that creates a Kafka topic named your-redo-log-topic (the topic can have any name) with 1 partition and 3 replicas. The records for this topic can be deleted after 14 days (1209600000 milliseconds). You can change the replication factor and cleanup policy.


The retention time needs to be longer than the maximum time the connector is allowed to be out of service.

All other topics are created with five partitions and three replicas. These topics have compaction enabled to remove any records for which there is a newer record with the same record key.

Confluent Platform version 5.5 (or earlier)

If you are using Confluent Platform 5.5 (or earlier) and the property auto.create.topics.enable=true is set in your Kafka broker configuration, the Kafka broker automatically creates any topics to which the Oracle CDC Source Connector writes. The Kafka broker creates the topics using the following connector configuration properties:

  • redo.log.corruption.topic

If you are using Confluent Platform 5.5 (or earlier) and the property auto.create.topics.enable=false is set in your Kafka broker configuration, you must create topics manually before running the connector. Create the topics before configuring the connector to use created topics with the following connector configuration properties:

  • redo.log.corruption.topic

Template variables

The connector uses template variables to create the name of the Kafka topic and the record key for each of the change events. The variables are similar to the Oracle GoldenGate Kafka Connect template variables which simplify migrating from Oracle GoldenGate to this connector. Variables are resolved at the task level and table level.

Connector and task variables

Variable keyword Description
${connectorName} Resolves to the name of the connector.
${databaseName} Resolves to the database name.
${emptyString} Resolves to an empty string.
${staticMap[]} Resolves to a static value where the key is the fully-qualified table name. The keys and values are designated inside of the square braces, in the following format: ${staticMap[dbo.table1=value1,dbo.table2=value2]}.
${currentTimestamp} or ${currentTimestamp[]} Resolves to the current timestamp. You can control the format of the current timestamp using Java-based formatting (see the SimpleDateFormat class documentation). Examples: ${currentDate}, ${currentDate[yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss.SSS]}

Table variables

Variable keyword Description
${schemaName} Resolves to the schema name for the table.
${tableName} Resolves to the short table name.
${fullyQualifiedTableName} Resolves to the fully-qualified table name including the period (.) delimiter between the schema and table names. For example, dbo.table1.

Column variables

Variable keyword Description
${columnName} Resolves to the column name.

Record variables

Variable keyword Description
${opType} Resolves to the type of the operation: READ, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.
${opTimestamp} Resolves to the operation timestamp from the redo log.
${rowId} Resolves to the ID of the changed row.
${primaryKey} Resolves to the concatenated primary key values delimited by an underscore (_) character.
${primaryKeyStruct} Resolves to a STRUCT with fields for each of the primary key column values.
${primaryKeyStructOrValue} Resolves to either a STRUCT with fields for each of the 2+ primary key column values, or the column value if the primary key contains a single column.
${scn} Resolves to the system change number (SCN) when the change was made.
${cscn} Resolves to the system change number (SCN) when the change was committed.
${rbaseq} Resolves to the sequence number associated with the Redo Block Address (RBA) of the redo record associated with the change.
${rbablk} Resolves to the RBA block number within the log file.
${rbabyte} Resolves to the RBA byte offset within the block.
${currentTimestamp} or ${currentTimestamp[]} Resolves to the current timestamp. You can control the format of the current timestamp using Java-based formatting (see the SimpleDateFormat class documentation). Examples: ${currentDate}, ${currentDate[yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss.SSS]}

Supported Data Types

The following table lists data types and the associated Connect mapping.

Oracle data type SQL type code Connect mapping


  • The maximum length of a RAW column that is supported is 2000 bytes.
  • The -101 and -102 codes for TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE are Oracle-specific. BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, and XMLTYPE are handled out-of-band with a separate LOB topic. The JSON data type in Oracle 21c is not supported.
  • The VECTOR and BOOLEAN data types introduced in Oracle 23ai are not supported.

Using the Connector with Confluent Cloud

To run the Oracle CDC Source connector with Kafka topics in Confluent Cloud, see Capturing Redo logs and Snapshot with Supplemental logging only.


The configuration examples are based on running the connector with Confluent Platform version 6.0 (and later).