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Salesforce Platform Events Sink Connector

Salesforce Platform Events are user-defined publish/subscribe events. The SalesforcePlatformEventSinkConnector can be used to publish Platform Events from Kafka topics to Salesforce. This connector can be used with either standalone or distributed Connect workers. The Platform Events Sink Connector can be thought of as the inverse of the Platform Events Source Connector. It is designed to read Platform Event records from an Kafka topic with data streamed from the Source connector and publish this data as new Platform Events to the configured organization.


The connector’s property indicates the name of the event. Event names must end with __e. For example, Platform event definitions must exist in Salesforce before publishing events to Salesforce. See the Salesforce Developer Guide for more information.


Note the following when using the Salesforce Platform Events sink connector.

API Limits

The Salesforce connector is limited by the allocations and limits of the Salesforce account. For example, free org accounts have a cap on the number of events that can occur within a 24-hour period.

Data Fields

The Platform Event Sink Connector publishes only custom fields that are part of the Platform event definition. For example, see the following sample Kafka record in JSON format:

Kafka record value for a Salesforce Platform Event
  "ReplayId": {
    "string": "44479"
  "CreatedDate": {
    "long": 1553542991336
  "CreatedById": {
    "string": "0051U000004EE5wQAG"
  "TextField__c": {
    "string": "This is a Text field"
  "NumberField__c": {
    "double": 33
  "BooleanField__c": {
    "boolean": true
  "_ObjectType": {
    "string": "ConfluentEvent__e"
  "_EventType": {
    "string": "VrdbV-4eqHB3hllFiCjIrw"

The fields defined in the Platorm Event definition in Salesforce are the fields ending in __c. The connector does not publish other fields such as ReplayId or CreatedDate.



salesforce.consumer.key and salesforce.consumer.secret are required properties used for OAuth2 secure authentication by Additional information and tutorials are available at

Property-based example

This configuration is used typically along with standalone workers.

 kafka.topic=< Required Configuration >
 salesforce.consumer.key=< Required Configuration >
 salesforce.consumer.secret=< Required Configuration >
 salesforce.password=< Required Configuration >
 salesforce.password.token=< Required Configuration >< Required Configuration >
 salesforce.username=< Required Configuration >


Change the confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers property to include your broker address(es) and change the confluent.topic.replication.factor to 3 for staging or production use.

REST-based example

This configuration is typically used with distributed workers. Write the following JSON to connector.json, configure all of the required values, and use the command below to post the configuration to one of the distributed connect worker(s). See Kafka Connect REST API for more information.

Connect Distributed REST example with Platform Event

   "name" : "SFDCPlatformEventsSink1",
   "config" : {
     "connector.class": "io.confluent.salesforce.SalesforcePlatformEventSinkConnector",
     "tasks.max" : "1",
     "topics" : "< Required Configuration >",
     "salesforce.consumer.key" : "< Required Configuration >",
     "salesforce.consumer.secret" : "< Required Configuration >",
     "salesforce.password" : "< Required Configuration >",
     "salesforce.password.token" : "< Required Configuration >",
     "" : "< Required Configuration >",
     "salesforce.username" : "< Required Configuration >",
     "confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers": "localhost:9092",
     "confluent.topic.replication.factor": "1",
     "confluent.license": " Omit to enable trial mode "


Change the confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers property to include your broker address(es), and change the confluent.topic.replication.factor to 3 for staging or production use.

Use curl to post a configuration to one of the Kafka Connect Workers. Change http://localhost:8083/ to the endpoint of one of your Kafka Connect worker(s).

Create a new connector:

curl -s -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data @connector.json http://localhost:8083/connectors

Update an existing connector:

curl -s -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data @connector.json http://localhost:8083/connectors/SFDCPlatformEventsSink1/config

Additional Documentation