Configure RBAC for Confluent Platform Using Confluent for Kubernetes

Confluent for Kubernetes (CFK) supports role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC is powered by Confluent’s Metadata Service (MDS), which acts as the central authority for authorization and authentication data. RBAC leverages role bindings to determine which users and groups can access specific resources and what actions the users can perform on those resources.

Confluent provides audit logs, that record the runtime decisions of the permission checks that occur as users/applications attempt to take actions that are protected by ACLs and RBAC.

There are a set of principals and role bindings required for the Confluent components to function, and those are automatically generated when CFK is deployed.

When you deploy Confluent Platform with RBAC enabled, CFK automates the security setup. Here’s the end-state architecture configured with LDAP:


Based on the components and features you use, you need to configure the following additional role bindings:

Requirements and considerations

The following are the requirements and considerations for enabling and using RBAC with CFK:

  • Confluent REST service is automatically enabled for RBAC and cannot be disabled when RBAC is enabled.

    Use the Kafka bootstrap endpoint (same as the MDS endpoint) to access Confluent REST API.

  • When RBAC is enabled, CFK always uses the internal MDS endpoint. Even when you configure the external MDS listener endpoint and TLS settings, CFK does not use those settings.

Requirements and considerations for RBAC with LDAP

The following are the requirements and considerations for enabling and using RBAC using LDAP:

  • You must have an LDAP server that Confluent Platform can use for authentication.

    Currently, CFK only supports the GROUPS LDAP search mode. The search mode indicates if the user-to-group mapping is retrieved by searching for group or user entries. If you need to use the USERS search mode, specify using the configOverrides setting in the Kafka CR as below:


    See Sample Configuration for User-Based Search for more information.

  • You must create the user principals in LDAP that will be used by Confluent Platform components. These are the default user principals:

    • Kafka: kafka/kafka-secret
    • Confluent REST API: erp/erp-secret
    • Confluent Control Center: c3/c3-secret
    • ksqlDB: ksql/ksql-secret
    • Schema Registry: sr/sr-secret
    • Replicator: replicator/replicator-secret
    • Connect: connect/connect-secret
  • Create the LDAP user/password for a user who has a minimum of LDAP read-only permissions to allow Metadata Service (MDS) to query LDAP about other users. For example, you’d create a user mds with password Developer!

  • Create a user for the Admin REST service in LDAP and provide the username and password.

Configure RBAC with CFK

The high-level workflow to configure RBAC with CFK is:

  1. Configure MDS for RBAC
  2. Enable RBAC for Kafka
  3. Enable RBAC for KRaft controller for the KRaft-based deployments
  4. Configure Kafka REST Class for RBAC
  5. Review automatically created role bindings
  6. Grant role to Kafka user to access Schema Registry
  7. Grant roles to a Confluent Control Center user to administer Confluent Platform
  8. Enable RBAC for other Confluent Platform components

The comprehensive security tutorial walks you through an end-to-end setup of role-based access control (RBAC) for Confluent with CFK. We recommend you take the CustomResource spec and the steps outlined in the scenario as a starting point and customize for your environment.

Configure MDS for RBAC

To enable RBAC in CFK, first, configure the MDS and its provider settings in your Kafka custom resource (CR):

kind: Kafka
    mds:                            --- [1]
      tokenKeyPair:                 --- [2]
      provider:                     --- [3]
        admins:                     --- [4]
        protectedUsers:             --- [5]
  • [1] Required.

  • [2] Required. The token key pair to authenticate to MDS.

    For details, see MDS authentication token keys.

  • [3] The identity provider settings. Specify oauth, ldap, file, or mtls.

    For the full list of supported setting for each type of provider, see Configure authentication to access MDS.

  • [4] User principals that are allowed to be impersonated by the REST Proxy for the purpose of authorization. For example:

    - User:kafka
    - User:krp # kafkarestproxy principal should always be added as impersonation admin
    - User:connect
  • [5] Principals which are not allowed to be impersonated. For example, superadmin, mds.

Enable RBAC for Kafka

To configure and deploy Kafka with the Confluent RBAC:

  1. Specify the RBAC settings in your Kafka Custom Resource (CR):

    kind: Kafka
        type: rbac                      --- [1]
        superUsers:                     --- [2]
        kafkaRest:                      --- [3]
    • [1] Required.

    • [2] Required. The super users to be given the admin privilege on the Kafka cluster.

      These users have no access to resources in other Confluent Platform clusters unless they also configured with specific role bindings on the clusters.

      This list is in the User:<user-name> format. For example:

        - "User:kafka"
        - "User:testadmin"
    • [3] Required. The REST client configuration for MDS. For the configuration of the Kafka client authentication you want to use, see Configure authentication to access Kafka.

  2. If enabling the Confluent RBAC for a KRaft-based deployment, configure the KraftController CR as described in Enable RBAC for KRaft controller.

MDS authentication token keys

When using the Bearer authentication for RBAC, to sign the token generated by the MDS server, you can use the PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 PEM key format. When using PKCS#8, the private key can be unencrypted or encrypted with a passphrase.

To provide the MDS token keys:

  1. Create a PEM key pair as described in Create a PEM key pair for MDS.

  2. If using an encrypted private key:

    1. Create a passphrase file with the name, mdsTokenKeyPassphrase.txt.
    2. In the mdsTokenKeyPassphrase.txt file, add the key-value pair with the mdsTokenKeyPassphrase key and the passphrase that the private key was encrypted with:
  3. Add the public key and the token key pair to a secret or inject it in a directory path in the container using Vault.

    To use an encrypted private key, add the passphrase value to the secret or the directory path in the container, as well.

    An example command to create a secret with an unencrypted private key:

    kubectl create secret generic mds-token \
      --from-file=mdsPublicKey.pem=mds-publickey.txt \
      --from-file=mdsTokenKeyPair.pem=mds-tokenkeypair.txt \
      --namespace confluent

    An example command to create a secret with an encrypted private key:

    kubectl create secret generic mds-token \
      --from-file=mdsPublicKey.pem=mds-publickey.txt \
      --from-file=mdsTokenKeyPair.pem=mds-tokenkeypair.txt \
      --from-file=mdsTokenKeyPassphrase.pem=mdsTokenKeyPassphrase.txt \
      --namespace confluent
  4. In the Kafka CR, specify the token key pair to authenticate to MDS:

    kind: Kafka
            secretRef:                --- [1]
            directoryPathInContainer: --- [2]
            encryptedTokenKey:        --- [3]
    • [1] The name of the Kubernetes secret that contains the public key and the token key pair to sign the token generated by the MDS server.
    • [2] The directory path in the container where the required public key and the token key pair are injected by Vault.
    • [3] Optional. Set to true to use an encrypted private key. The default value is false.

Enable RBAC for KRaft controller

To enable the Confluent RBAC for a KRaft-based deployment:

  1. After configuring MDS and Kafka as shown above in Enable RBAC for Kafka, configure the KraftController CR.

    For KRaft-based Kafka, the KRaftController CR must include the dependencies.mdsKafkaCluster section.

    kind: KRaftController
        mdsKafkaCluster:                --- [1]
          bootstrapEndpoint:            --- [2]
          authentication:               --- [3]
            type:                       --- [4]
            jaasConfig:                 --- [5]
            jaasConfigPassThrough:      --- [6]
            oauthSettings:              --- [7]
          tls:                          --- [8]
            enabled:                    --- [9]

Configure Kafka REST Class for RBAC

Configure the Admin REST Class CR as following:

kind: KafkaRestClass
      type:                       --- [1]
      bearer:                     --- [2]
        secretRef:                --- [3]
        directoryPathInContainer: --- [4]
      oauth:                      --- [5]
        secretRef:                --- [6]
        directoryPathInContainer: --- [7]
        configuration:            --- [8]
      sslClientAuthentication:    --- [9]
  • [1] Required. Set to oauth, mtls, or bearer for RBAC.

  • [2] Required for the bearer authentication type ([1]).

  • [3] or [4] Specify only one setting.

  • [3] The username and password are loaded through secretRef.

    The expected key is bearer.txt.

    The value for the key is:

  • [4] Provide the path where required credentials are injected by Vault. See [3] for the expected key and the value.

  • [5] Required for the oauth authentication type ([1]).

  • [6] or [7] Specify only one of the two.

  • [6] The secret that contains the OIDC client ID and the client secret for authorization and token request to the identity provider.

    Create the secret that contains two keys with their respective values, clientId and clientSecret as following:

  • [7] The path where required OIDC client ID and the client secret are injected by Vault.

    See Provide secrets for Confluent Platform component CR for providing the credential and required annotations when using Vault.

  • [8] OAuth settings. For the full list of the OAuth settings, see OAuth configuration.

  • [9] Set to true to enable the client side mTLS for the REST API client.

For the rest of the configuration details for the Admin REST Class, see Manage Confluent Admin REST Class for Confluent Platform Using Confluent for Kubernetes.

Enable RBAC for other Confluent Platform components

To configure and deploy other non-Kafka components with the Confluent RBAC:

  1. Specify the settings in the component CR:

    kind: <Component>
        type: rbac                      --- [1]
        kafkaRestClassRef:              --- [2]
          endpoint:                     --- [3]
          tokenKeyPair:                 --- [4]
          authentication:               --- [5]
    • [1] Required for RBAC.

    • [2] If kafkaRestClassRef is not configured, the kafkaRestClass with the name, default, in the current namespace is used.

    • [3] Required. MDS endpoint.

    • [4] Required. The token key pair and the public key to authenticate to the MDS. Use secretRef or directoryPathInContainer to specify.

      You need to add the public key and the token key pair to the secret or directoryPathInContainer. For details, see Create a PEM key pair for MDS.

      An example command to create a secret is:

      kubectl create secret generic mds-token \
        --from-file=mdsPublicKey.pem=mds-publickey.txt \
        --from-file=mdsTokenKeyPair.pem=mds-tokenkeypair.txt \
        --namespace confluent
    • [5] Required. For configuring the client-side MDS authentication you want to use, see MDS with mTLS authentication.

  2. Use an existing Admin REST Class or create a new Admin REST Class CR as described in the previous section.

Migrate LDAP-based RBAC to OAuth-based RBAC

Migrate RBAC from using LDAP to using both LDAP and OAuth

This section describes the steps to upgrade a Confluent Platform deployment configured with LDAP-based RBAC to LDAP and OAuth-based RBAC.

To migrate your Confluent Platform deployment to use OAuth, the Confluent Platform version must be 7.7.

Upgrading the Confluent Platform version and migrating to OAuth simultaneously is not supported.

Even though this upgrade can be done in one step, as described in this section, we recommend the two-step migration, MDS first, and the rest of the components to reduce failed restarts of components.

To migrate an existing Confluent Platform deployment from LDAP to LDAP and OAuth:

  1. Upgrade the MDS with the required OAuth settings as described in Enable RBAC for Kafka and apply the CR with the kubectl apply command.

    Following is a sample snippet of a Kafka CR with LDAP and OAuth:

              address: ldaps://ldap.operator.svc.cluster.local:636
                type: simple
                  secretRef: credential
                enabled: true
            type: oauth
              secretRef: oauth-secret
  2. After the Kafka role is complete, upgrade the rest of the Confluent Platform components.

    1. Add the following annotation to the Schema Registry, Connect, and Confluent Control Center CRs:

      kind: <component>
    2. Add the OAuth settings to the rest of the Confluent Platform components as described in Enable RBAC for KRaft controller and Enable RBAC for other Confluent Platform components and apply the CRs with the kubectl apply command.

      The following are sample snippets of the relevant settings in the component CRs.

      kind: KRaftController
              type: oauth
      kind: KafkaRestClass
            type: oauth
      kind: SchemaRegistry
              type: oauth
    3. If you have existing connectors, add the following to the Connect CR to avoid possible down time:

      kind: Connect
  3. Log into Control Center and check if you can see Kafka, Schema Registry, and Connect.

  4. Create internal role binding.

Migrate RBAC from using LDAP and OAuth to using OAuth

After successful validation, you can remove LDAP from the RBAC configuration and only use OAuth in your deployment.

  1. Migrate the clients using LDAP credentials to OAuth.
  2. Remove the LDAP authentication settings. See Enable RBAC for Kafka for the LDAP settings you can remove.

Enable RBAC in running Confluent Platform cluster

This section describes the workflow to enable RBAC in the following types of non-RBAC or ACL-based Confluent Platform deployments:

  • ACL-enabled deployments
  • ZooKeeper-based clusters
  • KRaft-based clusters

As a requirement for non-RBAC to RBAC migration, your Confluent Platform cluster must have authentication already enabled. Clusters with no authentication configured are not supported for this migration workflow.

For comprehensive coverage of the following example migration scenarios, see the RBAC migration scenarios.

Non-RBAC with authentication RBAC
Kafka mTLS MDS mTLS + Kafka mTLS
Kafka mTLS MDS LDAP + Kafka mTLS
Kafka mTLS MDS OAuth + Kafka mTLS

To enable RBAC in a running Confluent Platform cluster:

If your clusters have an authorizer and all required ACLs, you can start at Step 4.

For clusters without an authorizer, Steps 1-3 are needed to first enable authorization. Then you can migrate to RBAC.

  1. Configure ACL authorizer ( and add super users (authorization.superUsers) for broker principals.

    If an ACL authorizer was already configured, then we don’t need to do a rolling restart.

    For KRaft-based clusters, an authorizer must be added to both the KRaftcontroller and Kafka CRs:

          - User:kafka
        type: simple
 is set for zero downtime when enabling the authorizer.


    If someone adds an ACL while is set to true, all the users who previously had access will lose that access.

  2. Perform a rolling restart of the KRaft controllers and Kafka brokers.

  3. Create ACLs for the broker principals and the user principals of all applications, including Confluent Platform components.

    When a new ACL is added, all the users who previously had access will lose access to that resource since it was previously set to allow all before the new ACL is added.

    There might be downtime for clients here between adding an authorizer and adding ACLs.

  4. Enable RBAC on Kafka brokers as described in Enable RBAC for Kafka with the following specifics that apply to this migration workflow.

    1. Update the authorization type simple set in Step 1 to rbac.

    2. Remove the following configuration overrides set in Step 1 from the KRaftcontroller and Kafka CRs:

    3. Add MDS service configuration as described in Configure MDS for RBAC.

      kind: kafka
          type: rbac
    4. Add the Kafka REST dependency.

      kind: kafka
          type: rbac
    5. Perform a rolling restart of the Kafka brokers.

  5. Add the KafkaRestClass CR and create a KafkaRestClass service as described in Configure Kafka REST Class for RBAC. For example:

    kind: KafkaRestClass
      name: default
      namespace: confluent
  6. Configure RBAC role bindings for resources of other components. This includes all the external Kafka clients and the clients of Confluent Platform components.

  7. Enable RBAC in all Confluent Platform components as described in Enable RBAC for other Confluent Platform components.

    1. Set authorization type to rbac.
    2. Set MDS dependency configuration in the CRs.
    3. Perform a rolling restart.
  8. Review the automatically created role bindings.

The following are alternative ways to set up RBAC in a running cluster.

  • Cluster Linking

    Use Cluster Linking to set up RBAC in a running cluster.

    1. Create a new CFK-based Kafka cluster with the required RBAC configuration as you would do in a greenfield setup.
    2. Setup Cluster Linking between the existing non-RBAC cluster to the new RBAC cluster.
    3. Once the replication lag is 0 we can start migrating the clients to the newer cluster.
    4. Decommission the old non-RBAC cluster once all clients have been migrated.
  • Centralized MDS

    To set up RBAC in a running cluster, create an external (centralized) MDS cluster and use the non-RBAC cluster as the secondary cluster.

    1. Create a new CFK-based Kafka cluster with the required RBAC configurations as described in the greenfield setup.
    2. Enable authorization in the existing non-RBAC cluster and add ACLs for zero downtime.
    3. Add MDS client specs in existing non-RBAC cluster to connect to external MDS cluster.

Automated creation of role bindings for Confluent Platform component principals

CFK automatically creates all required role bindings for Confluent Platform components as ConfluentRoleBinding custom resources (CRs).

Review the role bindings created by CFK:

kubectl get confluentrolebinding

Grant role to Kafka user to access Schema Registry

Use the following ConfluentRolebinding CR to create the required role binding to access Schema Registry:

kind: ConfluentRolebinding
  name: internal-schemaregistry-schema-validation
  namespace: <namespace>
    name: <user-id>
    type: user
    schemaRegistryClusterId: <schema-registry-group-id>
    kafkaClusterId: <kafka-cluster-id>
  - name: "*"
    patternType: LITERAL
    resourceType: Subject
  role: DeveloperRead

Grant roles to a Confluent Control Center user to administer Confluent Platform

Control Center users require separate roles for each Confluent Platform component and resource they wish to view and administer in the Control Center UI. Grant explicit permissions to the users as shown below.

In the following example, the testadmin principal is used as a Control Center UI user.

Grant permission to view and administer Confluent Platform components

The rolebinding CRs in the examples GitHub repo specifies the permissions needed in CFK. Create the rolebindings with the following command:

kubectl apply -f \

Check the roles created:

kubectl get confluentrolebinding

Use custom authorizer

To use a custom authorizer, other than RBAC or ACL, use Configuration overrides to set the property.

For example, to configure Ranger authorization in the Kafka CR:


To configure the client-side security for the Kafka Admin REST API server when using a custom authorizer, set kafka.spec.dependencies.kafkaRest in the Kafka CR.

For example, to configure Kafka REST client for Kafka mTLS authentication, set in the Kafka CR:

      bootstrapEndpoint: <kafka_listener_dns>:<kafka_listener_port>
        type: mtls
        enabled: true

Troubleshooting: Verify MDS configuration

Log into MDS to verify the correct configuration and to get the Kafka cluster ID. You need the Kafka cluster ID for component role bindings.

Replace https://<mds_endpoint> in the below commands with the value you set in the spec.dependencies.mds.endpoint in the Kafka CR.

  1. Log into MDS as the Kafka super user as below:

    confluent login \
     --url https://<mds_endpoint> \
     --ca-cert-path <path-to-cacerts.pem>

    You need to pass the --ca-cert-path flag if:

    • You have configured MDS to serve HTTPS traffic (kafka.spec.dependencies.mds.tls.enabled: true).
    • The CA used to issue the MDS certificates is not trusted by system where you are running these commands.

    Provide the Kafka username and password when prompted, in this example, kafka and kafka-secret.

    You get a response to confirm a successful login.

  2. Verify that the advertised listeners are correctly configured using the following command:

    curl -ik \
     -u '<kafka-user>:<kafka-user-password>' \
  3. Get the Kafka cluster ID using one of the following commands:

    confluent cluster describe --url https://<mds_endpoint>
    curl -ik \