Configure LDAP Group-Based Authorization in Confluent Platform

This topic includes descriptions of the LDAP configuration options available for configuring group-based authorization.

Configure LDAP context

All standard Java LDAP configurations are supported. Broker configurations starting with and are stripped of their ldap. prefix and these standard Java LDAP configurations are used to make connections to the LDAP server. You must configure with the URL of your LDAP server. For example:

For a complete list of standard Java configurations for the LDAP naming service provider and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), see LDAP Naming Service Provider for the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).


Be aware that nested LDAP groups are not supported.

Configure multiple LDAP servers

Confluent Platform supports configuring MDS with multiple LDAP servers from version 7.7 and later. Instead of just one URL, you can also supply a space-separated list of LDAP URLs. In this case, the LDAP provider attempts to use each URL in turn until it is able to create a successful connection. This is useful for achieving high availability of LDAP service in Confluent Platform. For example: ldap://otherldaphost:389

Configure TLS for LDAP

Enable TLS for the connections from the Confluent Server Authorizer to your LDAP server by setting LDAP provider URL must use the protocol ldaps if TLS is enabled. All the TLS configuration options of Kafka clients are supported and must be prefixed with ldap.. For example:

# Configure provider URL with `ldaps` as protocol
# Enable TLS for connections to LDAP server
# Path of truststore for connections to LDAP
# Password of LDAP truststore

For a list of supported TLS configurations, see Encryption and Authentication with SSL.


In Java 8 update 181 and later, host name verification is enabled by default on LDAPS connections. You can disable this verification by setting KAFKA_OPTS=-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.object.disableEndpointIdentification=true, but you should avoid using this option in production systems. Prior to Java 8 update 181, host name verification was disabled by default for LDAPS connections. For improved security, consider upgrading to Java 8 181 or later.

Configure GSSAPI for LDAP

You can use GSSAPI to authenticate the Confluent Server Authorizer with your LDAP server if Kerberos is enabled on your LDAP server. You can configure the JAAS configuration for GSSAPI using the ldap.sasl.jaas.config configuration option. You must also configure the authentication protocol and security principal using standard Java LDAP configurations prefixed with ldap.. For example:

# Configure SASL/GSSAPI as the authentication protocol for LDAP context.
# Security principal for LDAP context
# JAAS configuration for Kerberos authentication with LDAP server required \
  keyTab="/tmp/keytabs/ldap.keytab" \
  principal="ldap@EXAMPLE.COM" \
  storeKey="true" \


The keytab is a local file that stores the principal for LDAP, as well as a timestamp, a key version number, and the encrypted keys. In this context, keyTab is used to authenticate Kerberos with the LDAP server without having to explicitly enter a password. You can view the principal in the keytab using the klist command:

klist -kt /tmp/keytabs/ldap.keytab

#keytab content for LDAP principal
KVNO Timestamp         Principal
---- ----------------- ------------------------------------
   1 12/31/21 17:00:00 host/ldap@EXAMPLE.COM

If ldap.sasl.jaas.config is not configured, then the default JAAS configuration of the broker will be used. The default JAAS configuration (the value specified in the system property is loaded from the login context KafkaServer that is used as the broker’s login context using a single shared login. You should use this configuration option for LDAP only if the principal in this context can be used to search LDAP.

To test and perform basic troubleshooting on your LDAP client configuration when configuring Kafka to authenticate to LDAP using Kerberos, refer to Testing and Troubleshooting LDAP Client Authentication.

Configure password credentials for LDAP

If password authentication is enabled on your LDAP server, then you can configure the user principal and password so that brokers can authenticate with the LDAP server using simple authentication. Use standard Java configurations prefixed with ldap. to configure LDAP credentials for the broker. For example:

# Specify the LDAP security authentication protocol
# Identify the principal for the LDAP context Broker,OU=Users,DC=EXAMPLE,DC=COM
# Security credential is the password of the user that performs LDAP search

Configure LDAP filters to limit search results

If you have a large number of users in the LDAP server, it is likely that only a subset require access to Confluent Platform. In such instances, you can configure filters to reduce the size of search results because brokers only require group mapping for the small subset of users who connect to the Confluent Platform. LDAP filters are particularly useful for user mode searches where you wish to avoid having brokers process every user defined in the LDAP server.

You can configure a simple filter by adding all users accessing Confluent Platform to a group. For example, the following configuration filters out users belonging to the Kafka group:,CN=Users,DC=EXAMPLE,DC=COM)

You can also configure a simple filter that processes users belonging to a set of groups when the users of the Confluent Platform already belong to a small set of groups. For example, the following filter processes users belonging to the groups Administrators and Kafka Developers:|(memberOf=CN=Administrators,CN=Users,DC=EXAMPLE,DC=COM)(memberOf=CN=Kafka Developers,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com))

If your LDAP server already has other attributes that match users or groups connecting to Confluent Platform, you can filter based on those. You can use any valid LDAP search filter to limit search results in both user and group search modes.

LDAP search filters do not use regex. Instead, LDAP search filters support 'substring' searches (which are not the same as wildcards)–not Regular Expressions, which run on the LDAP server side rather than Confluent Platform. Examples of valid substring LDAP search filters are: '(uid=abc*)', and '(mail=`john@*.com')`)'.

When specifying memberOf and distinguishedName, you must specify the full DN (distinguished name) of the objects. For details about how to specify the full DN when setting LDAP search filters while using Active Directory, refer to Active Directory: LDAP Syntax Filters.