Manage Identity Providers on Confluent Cloud

Identity providers on Confluent Cloud allow you to manage application access without depending on user accounts. This section covers various aspects of configuring and managing identity providers, including OAuth/OIDC, SSO, and mTLS.


Supports OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) for authenticating and authorizing applications to access resources on Confluent Cloud.

See Use OAuth/OIDC to Authenticate to Confluent Cloud.

Mutual TLS (mTLS)

Uses certificates to authenticate clients and servers, to help ensure secure communication.

Requires both client and server certificates, managed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA).

See Use Mutual TLS (mTLS) to Authenticate to Confluent Cloud Resources.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Supports SAML-based and OIDC-based identity provider to enable users to sign in using their existing SSO credentials and improving security.

See Use Single Sign-on (SSO) for Authentication on Confluent Cloud.