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confluent consume


Consume data from topics. By default this command consumes non-Avro data from the Apache Kafka® cluster on the localhost.

For this command to work, you must configure the PATH environment variable to point to the Confluent Platform bin directory.

For reference on how to use Confluent CLI to produce to a topic, see confluent produce.


confluent consume <topicname>​ [--value-format avro] [other optional args]


For usage information, enter confluent help consume.

Required Arguments

Name, shorthand Default Description
<topicname>   Kafka topic to consume messages from

Optional Arguments

Here are some common optional arguments. For a full list of optional arguments:

confluent help consume
Name, shorthand Default Description
--value-format avro   Specify the topic data as Avro data.
--cloud   Connect to Confluent Cloud using configuration file at default location $HOME/.ccloud/config
--config <filename>   Specify an alternate configuration file
--from-beginning latest Consume from the earliest message in the topic log
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 Kafka brokers to connect to.


  • Consume Avro data from the beginning of topic called mytopic1 on a development Kafka cluster on localhost. Assumes Confluent Schema Registry is listening at http://localhost:8081.

    confluent consume mytopic1​ --value-format avro --from-beginning
  • Consume newly arriving non-Avro data from a topic called mytopic2 on a development Kafka cluster on localhost:

    confluent consume mytopic2
  • Consume non-Avro data from the beginning of topic called mytopic3 in Confluent Cloud (assumes you have initialized your Confluent Cloud configuration with Confluent Cloud CLI):

    confluent consume mytopic3​ --cloud --from-beginning
  • Consume messages with keys and non-Avro values from the beginning of topic called mytopic4 in Confluent Cloud, using a user-specified Confluent Cloud configuration file at /tmp/config.

    confluent consume mytopic4​ --cloud --config /tmp/config --from-beginning --property print.key=true
  • Consume Avro data from a topic called mytopic5 in Confluent Cloud. Assumes Confluent Schema Registry is listening at http://localhost:8081.

    confluent consume mytopic5|dash| --cloud --value-format avro --from-beginning --property schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8081