confluent-hub help


Print help for the confluent-hub command.


confluent-hub help [<command>]



Positional arguments

Name, shorthand Default Description
<command>   The name of the command to be displayed.


To see the basic help for the Confluent Hub client:

confluent-hub help

The output should resemble:

usage: confluent-hub <command> [ <args> ]

Commands are:
    help      Display help information
    install   install a component from either Confluent Hub or from a local file

See 'confluent-hub help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

To print the help for confluent-hub install:

confluent-hub help install

The output should resemble:

        confluent-hub install - install a component from either Confluent Hub or
        from a local file

        confluent-hub install [ --component-dir <componentDir> ] [ --dry-run ]
                [ --no-prompt ] [ --verbose ] [ --worker-configs <workerConfigs> ] [--]

        --component-dir <componentDir>
            The local directory into which components are installed. Defaults to
            $share/confluent-hub-components for archive deployment, and to
            /usr/share/confluent-hub-components for deb/rpm deployment.

            This option may occur a maximum of 1 times

            This options value must be a path that must exist on the file
            system. The provided path must be readable and writable.

            Simulate an operation without making any changes, but instead simply
            reporting all of the steps and changes that would normally be made
            by the operation.

            This option may occur a maximum of 1 times

            Do not ask for user input, proceed with default and recommended

            This option may occur a maximum of 1 times

            More detailed output of a command.

            This option may occur a maximum of 1 times

        --worker-configs <workerConfigs>
            Paths to one or more Connect Worker configuration files whose plugin
            path may be updated to include the newly installed component.
            Delimit multiple paths with a colon (:).

            This option may occur a maximum of 1 times

            This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
            list of arguments (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
            command-line options)

            Identifier of the form 'owner/component-name:version' for the
            component in Confluent Hub, or the path to a local ZIP file that was
            downloaded from Confluent Hub.

            This option may occur a maximum of 1 times

        This command returns one of the following exit codes:

            0   Successful completion
            1   Component not found, specify either valid name from Confluent Hub in format: <owner>/<name>:<version:latest> or path to a local file
            2   Invalid options or arguments
            3   Network problems
            4   Error while reading from/writing to filesystem
            5   Security issues
            6   Component is already installed
            7   Unknown error
            8   Component is not available for installation yet