Supported Self-Managed Connectors

Confluent provides support for self-managed connectors that import and export data from the most commonly used data systems.

Support policy for self-managed connectors


Confluent connectors will not support data systems or versions that are no longer supported by their vendors. This policy becomes effective immediately once the data system or version reaches its end of support (EOS) date. For example, if Oracle ends the support for Oracle Database release version 19c on December 31, 2032, Confluent connectors will also end the support for Oracle Database release version 19c on that same date.

Understanding the lifecycle phases of self-managed connectors and connector versions is crucial for users.

For connectors

The self-managed connectors have three lifecycle phases:

  • General availability: The connectors are in active development and fully supported.
  • Deprecated: The deprecated connector will no longer be in active development. Note the following for the deprecated connectors:
    • Confluent will the deprecate the connectors on the day of a Confluent Platform major or minor release.
    • From the deprecation day, users are advised to migrate to the recommended connector before the deprecated connector reaches end of life (EOL). If you are on the standard support plan, you will receive support for 2 years from the deprecation date, allowing you that time frame to migrate. If you are on the platinum support plan, the support and migration period extends to 3 years.
    • The connectors will be supported during this phase, and users can still access the connector documentation.


Migration path: Confluent strongly recommends that users migrate to a respective supported connector before reaching the EOL date.

  • End of Life (EOL): The deprecated connectors that reach the end of life are discontinued from the Confluent product and are no longer supported. The EOL of connector(s) is until the end of support of the respective Confluent Platform version (See Confluent Platform and Apache Kafka compatibility for end of support timeline). If you are on the standard support plan, you will get support for 2 years from the deprecation date and if you are on the platinum support plan, it would be 3 years. After the EOL date, note the following:
    • The deprecated connectors that reached the end of life will no longer be supported.
    • The deprecated connectors that reach the end of life will no longer be available for download via Confluent Hub.
    • Connector documentation will be archived and no longer maintained.

Connector lifecycle for self-managed connectors

Deprecated connectors

The following table lists the connectors that will be deprecated on the day of release of Confluent Platform 7.9 (tentatively in March 2025). The End Of Life (EOL) for these connectors will be the same as Confluent Platform 7.9 End of Support (EOS) date.

Connector License Migration Path
PagerDuty Sink Commercial Migrate to HTTP Sink V1 connector
Google Cloud Dataproc Sink Commercial None
HDFS 2 Source Commercial Migrate to HDFS 3 Source connector
HDFS 2 Sink Community Migrate to HDFS 3 Sink connector
MapR-DB Sink Commercial None

For connector versions

Self-managed connectors’ versions have three lifecycle phases:

  • General availability: The connector versions are in active development and fully supported.
  • End of Support (EOS): Confluent stops supporting old versions of self-managed connectors. With each new major or minor release of the Confluent Platform, there will be a minimum version of connector required for support. Only connectors at or above this version will be supported by Confluent.
  • End of Life (EOL): The connector versions that are not supported by any version of the Confluent Platform will be regarded as End of Life (EOL). On the day of EOL, the respective connector version will no longer be available for download via Confluent Hub.

Refer the links below to see the minimum connector version supported on the specific Confluent Platform versions:


The support policy for self-managed connector version of each connector on Confluent Platform will come into effect from July 6, 2025. Confluent strongly recommends that users migrate to the respective minimum supported version of connector before the said date as specified in the pages below.

Supported connectors

The following connectors are packaged and available natively with Confluent Platform: