Client Deprecation in Confluent Platform

The Apache Kafka® 3.7 distribution released in Q1, 2024 included KIP-896. KIP-896 is the proposal to remove support for older client protocol API versions in Kafka 4.0. The 3.7 release marked these older, client protocol API versions deprecated with a notice that they will be completely dropped by 4.0. This page discusses the changes in Confluent client behavior resulting from KIP-896.

The Confluent Platform 8.0 release removes compatibility for deprecated client versions. You are free to choose when you upgrade to Confluent Platform 8.0. Until you upgrade, you remain under the full extent of your pre-8.0 version support plan. Any pre-8.0 Confluent Platform version will maintain compatibility with the older client protocol API versions.

Minimal compatible baseline

With the release of Kafka 4.0 in 2025, Confluent sets the new baseline for client protocol API versions to Kafka 2.1.0, which was released in November 2018. As a result, clients connecting to new brokers must use compatible API versions.

Some protocol APIs are used for clients and inter-broker replication, for example, Fetch, ListOffsets, and so forth. To maintain compatibility with these dual-use APIs, Confluent Platform expects a minimum of 2.1.0 for the value.

Any environment using versions other than established minimums can encounter one or more of the following version-related errors:

  • Kafka brokers that return an UNSUPPORTED_VERSION error when they receive a request with any of the removed API versions.
  • Java clients (producer, consumer, or admin) that throw UnsupportedVersionException when interacting with brokers that do not support the minimum protocol API versions.
  • A broker configured with an unsupported inter-broker protocol version that fails during start-up with an error.

The following chart describes the minimal compatible versions of some popular client libraries:

Client Version Released
Java client for Kafka 2.1.0 November 2018
Python (confluent-kafka-python) 1.8.2 October 2021
.NET (confluent-kafka-dotnet) 1.8.2 October 2021
JavaScript (confluent-kafka-javascript) 1.8.2 October 2021
Go (confluent-kafka-go) 1.8.2 October 2021
C/C++ (librdkafka) 1.8.2 October 2021
KafkaJS 1.15.0 November 2020
Sarama 1.29.1 June 2021
kafka-python 2.0.2 Sep 2020

Any librdkafka-based protocols not listed in the preceding table have a version minimum of 1.8.2 as specified in the October 2021 release of Apache Kafka®.

List of deprecated Kafka APIs

API Deprecated version
Produce V0-V2
Fetch V0-V3
ListOffset V0
Metadata None
OffsetCommit V0-V1
OffsetFetch V0
FindCoordinator None
JoinGroup V0-V1
Heartbeat V0-V1
LeaveGroup None
SyncGroup None
DescribeGroups None
ListGroups None
SaslHandshake None
ApiVersions None
CreateTopics V0-V1
DeleteTopics V0
DeleteRecords None
InitProducerId None
OffsetForLeaderEpoch V0-V1
AddPartitionsToTxn None
AddOffsetsToTxn None
EndTxn None
WriteTxnMarkers None
TxnOffsetCommit None
DescribeAcls V0
CreateAcls V0
DeleteAcls V0
DescribeConfigs V0
AlterConfigs None
AlterReplicaLogDirs V0
DescribeLogDirs V0
SaslAuthenticate None
CreatePartitions None
CreateDelegationToken V0
RenewDelegationToken V0
ExpireDelegationToken V0
DescribeDelegationToken: V0
DeleteGroups None

How to identify deprecated client requests

Use the following procedure to locate deprecated client requests in your Confluent Platform environment:

  1. If possible upgrade to the Confluent Platform 7.9.0 version. If you are using an older version and cannot upgrade to the 7.9.0 version, then upgrade to at least the Confluent Platform 7.7.x or 7.8.x version.

    Either of these versions make it possible for you to use the new metrics and tags that help you identify deprecated clients in your environment.

  2. Add the following metric to your monitoring platform:,name=DeprecatedRequestsPerSec,request=(api-name),version=(api-version),clientSoftwareName=(client-software-name),clientSoftwareVersion=(client-software-version)

    This metric helps you identify if your cluster has any deprecated APIs.

  3. Inspect the metric.

    If the metric is zero, there are no deprecated requests coming to your cluster. If you see a non-zero metric, then enable the kafka.request.logger at the INFO level. Avoid the large accumulation of log data by enabling the INFO value for short periods at a time.

  4. Inspect the logs for full detailed information about client requests

    You can leverage a specific logging tool such as Elastic search to easily search for deprecated requests or grab the logs from disk. Then, use a tool like grep to locate entries with a requestApiVersionDeprecated=true value.