Connect on z/OS

Confluent’s certified version of Kafka Connect for IBM’s z/OS operating system allows you to run certified premium connectors on the z/OS operating system. For more information about the premium connectors certified on z/OS, see the Certified Connectors on z/OS section in this page.


Confluent’s Kafka Connect for z/OS requires an additional subscription for the premium connectors which are certified on IBM z/OS.

Connect on z/OS and Apache Kafka Compatibility

Connect on z/OS Version CP Version Connect on z/OS Release Date Apache Kafka Standard End of Support Platinum End of Support
7.5.0 7.5.0 August 25, 2023 3.5.0 August 25, 2025 August 25, 2026
7.4.0 7.4.0 May 3, 2023 3.4.0 May 3, 2025 May 3, 2026
7.3.0 7.3.0 November 8, 2022 3.3.0 November 4, 2024 November 4, 2025

Connect on z/OS and Kafka Broker Compatibility

Kafka Connect workers that are included in Confluent Platform 3.2 and later are compatible with any Kafka broker that is included in Confluent Platform 3.0 or later.

Certified Connectors on z/OS

The following connectors are certified on IBM z/OS and require a premium subscription.

Certified z/OS Version

Connect on z/OS is certified with z/OS version 2, release 4. For more details, see IBM z/OS Version 2 Release 4

Get Started With Connect on z/OS

This section helps you get started with Connect on z/OS. Before you begin, ensure you meet all the following requirements.



  • Confluent’s IBM MQ Source and Sink connectors will access IBM MQ in bindings mode by default. Bindings mode is more secure than client mode.
  • The default port for Kafka Connect in distributed mode is 8082. You must ensure this is open so the connector can communicate. To specify a different port, set the rest.port configuration property in the connector’s configuration properties file.
  • The default port for Kafka Connect in standalone mode is 8083.

Quick start

This quick start shows you how to integrate mainframe data with Kafka. Use the following steps to set up Confluent’s IBM MQ connectors on Confluent’s Kafka Connect certified for z/OS.

Architecture Diagram: Mainframe Offloading

Step 1: Download and extract the TAR file

  1. Download and extract the TAR file containing Confluent’s Kafka Connect worker node for z/OS from

  2. Run the gunzip command to remove the compression:

    gunzip confluent-7.5.0-0-zOS.tar.gz

    This will result in a confluent-connect-7.5.0-0-zOS.tar TAR file.

  3. Upload the TAR file to the z/OS machine.

  4. Untar the TAR file by running the following command:

    tar -xvf confluent-connect-7.5.0-0-zOS.tar

Step 2: Convert files to EBCDIC encoding

  1. Log into the z/OS machine with a SSH terminal:

    ssh -p <port> username@<ipaddress>
  2. Navigate to the z/OS folder:

    cd confluent-connect-zos
  3. Convert the following files to EBCDIC encoding by running the iconv command. For example:

    iconv -f ISO8859-1 -t IBM-1047 ./ >
    • bin/
    • bin/
    • ./config/
    • <path_to_ibmmq_source_config_file>/<name_of_ibmmq_source_config_file>
    • <path_to_ibmmq_sink_config_file>/<name_of_ibmmq_sink_config_file>

Step 3: Set path to dependent libraries

Export the following environmental variable:

export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:<path_to_client_library>

This is a path to the bindings shared object–it is important to run the connector in bindings mode so the connector can find all the native libraries.


If you are setting up the IBM MQ Source and IBM MQ Sink connectors, ensure you follow the steps listed in the Client Libraries section.

Step 4: Download the IBM MQ Connectors

Download the IBM MQ Source and Sink connectors for z/OS from Confluent Hub.

Step 5: Run the connector worker node

Run the Connect standalone worker node by running the following command:

./bin/ ./config/ ./

For more details on the connector configurations, see the IBM MQ Source or the IBM MQ Sink connector documentation.