Troubleshoot Issues with ksqlDB for Confluent Platform

This guide contains troubleshooting information for many ksqlDB issues.

SELECT query does not stop

ksqlDB streaming queries must be stopped explicitly. In the CLI, use Ctrl-C to stop non-persistent queries, like SELECT * FROM myTable EMIT CHANGES. To stop a persistent query created by CREATE STREAM AS SELECT or CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, use the TERMINATE statement: TERMINATE query_id;. For more information, see TERMINATE.

SELECT query returns no results

If a ksqlDB query returns no results and the CLI hangs, use Ctrl-C to stop the query and then review the following topics to diagnose the issue.

Verify that the query is based on the correct source topic

Use the DESCRIBE EXTENDED statement to view the Apache Kafka® source topic for the stream. For example, if you have a pageviews stream on a Kafka topic named pageviews, enter the following statement in the CLI:


Example output showing the source topic:

Name                 : PAGEVIEWS
Kafka topic          : pageviews (partitions: 1, replication: 1)

Verify that the source topic is populated with data

Your query results may be empty because the Kafka source topic is not populated with data. Use the kcat tool to consume messages and print a summary:

docker run --network ksql-troubleshooting_default --tty --interactive --rm \
          confluentinc/cp-kafkacat \
          kafkacat -b kafka:39092 \
          -C -t pageviews \
          -o beginning

The following example output shows the result from an empty source topic:

% Reached end of topic pageviews [0] at offset 0

Verify that new messages are arriving at the source topic

The topic is populated if kcat prints messages. However, it may not be receiving new messages. By default, ksqlDB reads from the end of a topic. A query does not return results if no new messages are being written to the topic.

To check your query, you can set ksqlDB to read from the beginning of a topic by assigning the auto.offset.reset property to earliest using following statement:

SET 'auto.offset.reset'='earliest';

Example output showing a successful change:

Successfully changed local property 'auto.offset.reset' from 'null' to 'earliest'

Run your query again. You should get results from the beginning of the topic. Note that the query may appear to hang if the query reaches the latest offset and no new messages arrive. The query is simply waiting for the next message. Use Ctrl-C to stop the query.

Verify that the query predicate is not too restrictive

If the previous solutions do not resolve the issue, your query may be filtering out all records because its predicate is too restrictive. Remove WHERE and HAVING clauses and run your query again.

Verify that there are no deserialization errors

ksqlDB doesn’t write query results if it’s not able to deserialize record data. Use the DESCRIBE EXTENDED statement to check that the VALUE_FORMAT of the stream matches the format of the records that kcat prints for your topic. Enter the following statement in the CLI:


Example output:

Name                 : PAGEVIEWS
Value format         : DELIMITED

Example output from kcat for a DELIMITED topic:

% Reached end of topic pageviews [0] at offset 1538
% Reached end of topic pageviews [0] at offset 1539
% Reached end of topic pageviews [0] at offset 1540

Check for message processing failures for serialization errors. For example, if your query specifies JSON for the VALUE_FORMAT, and the underlying topic is not formatted as JSON, you’ll see JsonParseException warnings in the ksqlDB server log. For example:

[2018-09-17 12:29:09,929] WARN task [0_10] Skipping record due to deserialization error. topic=[_confluent-metrics] partition=[10] offset=[70] (org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer:86)
 org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: KsqlJsonDeserializer failed to deserialize data for topic: _confluent-metrics
 Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ((CTRL-CHAR, code 127)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')

ksqlDB CLI doesn’t connect to ksqlDB server

The following warning may occur when you start the CLI.

**************** WARNING ******************
Remote server address may not be valid:
Error issuing GET to KSQL server

Caused by: Connection reset
Caused by: Connection reset

A similar error may display when you create a ksqlDB query using the CLI.

Error issuing POST to KSQL server
Caused by: Connection reset
Caused by: Connection reset

In both cases, the CLI is not able to connect to the ksqlDB server. The following topics may help to diagnose the issue.

Verify that the ksqlDB CLI is using the correct port

By default, the server listens on port 8088. For more information, see Starting the ksqlDB CLI.

Verify that the ksqlDB server configuration is correct

In the ksqlDB server configuration file, check that the list of listeners has the host address and port configured correctly. Search for the listeners setting in the file and verify it is set correctly:


Or if you are running over IPv6:


For more information, see Starting ksqlDB Server.

Verify that there are no port conflicts

There may be another process running on the port that the ksqlDB server listens on. Use the following command to get the Process ID (PID) for the process running on the port assigned to the ksqlDB server. The following command checks the default 8088 port.

netstat -anv | egrep -w .*8088.*LISTEN

Example output:

tcp4  0 0  *.8088       *.*    LISTEN      131072 131072    46314      0

In this example, 46314 is the PID of the process that is listening on port 8088. Run the following command to get information about process 46314:

ps -wwwp 46314

Example output: ./config/

If the KsqlServerMain process is not shown, a different process has taken the port that KsqlServerMain would normally use. Search for the listeners setting in the ksqlDB server configuration file and get the correct port. Start the CLI using the correct port.

For more information, see Starting ksqlDB Server and Starting the ksqlDB CLI.

Can’t create a stream from the output of a windowed aggregate

ksqlDB doesn’t support structured keys, so you can’t create a stream from a windowed aggregate.

ksqlDB doesn’t clean up internal topics

Make sure that your Kafka cluster is configured with delete.topic.enable=true. For more information, see deleteTopics.

Replicated topic with Avro schema causes errors

The Confluent Replicator renames topics during replication. If there are associated Avro schemas, they are not automatically matched with the renamed topics after replication completes.

Using the PRINT statement for a replicated topic shows that the Avro schema ID exists in the Schema Registry. ksqlDB can deserialize the Avro message, but the CREATE STREAM statement fails with a deserialization error. For example:

CREATE STREAM pageviews_original (viewtime bigint, userid varchar, pageid varchar) WITH (kafka_topic='pageviews.replica', value_format='AVRO');

Example output with a deserialization error:

[2018-06-21 19:12:08,135] WARN task [1_6] Skipping record due to deserialization error. topic=[pageviews.replica] partition=[6] offset=[1663] (org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer:86)
org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.DataException: pageviews.replica
        at io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter.toConnectData(
        at io.confluent.ksql.serde.connect.KsqlConnectDeserializer.deserialize(
        at io.confluent.ksql.serde.connect.KsqlConnectDeserializer.deserialize(

The solution is to register Avro schemas manually against the replicated subject name for the topic. For example:

# Original topic name = pageviews
# Replicated topic name = pageviews.replica
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" --data "{\"schema\": $(curl -s http://localhost:8081/subjects/pageviews-value/versions/latest | jq '.schema')}" http://localhost:8081/subjects/pageviews.replica-value/versions

Snappy encoded messages don’t decompress

If you don’t have write access to the /tmp directory because it’s set to noexec, you need to pass in a directory path for snappy that you have write access to:


Check for message processing failures

You can check the health of a ksqlDB query by viewing the number of messages that it has processed and counting how many processing failures have occurred.

Use the DESCRIBE EXTENDED statement to see total-messages and failed-messages-per-sec to get message processing metrics. Note that the metrics are local to the server where the DESCRIBE statement runs.


Example output:

Local runtime statistics
messages-per-sec:      1.10 total-messages:     2898 last-message: 9/17/18 1:48:47 PM UTC
 failed-messages:         0 failed-messages-per-sec:         0 last-failed: n/a
(Statistics of the local KSQL server interaction with the Kafka topic GOOD_RATINGS)

An increasing number of failed-messages may indicate problems with your query. For typical sources of processing failures, see deserialization errors.

Check the ksqlDB server logs

By default, ksqlDB writes most of its log messages to stdout.

Use the Confluent CLI to check the ksqlDB server logs for errors using the command:

confluent local services ksql-server log

For more information, see Confluent CLI.

Look for logs in the default directory at /usr/local/logs or in the LOG_DIR that you assigned when starting the CLI. For more information, see Starting the ksqlDB CLI.

If you installed Confluent Platform using RPM or Debian packages, the logs are in /var/log/confluent/.

If you’re running ksqlDB using Docker, the output is in the container logs, for example:

docker logs <container-id>
docker-compose logs ksql-server

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when is not writable

ksqlDB leverages RocksDB, which includes a C library. As part of the startup process of RocksDB, it has to extract the C library before it can be used. The location to extract the C library is determined by the system property or ROCKSDB_SHAREDLIB_DIR environment variable. If this directory is not writable, you’ll see an error like the following:

[2018-05-22 12:15:32,702] ERROR Exception occurred while writing to connection stream:  (
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.rocksdb.Options
        at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.RocksDBStore.openDB(
        at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.RocksDBStore.init(