Telemetry Reporter Metrics

The following table shows the metadata collected by Confluent Telemetry Reporter and sent to Confluent to power Proactive Support.

Kafka Server

Metric name io.confluent.kafka.server/* Since Confluent version Description
confluent_audit/audit_log_fallback_rate_per_minute 6.0.0 Number of audit log fallbacks per minute.
confluent_audit/audit_log_rate_per_minute 6.0.0 Number of audit logs created per minute.
confluent_authorizer/authorization_request_rate_per_minute 6.0.0 Number of authorization requests per minute.
confluent_authorizer/authorization_allowed_rate_per_minute 6.0.0 Number of authorizations allowed per minute.
confluent_authorizer/authorization_denied_rate_per_minute 6.0.0 Number of authorizations denied per minute.
confluent_auth_store/rbac_role_bindings_count 6.0.0 Number of RBAC role bindings.
confluent_auth_store/rbac_access_rules_count 6.0.0 Number of RBAC access rules.
confluent_auth_store/acl_access_rules_count 6.0.0 Number of ACL access rules.
acl_authorizer/zookeeper_disconnects/total/delta 6.0.0 Kafka Authorizer
acl_authorizer/zookeeper_expires/total/delta 6.0.0  
broker_failure/zookeeper_disconnects/total/delta 6.0.0 ZooKeeper client disconnect rate.
broker_failure/zookeeper_expires/total/delta 6.0.0 ZooKeeper client expiration rate.
broker_topic/bytes_in/total/delta 6.0.0 Topic bytes in rate.
broker_topic/bytes_out/total/delta 6.0.0 Topic bytes our rate.
broker_topic/failed_produce_requests/total/delta 6.0.0 Topic failed produce rate.
broker_topic/failed_fetch_requests/total/delta 6.0.0 Topic failed fetch rate.
broker_topic/produce_message_conversions/total/delta 6.0.0 Number of producer message conversions per second. Conversions occur when the broker and client message version don’t match.
broker_topic/fetch_message_conversions/total/delta 6.0.0 Number of consumer message conversions per second. Conversions occur when the broker and client message version don’t match.
controller/active_controller_count 6.0.0 Number of active controllers.
controller/leader_election_rate_and_time_ms 6.0.0 Leader election rate and latency.
controller/offline_partitions_count 6.0.0 Number of partitions that don’t have an active leader and aren’t writable or readable. Alert if value is greater than 0.
controller/unclean_leader_elections/total 6.0.0 Total number of unclean leader elections.
controller_channel/connection_close_rate 6.0.0 Number of connections closed per second in the window.
controller_channel/connection_close_total 6.0.0 Total number of connections closed in the window.
controller_channel/connection_count 6.0.0 Number of currently open connections to the broker.
controller_channel/connection_creation_rate 6.0.0 Number of new connections established per second in the window.
controller_channel/connection_creation_total 6.0.0 Total number of connections created in the window.
controller_channel/request_size_avg 6.0.0 Average size of all requests in the window for a broker.
controller_channel/request_size_max 6.0.0 Maximum size of any request sent in the window for a broker.
controller_channel_manager/queue_size 6.0.0  
controller_channel_manager/total_queue_size 6.0.0  
controller_event_manager/event_queue_size 6.0.0  
delayed_operation_purgatory/purgatory_size 6.0.0 Number of requests waiting in the producer purgatory. Should be non-zero when acks=all is used on the producer.
executor/zookeeper_disconnects/total/delta 6.0.0 ZooKeeper SBC client disconnect rate.
executor/zookeeper_expires/total/delta 6.0.0 ZooKeeper SBC client disconnect rate.
fetch/queue_size 6.0.0  
group_coordinator/partition_load_time_max 6.0.0  
log_cleaner_manager/achieved_cleaning_ratio/time/delta 6.0.0 Dirty ratio of topic partitions to be compacted, in percentage.
log_cleaner_manager/achieved_cleaning_ratio/total/delta 6.0.0  
log_cleaner_manager/compacted_partition_bytes 6.0.0 Amount of data in compacted topics for each log directory.
log_cleaner_manager/max_dirty_percent 6.0.0 The cleanable ratio of the dirtiest log.
log_cleaner_manager/time_since_last_run_ms 6.0.0 Time since the last log cleaner run, in milliseconds. Resets to 0 when the log cleaner thread runs. Increases constantly if the log cleaner thread is not alive.
log_cleaner_manager/uncleanable_bytes 6.0.0 Number of uncleanable bytes from uncleanable partitions for each log directory.
log_cleaner_manager/uncleanable_partitions_count 6.0.0 Number of partitions marked as uncleanable for each log directory.
replica_alter_log_dirs_manager/max_lag 6.0.0  
replica_fetcher/request_size_avg 6.0.0 Average size of requests to the Replica Manager.
replica_fetcher/request_size_max 6.0.0 Size of the largest request to the Replica Manager.
replica_fetcher_manager/max_lag 6.0.0 Maximum lag in messages between the follower and leader replicas. Controlled by the replica.lag.max.messages config.
replica_manager/isr_shrinks 6.0.0 Number of ISR shrinks per second.
replica_manager/leader_count 6.0.0 Number of leaders on the current broker. Usually, this value should be even, across all brokers. If it’s not, set auto.leader.rebalance.enable to true on all brokers in the cluster.
replica_manager/partition_count 6.0.0 Number of partitions across all topics in the cluster.
replica_manager/under_min_isr_partition_count 6.0.0 Number of partitions that have an in-sync replicas count less than minIsr. These partitions are not available to producers that use acks=all.
replica_manager/under_replicated_partitions 6.0.0 Number of under-replicated partitions.
request/errors/total/delta 6.0.0  
request/local_time_ms/time/delta 6.0.0 Time the request is processed at the leader, in milliseconds.
request/local_time_ms/total/delta 6.0.0  
request/queue_size 6.0.0  
request/remote_time_ms/time/delta 6.0.0 Time the request waits for the follower. Non-zero for produce requests when acks=all.
request/remote_time_ms/total/delta 6.0.0  
request/request_queue_time_ms/time/delta 6.0.0 Time that the request waits in the request queue, in milliseconds.
request/request_queue_time_ms/total/delta 6.0.0  
request/requests 6.0.0 The average number of requests sent per second.
request/response_queue_time_ms/time/delta 6.0.0 Time that the request waits in the response queue, in milliseconds.
request/response_queue_time_ms/total/delta 6.0.0  
request/response_send_time_ms/time/delta 6.0.0 Time to send the response, in milliseconds.
request/response_send_time_ms/total/delta 6.0.0  
request/total_time_ms/time/delta 6.0.0 Total time to serve the specified request, in milliseconds.
request/total_time_ms/total/delta 6.0.0  
request_channel/request_queue_size 6.0.0 Size of the request queue. A congested request queue can’t process incoming or outgoing requests.
request_channel/response_queue_size 6.0.0 Size of the response queue. The response queue is unbounded. A congested response queue can result in delayed response times and memory pressure on the broker.
request_handler_pool/request_handler_avg_idle_percent 6.0.0 Average fraction of time the request handler threads are idle. Values are between 0 (all resources are used) and 1 (all resources are available).
session_expire_listener/zookeeper_disconnects/total/delta 6.0.0 Number of disconnects per second.
session_expire_listener/zookeeper_expires/total/delta 6.0.0 Number of session expirations per second.
socket_server/connections 6.0.0 Number of currently open connections to the broker.
socket_server/successful_authentication_total/delta 6.0.0  
socket_server/failed_authentication_total/delta 6.0.0  
socket_server/network_processor_avg_idle_percent 6.0.0 Average fraction of time that the network processor threads are idle. Values are between 0 (all resources are used) and 1 (all resources are available).
socket_server/request_size_avg 6.0.0 Average size of requests to the broker.
socket_server/request_size_max 6.0.0 Size of the largest request to the broker.

Metadata tags

Additional metadata tags are attached to each metric record received, enables storing and associating the metric with the correct resource.

Tag name Description Unique Kafka cluster ID
kafka.version Kafka version of broker Unique broker identifier in Kafka cluster
java.version Java version of broker
host.hostname Host name for broker
topic Topic name. Populated when collecting topic-level metrics.

ksqlDB Server

Metric name io.confluent.ksql/* Since Confluent version Description
ksql_engine_query/liveness_indicator 6.0.0 Indicates whether the ksqlDB server is up and emitting metrics. Has a constant value of 1.
ksql_engine_query/num_active_queries 6.0.0 Number of active queries running in the current ksqlDB engine.
ksql_engine_query/num_idle_queries 6.0.0 Number of inactive queries.
ksql_engine_query/num_persistent_queries 6.0.0 Number of persistent queries running in the current ksqlDB engine.
ksql_engine_query/created_queries 6.0.0 Count of queries that are in the CREATED state.
ksql_engine_query/error_queries 6.0.0 Count of queries that are in the ERROR state.
ksql_engine_query/not_running_queries 6.0.0 Count of queries that are in the NOT_RUNNING state.
ksql_engine_query/pending_shutdown_queries 6.0.0 Count of queries that are in the PENDING_SHUTDOWN state.
ksql_engine_query/rebalancing_queries 6.0.0 Count of queries that are in the REBALANCING state.
ksql_engine_query/running_queries 6.0.0 Count of queries that are in the RUNNING state.
ksql_engine_query/bytes_consumed_total 6.0.0 Total number of bytes consumed across all queries.
ksql_engine_query/messages_consumed 6.0.0 Total number of messages consumed across all queries.
ksql_engine_query/messages_produced 6.0.0 Total number of messages produced.