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Ansible Playbooks for Confluent Platform


Confluent provides Ansible playbooks for installing the Confluent Platform.


These playbooks are provided without support and are intended to be a guideline. Any issues encountered can be reported via the cp-ansible GitHub repo and will be addressed on a best effort basis.


  • Confluent Platform 4.1 or higher
  • Ansible 2.5.x or higher (on control node)
  • Confluent Platform Ansible playbooks
  • passwordless ssh between all hosts
  • sudo access for ssh user for all hosts


Ansible provides a simple way to deploy, manage, and configure the Confluent Platform services. The cp-ansible repository provides playbooks and templates to easily spin up a Confluent Platform installation. Specifically this repository:

  • Installs Confluent Platform packages
  • Starts services using systemd scripts
  • Provides configuration options for plaintext, SSL, and SASL_SSL communication amongst the services

The services that can be installed from this repository are:

  • ZooKeeper
  • Kafka
  • Schema Registry
  • REST Proxy
  • Confluent Control Center
  • Kafka Connect (distributed mode)


In Scope

These Ansible playbooks are intended as a general template for setting up a production-ready proof of concept environment. There are three available templates.

  • PLAINTEXT – use these templates if you have no requirements for a secured environment
  • SSL – use these templates if you require only SSL encryption
  • SASL_SSL – use these templates if you require plaintext SASL authentication and SSL encryption

Out of Scope

The playbooks and templates generate self-signed certificates and use SASL plaintext authentication for a simple proof of concept that demonstrates the use of security features. The following are not in scope:

  • Generating production-ready SSL certificates
  • Setting up a Kerberos KDC or integration with Active Directory
  • Guidance on business usage of authentication and authorization
  • Provisioning of machines

Future work and additional features

Future work and additional features should be tracked in the GitHub issues for the repository.

How to use this repository

PLAINTEXT, SSL, SASL_SSL each have example playbooks and hosts files in their respective plaintext, ssl, sasl_ssl directories. The hosts.yml and all.yml files at the repository root match the sasl_ssl and this can be considered the default path.

Setting up a hosts.yml

This repository has a demo hosts.yml file in the root directory. This file is where you specify which roles will be run on each host. For more information on the host file in general please see the Ansible documentation. For this particular setup, you will want to ensure each host in your cluster is a member of the preflight role. Other than that, you can specify as many or as few of each service as makes sense for your use case. The setup in the demo hosts.yml works well on 4 t2.xlarge AWS instances.

Template properties files

Each service has three template properties files. Which properties file template will be used depends on the value of security_mode set. Valid options are plaintext, ssl, sasl_ssl. These templates hardcode some security parameters for ease of setup in a proof of concept environment. If you want to use this setup in a production environment, you will likely want to use SSL certificates provided by your own Certificate Authority and use Kerberos keytabs for SASL authentication.

Using your own SSL certificates

The service properties file templates in this repository expect certificates to be stored under /var/ssl/private. In this directory, each host stores a keystore and truststore for clients and a keystore and truststore for Brokers. No differentiation between services is made for simplicity. You can update the exact path to the certificate stores by updating roles/<service>/templates/<service> or roles/<service>/templates/<service> depending on the security mode you have chosen.

Using Kerberos keytabs for SASL authentication

The service properties file templates in this repository use the plaintext SASL mechanism that is shipped with Kafka. The JAAS configurations are specified in the properties files directly, so if you choose to use Kerberos keytabs for authentication, you can modify roles/<service>/templates/<service> to use the SASL mechanism GSSAPI and update the JAAS configuration. Please consult the security documentation for specific examples on updating the configuration.


Run the whole setup

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml all.yml

Check for Changes

ansible-playbook --check -i hosts.yml all.yml

Apply Changes

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml all.yml

Additional information

This repository makes use of the systemd scripts provided in Confluent Platform. As such, there is an expected default user/service mapping that follows the convention of using the prefix cp- followed by the service name. For example cp-kafka or cp-schema-registry. The one exception is that ZooKeeper is run as the cp-kafka user. This matches the systemd scripts as well.