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Code Examples¶
You can find Streams code examples in the Apache Kafka and Confluent GitHub repositories.
The Confluent Streams examples are located here. These examples demonstrate the use of Java 8 lambda expressions (which simplify the code significantly), show how to read/write Avro data, and how to implement end-to-end integration tests using embedded Kafka clusters.
The Apache Kafka Streams examples are located at These examples demonstrate the use of the Kafka Streams DSL and the low-level Processor API, including typed and untyped examples.
Getting started examples¶
With lambda expressions for Java 8+:
- WordCountLambdaExample
- AnomalyDetectionLambdaExample
- GlobalKTablesExample
- MapFunctionLambdaExample
- PageViewRegionLambdaExample
- UserRegionLambdaExample
- WikipediaFeedAvroLambdaExample
- ApplicationResetExample
- SessionWindowsExample
- SumLambdaExample
- TopArticlesLambdaExample
Without lambda expressions for Java 7+:
Interactive queries examples¶
Since Confluent Platform 3.1+ and Kafka 0.10.1+, it is possible to query state stores created via the Kafka Streams DSL and the Processor API. Please refer to Interactive Queries for further information.
End-to-end application examples¶
These demo applications use embedded instances of Kafka, ZooKeeper, and Confluent Schema Registry. They are implemented as integration tests.
With lambda expressions for Java 8+:
- WordCountLambdaIntegrationTest
- FanoutLambdaIntegrationTest
- GenericAvroIntegrationTest
- GlobalKTablesExampleTest
- HandlingCorruptedInputRecordsIntegrationTest
- MapFunctionLambdaIntegrationTest
- MixAndMatchLambdaIntegrationTest – how to mix the DSL and the Processor API
- SpecificAvroIntegrationTest
- StateStoresInTheDSLIntegrationTest – how to use state stores in the DSL
- StreamToStreamJoinIntegrationTest
- StreamToTableJoinIntegrationTest
- TableToTableJoinIntegrationTest
- UserCountsPerRegionLambdaIntegrationTest
- ApplicationResetIntegrationTest
- EventDeduplicationLambdaIntegrationTest
- SumLambdaIntegrationTest
- TopArticlesLambdaExampleTest
Without lambda expressions for Java 7:
- StreamToTableJoinScalaIntegrationTest
- ProbabilisticCountingScalaIntegrationTest - demonstrates how to probabilistically count items in an input stream by implementing a custom state store that is backed by a Count-Min Sketch data structure
- GenericAvroScalaIntegrationTest
- SpecificAvroScalaIntegrationTest
- WordCountScalaIntegrationTest
Event-Driven Microservice example¶
The Event-Driven Microservice example implements an Orders Service that provides a REST interface to POST and GET orders. Posting an order creates an event in Kafka, which is picked up by three different validation engines: a Fraud Service, an Inventory Service, and an Order Details Service. These services validate the order in parallel, emitting a PASS or FAIL based on whether each validation succeeds.