CLI Tools for Confluent Platform¶
Confluent Platform provides the following command-line tools. All of these are located in the Confluent Platform bin
directory, except
for the ccloud
tool which is installed separately.
Name | Description |
confluent | This tool manages Confluent Cloud and Confluent Platform, including RBAC, secrets, and the ability to deploy a single-node Confluent Platform instance as well as creating, updating, and deleting topics. For more information, see Confluent CLI. |
confluent-hub | This tool installs and manages connectors. For more information, see Confluent Hub Command Reference. |
confluent-rebalancer | This tool balances data and partitions between brokers. For more information, see Auto Data Balancing. |
connect-distributed | This tool runs Connect in distributed mode. For more information, see Getting Started with Kafka Connect. |
connect-standalone | This tool runs Connect in standalone mode. For more information, see see Getting Started with Kafka Connect. |
control-center-3_0_0-reset | This tool is used during upgrades from Control Center version 3.0.0. For more information, see Upgrading Control Center. |
control-center-3_0_1-reset | This tool is used during upgrades from Control Center version 3.0.1. For more information, see Upgrading Control Center. |
control-center-console-consumer | This tool starts the Control Center console consumer. For more information, see Confluent Monitoring Interceptors. |
control-center-export | This tool exports data from Control Center to an output file. |
control-center-reset | This tool resets Control Center and deletes all data. For more information, see Installing and Configuring Control Center. |
control-center-run-class | This tool is a thin wrapper around the Control Center Java class. It is mainly used by the start and stop scripts and should not be run by itself. |
control-center-set-acls | This tool is used to set the Control Center ACLs. For more information, see Configure HTTP Basic Authentication with Control Center. |
control-center-start | This tool starts Control Center. For a usage example, see Manual Install using ZIP and TAR Archives. |
control-center-stop | This tool stops Control Center. For a usage example, see Enable and disable dynamic editing of broker configurations. |
kafka-acls | This tool adds, removes, and lists ACLs. For more information, see Authorization using ACLs. |
kafka-avro-console-consumer | This tool receives Avro data in JSON format from the console. For more information, see Formats, Serializers, and Deserializers. |
kafka-avro-console-producer | This tool sends Avro data in JSON format to the console. For more information, see Formats, Serializers, and Deserializers. |
kafka-broker-api-versions | This tool displays the API versions of all nodes in the cluster. |
kafka-configs | This tool updates broker configs and topic configs. For more information, see Changing Broker Configurations Dynamically and Modifying topics. |
kafka-cluster-links | This creates and manages Cluster Linking between Confluent Enterprise and Confluent Cloud clusters. |
kafka-console-consumer | This tool reads data from Kafka topics and sends output to STDOUT. For more information, see Kafka Consumer for Confluent Platform. |
kafka-console-producer | This tool sends data to Kafka topics. For more information, see Kafka Producer for Confluent Platform. |
kafka-consumer-groups | This tool gets a list of the active groups in the cluster. For more information, see Kafka consumer group tool. |
kafka-consumer-perf-test | This tool tests the consumer performance for the Kafka cluster. |
kafka-delegation-tokens | This tool creates, renews, expires, and describes delegation tokens. For more information, see Authentication using Delegation Tokens. |
kafka-delete-records | This tool deletes partition records. |
kafka-dump-log | This tool parses a log file and dumps its contents to the console. This is useful for debugging log segments. |
kafka-leader-election | This tool initiates leader election for topic partitions. |
kafka-log-dirs | This tool gets a list of replicas per log directory on a broker. |
kafka-mirror-maker | This tool runs MirrorMaker. For more information, see Mirroring data between clusters in the Kafka Documentation. |
kafka-mirrors | This tool creates and manages identical mirror topics between clusters using Cluster Linking. |
kafka-mqtt-run-class | This tool is a thin wrapper around the MQTT Proxy Java class. It is mainly used by the start and stop scripts and should not be run by itself. For more information, see Introduction. |
kafka-mqtt-start | This tool starts MQTT Proxy. For more information, see Introduction. |
kafka-mqtt-stop | This tool stops MQTT Proxy. For more information, see Introduction. |
kafka-preferred-replica-election | This tool transfers the leadership for each partition back to the “preferred replica”
and is used to balance leadership among the servers. For more information, see the
Apache Kafka wiki.
This tool has been deprecated in Kafka 2.4 and was replaced by kafka-leader-election . |
kafka-producer-perf-test | This tool tests the producer performance for the Kafka cluster. For more information, see Auto Data Balancing. |
kafka-protobuf-console-producer | This tool sends Protobuf data in JSON format to the console. For more information, see Formats, Serializers, and Deserializers. |
kafka-protobuf-console-consumer | This tool receives Protobuf data in JSON format from the console. For more information, see Formats, Serializers, and Deserializers. |
kafka-json-schema-console-producer | This tool sends JSON schema data in JSON format from the console. For more information, see Formats, Serializers, and Deserializers. |
kafka-json-schema-console-consumer | This tool receives JSON schema data in JSON format from the console. For more information, see Formats, Serializers, and Deserializers. |
kafka-reassign-partitions | This tool moves topic partitions between replicas. For more information, see Scaling the Cluster (Adding a node to a Kafka cluster). |
kafka-replica-verification | This tool validates that all replicas for a set of topics have the same data. |
kafka-rest-run-class | This tool is a thin wrapper around the REST Proxy Java class. It is mainly used by the start and stop scripts and should not be run by itself. For more information, see Confluent REST APIs. |
kafka-rest-start | This tool starts the REST Proxy. For more information, see Confluent REST APIs. |
kafka-rest-stop | This tool stops the REST Proxy. For more information, see Confluent REST APIs. |
kafka-rest-stop-service | This tool stops all running instances of the REST Proxy. For more information, see Confluent REST APIs. |
kafka-run-class | This tool is a thin wrapper around the Kafka Java class. It is mainly used by the start and stop scripts and should not be run by itself. |
kafka-server-start | This tool starts Kafka. |
kafka-server-stop | This tool stops Kafka. |
kafka-streams-application-reset | This tool resets an application and forces it to reprocess its data from the beginning. For more information, see Kafka Streams Application Reset Tool. |
kafka-topics | This tool is used to create, delete, describe, or change a Kafka topic. For more information, see Adding topics. |
kafka-verifiable-consumer | This tool consumes messages from a topic and emits consumer events as JSON objects to STDOUT. For example, group rebalances, received messages, and offsets committed. |
kafka-verifiable-producer | This tool produces increasing integers to the specified topic and prints
JSON metadata to STDOUT on each “send” request. This makes externally
visible which messages have been acked and which have not. |
ksql | This tool runs ksqlDB. For more information, see Configure ksqlDB CLI. |
ksql-datagen | This tool generates test data that complies with a custom schema that you define. For more information, see Generate test data. |
ksql-run-class | This tool is a thin wrapper around the ksqlDB Java class. It is mainly used by the start and stop scripts and should not be run by itself. |
ksql-server-start | This tool starts the ksqlDB server. For more information, see Starting the ksqlDB Server. |
ksql-server-stop | This tool stops the ksqlDB server. For more information, see ksqlDB Operations. |
ksql-stop | This tool stops the ksqlDB CLI. For more information, see Installing ksqlDB. |
replicator | This tool runs Replicator. For more information, see Overview. |
replicator-verifier | This tool verifies the Replicator configuration. For more information, see Verifying a Replicator configuration. |
schema-registry-run-class | This tool is a thin wrapper around the Schema Registry Java class. It is mainly used by the start and stop scripts and should not be run by itself. For more information, see Schema Registry API Usage Examples. |
schema-registry-start | This tool starts Schema Registry. For more information, see Schema Registry API Usage Examples. |
schema-registry-stop | This tool stops Schema Registry. For more information, see Schema Registry API Usage Examples. |
schema-registry-stop-service | This tool stops all running instances of the Schema Registry. For more information, see Schema Registry API Usage Examples. |
security-plugins-run-class | This tool is a thin wrapper around the Confluent Security Plugins Java class. It is mainly used by the start and stop scripts and should not be run by itself. |
sr-acl-cli | This tool runs the Schema Registry ACL CLI tool. For more information, see Schema Registry ACL Authorizer. |
support-metrics-bundle | This tool creates the “support metrics bundle” file in the current directory. |
zookeeper-security-migration | This tool is used to update the ACLs of znodes as part of the process of setting up ZooKeeper authentication. For more information, see Adding security to a running ZooKeeper cluster. |
zookeeper-server-start | This tool starts ZooKeeper. For more information, see Manual Install using ZIP and TAR Archives. |
zookeeper-server-stop | This tool stops ZooKeeper. For more information, see Manual Install using ZIP and TAR Archives. |
zookeeper-shell | This tool connects to the ZooKeeper shell. |