Example: Replicate Data in an Active-Active Multi-DataCenter Deployment on Confluent Platform

This example uses pre-built Docker images to show how to deploy an active-active multi-datacenter design, with two instances of Confluent Replicator that copy data bidirectionally between the datacenters.

This Docker environment is for demo purposes only, not for production.


  • Docker
    • Docker version 1.11 or later is installed and running.
    • Docker Compose is installed. Docker Compose is installed by default with Docker for Mac.
    • Docker memory is allocated minimally at 6 GB. When using Docker Desktop for Mac, the default Docker memory allocation is 2 GB. You can change the default allocation to 6 GB in Docker. Navigate to Preferences > Resources > Advanced.
  • Internet connectivity
  • Operating System currently supported by Confluent Platform
  • Networking and Kafka on Docker
    • Configure your hosts and ports to allow both internal and external components to the Docker network to communicate.


This is an active-active multi-datacenter design, with two instances of Confluent Replicator that copy data bidirectionally between datacenters dc1 and dc2.

Confluent Control Center is running to manage and monitor the cluster.


Confluent Platform Component ports

dc1 dc2
Broker 9091 9092
ZooKeeper 2181 2182
Schema Registry 8081 (primary) 8082 (secondary)
Connect 8381 (copying dc2->dc1) 8382 (copying dc1->dc2)
Control Center   9021

Data generation and topic names

Datagen Docker container Origin DC Origin topics Replicator instance Destination DC Destination topics
datagen-dc1- topic1 dc1 topic1, _schemas replicator-dc1 -to-dc2-topic1 dc2 topic1, _schemas
datagen-dc1- topic2 dc1 topic2 replicator-dc1 -to-dc2-topic2 dc2 topic2.replica
datagen-dc2- topic1 dc2 topic1 replicator-dc2 -to-dc1-topic1 dc1 topic1

Confluent Replicator (version 5.0.1 and higher) prevents cyclic repetition of data between the dc1 topic1 and dc2 topic1 by using provenance information in the message headers.

Run the demo


This demo has been validated with:

  • Docker version 17.06.1-ce
  • Docker Compose version 1.14.0 with Docker Compose file format 2.1

Start the services

  1. Clone the confluentinc/examples GitHub repository and check out the 7.6.3-post branch.

    git clone https://github.com/confluentinc/examples
    cd examples
    git checkout 7.6.3-post
  2. Navigate to multi-datacenter examples directory.

    cd multi-datacenter/
  3. Start all services and sample messages from topics in each datacenter:

  4. View the full configurations for the Kafka brokers, Schema Registry, and connect workers in the docker-compose.yml file.

    cat docker-compose.yml

Verify multi-datacenter setup


In this multi-datacenter environment, there are two Apache Kafka® clusters, dc1 and dc2. Confluent Control Center manages both of these clusters. Confluent Replicator is that copy data bidirectionally between dc1 and dc2, but for simplicity in explaining how it works, the following sections consider replication only from dc1 to dc2.

  1. After starting the demo (see previous section), navigate your Chrome browser to the Control Center UI at http://localhost:9021 and verify that there are two Kafka clusters dc1 and dc2:

  2. This demo has two Kafka Connect clusters, connect-dc1 and connect-dc2. Recall that Replicator is a source connector that typically runs on the connect cluster at the destination, so connect-dc1 runs Replicator copying from dc2 to dc1, and connect-dc2 runs Replicator copying from dc1 to dc2. Since version 5.2, Control Center can manage multiple Kafka Connect clusters, but in this demo we focus only on those Replicator instances running in connect-dc2 copying from dc1 to dc2.

  3. For Replicator copying from dc1 to dc2: navigate to the Connect menu to verify that Kafka Connect (configured to connect-dc2) is running two instances of Replicator: replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic1 and replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic2


Inspect topics

  1. For each datacenter, inspect the data in various topics, provenance information, timestamp information, and cluster ID.

  2. Verify the output resembles:

    list topics:
    Processed a total of 10 messages
    Processed a total of 10 messages
    [2021-01-04 19:16:09,579] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process:  (kafka.tools.ConsoleConsumer$)
    Processed a total of 6 messages
    provenance info (cluster, topic, timestamp):
    Processed a total of 10 messages
    timestamp info (group: topic-partition):
    replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic2: topic2-0    1609787797164
    replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic1: topic1-0    1609787797117
    Processed a total of 2 messages
    cluster id:
    list topics:
    Processed a total of 10 messages
    Processed a total of 10 messages
    [2021-01-04 19:17:26,336] ERROR Error processing message, terminating consumer process:  (kafka.tools.ConsoleConsumer$)
    Processed a total of 6 messages
    provenance info (cluster, topic, timestamp):
    Processed a total of 10 messages
    timestamp info (group: topic-partition):
    replicator-dc2-to-dc1-topic1: topic1-0    1609787867007
    replicator-dc2-to-dc1-topic1: topic1-0    1609787877008
    Processed a total of 2 messages
    cluster id:


Starting with Confluent Platform 6.2.1, the _confluent-command internal topic is available as the preferred alternative to the _confluent-license topic, and is the default for new clusters. Both will be supported going forward. To learn more, see Configure component licenses.

Monitor Replicator performance

Monitoring Replicator is important to:

  1. Gauge how synchronized is the data between multiple datacenters
  2. Optimize performance of the network and Confluent Platform

Replicator monitoring

Control Center’s provides detailed monitoring for Replicator from the Replicators menu. Selecting this shows an overview of the Replicator instances currently running on the clusters. Important metrics are shown for each Replicator:

  • Source Cluster - the cluster that Replicator is replicating from.
  • Source Topics - the number of topics being replicated.
  • Messages Replicated in/s - the number of messages replicated per second.
  • Message Lag - the number of messages present on the source cluster that have not yet been replicated to the destination.
  • Latency - the difference between the time the message was present on the destination and present on the source.

Selecting any of the Replicator instances displayed here will show more detail for a particular instance. Under the Status tab you will see the metrics above broken down by Connect task and on the Source Topics tab you will see them broken down by topic.


Further selecting the Throughput card shows detailed message lag broken down by Connect tasks and selecting any of the listed tasks shows metrics for the partitions that task is replicating.


Streams monitoring

Control Center’s monitoring capabilities include monitoring stream performance: verifying that all data is consumed and at what throughput and latency. Monitoring can be displayed on a per-consumer group or per-topic basis. Confluent Replicator has an embedded consumer that reads data from the origin cluster, so you can monitor its performance in Control Center. To enable streams monitoring for Replicator, configure it with the Monitoring Consumer Interceptor, as shown in this example.

  1. Select the dc1 Kafka cluster from the menu on the left and then select Data Streams. Verify that there are two consumer groups, one for reach Replicator instance running from dc1 to dc2, called replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic1 and replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic2:

  2. Select the dc2 Kafka cluster from the menu on the left and then select Data Streams. Verify that there is one consumer group running from dc2 to dc1 called replicator-dc2-to-dc1-topic1:


Consumer lag

Replicator has an embedded consumer that reads data from the origin cluster, and it commits its offsets only after the connect worker’s producer has committed the data to the destination cluster (configure the frequency of commits with the parameter offset.flush.interval.ms). You can monitor the consumer lag of Replicator’s embedded consumer in the origin cluster (for Replicator instances that copy data from dc1 to dc2, the origin cluster is dc1). The ability to monitor Replicator’s consumer lag is enabled when it is configured with offset.topic.commit=true (true by default), which allows Replicator to commit its own consumer offsets to the origin cluster dc1 after the messages have been written to the destination cluster.

  1. For Replicator copying from dc1 to dc2: Select dc1 (origin cluster) from the menu on the left and then select Consumers. Verify that there are two consumer groups, one for reach Replicator instance running from dc1 to dc2: replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic1 and replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic2. Replicator’s consumer lag information is available in Control Center and kafka-consumer-groups, but it is not available via JMX.

    1. Click on replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic1 to view Replicator’s consumer lag in reading topic1 and _schemas. This view is equivalent to:

      docker-compose exec broker-dc1 kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server broker-dc1:29091 --describe --group replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic1
    2. Click on replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic2 to view Replicator’s consumer lag in reading topic2 (equivalent to docker-compose exec broker-dc1 kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server broker-dc1:29091 --describe --group replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic2)

  2. For Replicator copying from dc1 to dc2: do not mistakenly try to monitor Replicator consumer lag in the destination cluster dc2. Control Center also shows the Replicator consumer lag for topics in dc2 (i.e., topic1, _schemas, topic2.replica) but this does not mean that Replicator is consuming from them. The reason you see this consumer lag in dc2 is because by default Replicator is configured with offset.timestamps.commit=true for which Replicator commits its own offset timestamps of its consumer group in the __consumer_offsets topic in the destination cluster dc2. In case of disaster recovery, this enables Replicator to resume where it left off when switching to the secondary cluster.

  3. Do not confuse consumer lag with an MBean attribute called records-lag associated with Replicator’s embedded consumer. That attribute reflects whether Replicator’s embedded consumer can keep up with the original data production rate, but it does not take into account replication lag producing the messages to the destination cluster. records-lag is real time, and it is normal for this value to be 0.0.

    docker-compose exec connect-dc2 \
        kafka-run-class kafka.tools.JmxTool \
        --object-name "kafka.consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,partition=0,topic=topic1,client-id=replicator-dc1-to-dc2-topic1-0" \
        --attributes "records-lag" \
        --jmx-url service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://connect-dc2:9892/jmxrmi

Resume applications after failover

After a disaster event occurs, switch your Java consumer application to a different datacenter, and then it can automatically restart consuming data in the destination cluster where it left off in the origin cluster.

To use this capability, configure Java consumer applications with the Consumer Timestamps Interceptor, which is shown in this sample code.

  1. After starting the demo (see previous section), run the consumer to connect to the dc1 Kafka cluster. It automatically configures the consumer group ID as java-consumer-topic1 and uses the Consumer Timestamps Interceptor and Monitoring Interceptor.

    mvn clean package
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=io.confluent.examples.clients.ConsumerMultiDatacenterExample -Dexec.args="topic1 localhost:9091 http://localhost:8081 localhost:9092"
  2. Verify in the consumer output that it is reading data originating from both dc1 and dc2:

    key = User_1, value = {"userid": "User_1", "dc": "dc1"}
    key = User_9, value = {"userid": "User_9", "dc": "dc2"}
    key = User_6, value = {"userid": "User_6", "dc": "dc2"}
  3. Even though the consumer is consuming from dc1, there are dc2 consumer offsets committed for the consumer group java-consumer-topic1. Run the following command to read from the __consumer_offsets topic in dc2.

    docker-compose exec broker-dc2 \
        kafka-console-consumer \
        --topic __consumer_offsets \
        --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
        --formatter "kafka.coordinator.group.GroupMetadataManager\$OffsetsMessageFormatter" | grep java-consumer
  4. Verify that there are committed offsets:

    [java-consumer-topic1,topic1,0]::OffsetAndMetadata(offset=1142, leaderEpoch=Optional.empty, metadata=, commitTimestamp=1547146285084, expireTimestamp=None)
    [java-consumer-topic1,topic1,0]::OffsetAndMetadata(offset=1146, leaderEpoch=Optional.empty, metadata=, commitTimestamp=1547146286082, expireTimestamp=None)
    [java-consumer-topic1,topic1,0]::OffsetAndMetadata(offset=1150, leaderEpoch=Optional.empty, metadata=, commitTimestamp=1547146287084, expireTimestamp=None)
  5. When Confluent Monitoring Interceptors are configured on Kafka clients, they write metadata to a topic called _confluent-monitoring. Kafka clients include any application that uses the Apache Kafka client API to connect to Kafka brokers, such as custom client code or any service that has embedded producers or consumers, such as Kafka Connect, ksqlDB, or a Kafka Streams application. Control Center uses that topic to ensure that all messages are delivered and to provide statistics on throughput and latency performance. From that same topic, you can also derive which producers are writing to which topics and which consumers are reading from which topics, and an example script is provided with the repo.



    This script is for demo purposes only. It is not suitable for production.

  6. In steady state with the Java consumer running, you should see:

    Reading topic _confluent-monitoring for 60 seconds...please wait
  7. Shut down dc1:

    docker-compose stop connect-dc1 schema-registry-dc1 broker-dc1 zookeeper-dc1
  8. Stop and restart the consumer to connect to the dc2 Kafka cluster. It will still use the same consumer group ID java-consumer-topic1 so it can resume where it left off:

    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=io.confluent.examples.clients.ConsumerMultiDatacenterExample -Dexec.args="topic1 localhost:9092 http://localhost:8082 localhost:9092"
  9. Verify that see data sourced only from dc2:

    key = User_8, value = {"userid": "User_8", "dc": "dc2"}
    key = User_9, value = {"userid": "User_9", "dc": "dc2"}
    key = User_5, value = {"userid": "User_5", "dc": "dc2"}

Stop the demo

When you are done with the demo, stop it and remove Docker containers and images.

  1. Run this script to stop all services, and remove the Docker containers and images:

  2. Run the following command to verify that no containers are running:

    docker container ls