Configure Topics Using Control Center for Confluent Platform

View and edit the configuration settings for topics.


Some topic configuration parameters are not configurable through the Control Center UI. These unmodifiable parameters display a lock symbol (lock) in the text entry box. They cannot be changed in either default or custom expert mode. See Configurable topic parameters.

Edit basic topic settings

  1. Select a cluster from the navigation bar and click the Topics menu. The Manage Topics Using Control Center for Confluent Platform appears.

  2. In the Topics table, click the topic name link.


    Internal topics names start with an underscore (_) and should not be individually modified. Modifying an internal topic could adversely impact your Confluent Platform installation and result in unexpected behavior.

  3. Click the Configuration tab. The Configuration page appears for the topic.

    Basic Configuration page for Topic


    Click Show full config/Hide full config to toggle the view of all available configurations.

  4. Click Edit settings. The basic configurations become available for editing. Only the most commonly modified settings are shown by default. Make any changes to the available fields. To edit additional settings in expert mode, see Edit topic settings in expert mode.

    Basic configuration editing page for a topic in Control Center


    Click the information icon to view the tooltip for a setting.

    Tooltip for a topic setting in Control Center
  5. Click Save changes.

Edit topic settings in expert mode


Be careful when setting configurations in expert mode. With expert mode, you have full control of every topic configuration and can potentially get your cluster into a bad state.

  1. Follow the steps for Edit basic topic settings. On the basic configuration page, click Switch to expert mode.

  2. To leave expert mode without making any changes, click Leave expert mode.

  3. Make your changes. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save changes.

    Edit topic configuration in expert mode of Control Center

Configurable topic parameters

The following table lists available parameters in alphabetical order and indicates whether they can be edited. Most can be edited with the exception of the topic name, number of partitions, and replication factor.

Parameter Configurable Notes
cleanup.policy Yes When switching the clean up policy from delete to compact, records without keys are considered invalid and deleted.
cluster Yes  
compression.type Yes Yes Yes  
flush.messages Yes Yes  
follower.replication.throttled.replicas Yes  
index.interval.bytes Yes  
leader.replication.throttled.replicas Yes  
max.message.bytes Yes  
message.format.version Yes Yes  
message.timestamp.type Yes  
min.cleanable.dirty.ratio Yes Yes  
min.insync.replicas Yes  
name (topic) No  
partitions (number of) No  
preallocate Yes  
producer Yes  
replication.factor No  
retention.bytes Yes Yes  
segment.bytes Yes  
segment.index.bytes Yes Yes Yes  
unclean.leader.election.enable Yes