Logging with Confluent Manager for Apache Flink

Confluent Manager for Apache Flink® exposes all Flink logging configurations (Logging) with the Application and Environment APIs. For more information, see API reference. Flink uses Log4j2 properties, which you can use to define custom appenders for sending logs to a remote system or to define a log format compatible with your log ingestion system. When defining custom appenders, you should package a custom Docker image containing the required additional dependencies.

By default, Flink clusters deployed with CMF will log to standard out, which you can access from the pod logs or the Flink Web UI.

You can either choose to configure the logging behavior for a specific Application or per Environment. When you configure logging for an Environment, the same behavior is applied to all of the Applications it contains. A logging setting on an Environment takes precedence over the same setting at the Application level.

Option 1: Configure Logging for an Application

The following code shows an example of configuration for an Application.

 apiVersion: cmf.confluent.io/v1alpha1
 kind: FlinkApplication
 name: basic-example
 image: confluentinc/cp-flink:1.19.1-cp1
 flinkVersion: v1_19
     taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: '1'
 serviceAccount: flink
 # Custom logging configuration this application
     log4j-console.properties: |+
     rootLogger.level = DEBUG
     rootLogger.appenderRef.file.ref = LogFile
     memory: 1048m
     cpu: 1
     memory: 1048m
     cpu: 1
     jarURI: local:///opt/flink/examples/streaming/StateMachineExample.jar
     state: running
     parallelism: 3
     upgradeMode: stateless

Option 2: Configure Logging for an Environment

The following code shows an example of configuring logging at the Environment level:

name: default
kubernetesNamespace: staging-shared
    # Custom logging configuration for all Applications in this environment
    log4j-console.properties: |+
        rootLogger.level = DEBUG
        rootLogger.appenderRef.file.ref = LogFile