Monitor Kafka with Metrics Reporter in Confluent Platform¶
The Confluent Metrics Reporter collects various metrics from an Apache Kafka® cluster. The Confluent Metrics Reporter is required for Confluent Control Center system health monitoring and for Confluent Auto Data Balancer to operate.
The metrics are produced to a topic in a Kafka cluster. You may choose whether to publish metrics to a Kafka cluster that is:
- The same as your production traffic cluster. Using the same cluster is more convenient and is a reasonable way to get started.
- Different from your production traffic cluster. Using a dedicated metrics cluster is more resilient because it continues to provide system health monitoring even if the production traffic cluster experiences issues.
The Confluent Metrics Reporter is installed on a broker as a part of Confluent Platform. Metrics Reporter is part of the confluent-server package.
You can confirm the Confluent Metrics Reporter JAR file is on the broker, by checking the following location.
Enabling Metrics Reporter¶
By default, the Confluent Metrics Reporter is not enabled. To enable it, you
must edit each Kafka broker and KRaft controller properties file and set the
and confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers
configuration parameters.
For the changes to take effect, you must perform a rolling restart of each node.
The properties files shipped with Confluent Platform provide these configuration parameters, but they are commented out. You can find the properties files at the following locations:
- ZooKeeper mode:
- KRaft mode
Uncomment the following lines in the Confluent Metrics Reporter
which by default publishes metrics to your production traffic cluster.
# The bootstrap servers refer to your monitoring cluster
If you prefer to publish metrics to a Kafka cluster that is different from your
production traffic cluster, modify confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers
to point to Kafka brokers in the dedicated metrics cluster.
Update confluent.metrics.reporter.topic.replicas
if there are less
than 3 brokers in the Kafka metrics cluster.
For more details on the configuration properties, see Configuration options.
A rolling restart is required for the
configuration changes to be picked up. After the restart, the reporter should
return messages similar to the following standard output and server.log
[2017-07-17 17:11:32,304] INFO KafkaConfig values:
metric.reporters = [io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter]
[2017-07-17 17:11:32,611] INFO ConfluentMetricsReporterConfig values:
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092 = 15000
[2017-07-17 17:11:48,288] INFO Created metrics reporter topic _confluent-metrics (io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter)
After the Confluent Metrics Reporter is properly configured and the brokers have been restarted, the topic is automatically created and metrics data is produced to the topic periodically (every 15 seconds by default).
Log level¶
By default, the Confluent Metrics Reporter logs events to server.log
on each
Kafka broker. For more verbose logging, add the following line to ./etc/kafka/
and restart
each node.
Disabling Metrics Reporter¶
By default, the Confluent Metrics Reporter is not enabled. If you have previously enabled it, and you want
to disable it, you comment out metric.reporters
configuration line in each Kafka broker’s
file. For the changes to take effect, you must
perform a rolling restart of the brokers.
If you are using Monitor Confluent Platform with Health+, you should disable Metrics Reporter if you have previously enabled it.
Access the $CONFLUENT_HOME/etc/kafka/
file, and
comment out the following line in the Confluent Metrics Reporter
Message size¶
If the total number of partitions in the Kafka cluster is large, it is possible that the produced message is larger than the maximum allowed by the broker for the metrics topic. As of 3.3.0, the topic is configured to accept messages up to 10 MB in size by default. In previous versions, the broker default was used (1 MB by default). The following log is an example of when a message is rejected due to its size:
[2017-07-19 00:34:50,664] WARN Failed to produce metrics message (io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.RecordTooLargeException: The request included a message larger than the max message size the server will accept.
The solution is to increase the max.message.bytes
configuration for the metrics
topic. The following example updates it to twice the default:
bin/kafka-configs --alter --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --add-config max.message.bytes=20000000 --entity-type topics --entity-name _confluent-metrics
Configuration options¶
Only the first configuration below is required, but you should update confluent.metrics.reporter.topic.replicas
if there are less than 3 brokers in the Kafka metrics cluster.
The other configurations enable you to tune the publisher for performance and reliability. In most cases, configurations categorized with “Importance: low” do not require modification.
Bootstrap servers for the Kafka cluster for which metrics will be published. The metrics cluster may be different from the cluster(s) whose metrics are being collected. For example, several Kafka clusters can publish to a single metrics cluster.
- Type: string
- Importance: high
Maximum message size for the metrics topic.
- Type: int
- Default: 10485760
- Valid Values: [0,…]
- Importance: medium
The Confluent Metrics Reporter will publish new metrics to the metrics topic in intervals defined by this setting. This means that control center system health data lags by this duration, or that rebalancer may compute a plan based on broker data that is stale by this duration. The default is a reasonable value for production environments and typically does not need to be changed.
- Type: long
- Default: 15000
- Importance: low
Topic on which metrics data will be written.
- Type: string
- Default: _confluent-metrics
- Importance: low
Create the metrics topic if it does not exist.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Importance: low
Number of partitions in the metrics topic.
- Type: int
- Default: 12
- Importance: low
Number of replicas in the metric topic. It must not be higher than the number of brokers in the Kafka cluster.
- Type: int
- Default: 3
- Importance: low
Retention bytes for the metrics topic.
- Type: long
- Default: -1
- Importance: low
Retention time for the metrics topic.
- Type: long
- Default: 259200000 (3 days)
- Importance: low
Log rolling time for the metrics topic.
- Type: long
- Default: 14400000 (4 hours)
- Importance: low
The minimum interval at which to fetch new volume metrics.
- Type: long
- Default: 15000
- Importance: low
Regex matching the Yammer metric MBean name or Kafka metric name to be published to the metrics topic. By default this includes all the metrics required by Confluent Control Center and Confluent Auto Data Balancer. Should not be modified typically unless requested by Confluent.
- Type: string
- Default: Includes all the metrics necessary for Confluent Control Center and Confluent Auto Data Balancer.
- Importance: low
This property has been deprecated. Use
instead.Regex matching the Yammer metric MBean name or Kafka metric name to be published to the metrics. topic.
By default this includes all the metrics required by Confluent Control Center and Confluent Auto Data Balancer. This should typically never be modified unless requested by Confluent.
- Type: string
- Default: includes all the metrics necessary for Confluent Control Center and Confluent Auto Data Balancer
- Importance: low
When configuring Confluent Metrics Reporter on a secure Kafka broker, the embedded producer
(that sends metrics data to _confluent-metrics
topic) in Confluent Metrics Reporter must have the correct
client security configurations prefixed with confluent.metrics.reporter.
Also see Configure Confluent Server brokers and Configure Kafka clients.
For SSL-related configurations, refer to TLS/SSL for Kafka Clients.
For SASL-related configurations refer to SASL for Kafka Clients.
Pass the JAAS configuration file location as JVM parameter (supported, but not recommended) or configure in
(recommended). For more details see JAAS.
confluent.metrics.reporter.sasl.jaas.config= \ required \
username="mds-username" \
password="password" \
metadataServerUrls="https://<host-name>:<local-port>" (or "http" if non-production);
Role-Based Access Control¶
To send metrics when RBAC is enabled, configure Confluent Metrics Reporter using the same method as Authentication for producers and consumers.
Use the following configuration to send metrics for a cluster that is utilizing but not hosting MDS:
############################# Metrics Reporter Settings #############################
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers=<broker-name>:<broker-port> (or SASL_PLAINTEXT if non-production)
confluent.metrics.reporter.sasl.jaas.config= \ required \
username="<mds-username>" \
password="<password>" \
metadataServerUrls="https://<host-name>:<local-port>" (or "http" if non-production);
If you are running Confluent Metrics Reporter on the same cluster that is running and hosting MDS,
be aware that it cannot use tokens from the MDS server, so it must communicate
with listeners that do not require MDS authentication. In this case, do not use the
RBAC listener specified for the MDS instance. Instead, use the inter-broker listener
specified for advertised.listeners
in the MDS configuration. For details
about listeners specified in an MDS configuration, see Configure Metadata Service (MDS) in Confluent Platform.
It is possible that conflicting client identifiers occur when enabling Confluent Metrics Reporter. In such cases, you will notice a number of messages in the error log. This error does not impact or change the expected behavior of Confluent Metrics Reporter. For example:
WARN Error registering AppInfo mbean (org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser) kafka.producer:type=app-info,id=confluent-metrics-reporter
- The broker’s principal must have permission to create the metrics topic in the configured Kafka cluster.
- The broker’s principal must have permission to produce to the metrics topic.
- The tool’s principal must have permission to consume from the metrics topic. This would typically be the Confluent Control Center and/or the Auto Data Balancer, but it also applies to the Console Consumer if it’s used to inspect the topic.
If you have ACLs set up for Kafka, use the bin/kafka-acls
command line tool to add/remove ACLs on topics, for example:
bin/kafka-acls --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config adminclient-configs.conf --add \
--allow-principal User:Alice --allow-host \
--operation Read --operation Write --topic _confluent-metrics
RBAC with Kerberos enabled¶
To send metrics when RBAC is running with Kerberos enabled, use the following configuration:
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers=<broker-name>:<broker-port> (or SASL_PLAINTEXT)
confluent.metrics.reporter.sasl.jaas.config= \ required \
debug=true \
useKeyTab=true \
storeKey=true \
keyTab=<path-to-your-keytab> \
RBAC with mTLS running on the same cluster as MDS¶
To send metrics when RBAC is running with mTLS (mutual TLS) on the same cluster
as MDS, use the following configuration (
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers=<broker hostname>:<internal-listener-port-number>
Verify the Kafka brokers are properly sending metrics data to the correct topic,
which by default is _confluent-metrics
bin/ --topic _confluent-metrics --bootstrap-server <bootstrap-server> --formatter io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsFormatter
Verify the Confluent Metrics Reporter are logging events to server.log
. You should see
messages similar to the following:
[2017-07-17 17:11:32,304] INFO KafkaConfig values:
metric.reporters = [io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter]
[2017-07-17 17:11:32,611] INFO ConfluentMetricsReporterConfig values:
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers = localhost:9092 = 15000
[2017-07-17 17:11:48,288] INFO Created metrics reporter topic _confluent-metrics (io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter)
If you enabled more verbose logging, such as DEBUG, you should see messages with additional information, which may be helpful during debugging. They may be similar to the following:
[2017-07-19 00:54:02,619] DEBUG Metrics reporter topic _confluent-metrics already exists (io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter)
[2017-07-19 00:54:02,622] DEBUG Begin publishing metrics (io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter)
[2017-07-19 00:54:02,772] DEBUG Produced metrics message of size 52104 with offset 316 to topic partition _confluent-metrics-6 (io.confluent.metrics.reporter.ConfluentMetricsReporter)