Configure the CLI in ksqlDB for Confluent Platform

You can connect the ksqlDB CLI to one ksqlDB server per cluster.


There is no automatic failover of your CLI session to another ksqlDB Server if the original server that the CLI is connected to becomes unavailable. Any persistent queries you executed will continue to run in the ksqlDB cluster.

To connect the ksqlDB CLI to a cluster, run the following command with your ksqlDB server URL specified (default is http://localhost:8088):

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql <ksql-server-URL>

Configure Per-session Properties

You can set the properties by using the ksqlDB CLI startup script argument /bin/ksql --config-file <path/to/file> -- <ksql-server-URL> or by using the SET statement from within the ksqlDB CLI session. For more information, see Start the ksqlDB CLI.

Here are some common ksqlDB CLI properties that you can customize:

Connect to an Auth-enabled ksqlDB server

To connect to a ksqlDB server that requires authentication, supply your username and password when starting the ksqlDB CLI:

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql -u <username> -p <password> <ksql-server-URL>

If you don’t want to supply your password as part of the command, supply just the username, and you’ll be prompted for your password when the command executes:

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql -u <username> <ksql-server-URL>

Execute Specific Statements and Quit

Rather than starting an interactive ksqlDB CLI session, you can pass the ksqlDB CLI command a file of SQL statements to execute non-interactively using the --file option:

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql --file <path/to/file> -- <ksql-server-URL>

You can also use the --execute option to pass individual statements as part of the command itself:

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql --execute <sql> -- <ksql-server-URL>

For example:

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql --execute "SHOW STREAMS;" -- http://localhost:8088

Define Variables for Substitution in Commands

The --define option allows you to specify values for variables for use with variable substitution within your SQL statements. The --define option should be followed by a string of the form name=value and may be passed any number of times.

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql --define <variable-name-and-value> -- <ksql-server-URL>

For example, the following command

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql --define stream_name=my_stream --define topic=my_topic -- http://localhost:8088

is equivalent to starting an interactive ksqlDB CLI session and then issuing the following statements:

DEFINE stream_name = 'my_stream';
DEFINE topic = 'my_topic';

Defining variables as part of the ksqlDB CLI command is particularly useful for variable substitution within files to be executed non-interactively. Given the following contents of /path/to/statements.sql:

CREATE STREAM my_stream with (kafka_topic='${topic}', value_format='AVRO');

Then the following command will create a stream backed by a topic with name my_topic:

<path-to-confluent>/bin/ksql --define topic=my_topic --file /path/to/statements.sql -- http://localhost:8088