Troubleshooting and Stopping the Demo

Use the following sections to troubleshoot the demo and stop it when you are finished viewing it.

Troubleshooting the scripted demo

If the start script does not complete successfully, go through the following troubleshooting steps.


  1. Upon startup, if the output is similar to below, it is possible that the environment is not supported or cp-demo was not started properly. Read the pre-requisites and follow proper instructions at Module 1.

    WARNING: The REPOSITORY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
    WARNING: The SSL_CIPHER_SUITES variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
    WARNING: The CONNECTOR_VERSION variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
    WARNING: The CONTROL_CENTER_KSQL_WIKIPEDIA_URL variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
    WARNING: The CONTROL_CENTER_KSQL_WIKIPEDIA_ADVERTISED_URL variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
    Pulling zookeeper (/cp-zookeeper:6.1.0)...
    ERROR: invalid reference format
  2. Verify that the status of all the Docker containers show Up state.

    docker-compose ps
  3. In the advanced Docker preferences settings, verify the following resources are allocated to Docker:

    • Memory: at least 8 GB (default is 2 GB)
    • CPU cores: at least 2 cores
  4. Verify you have not run out of disk storage needed for Docker’s “disk image” file (Docker documentation).


  1. If the script errors out before completing, or if there are Docker containers that are not in Up state, view the container’s logs with the command docker-compose logs [container] and look for error messages and exceptions.

    docker-compose logs
  2. If there are any errors that indicate issues with TLS communication, verify that the TLS certificates were properly generated and that there are no errors in the following files:

    ls scripts/security/*.log


  1. If there are any errors that indicate issues with TLS communication, force TLS certificates to be regenerated by starting the script with CLEAN=true:

    CLEAN=true ./scripts/
  2. If a command that communicates with ZooKeeper appears to be failing with the error org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoAuthException, change the container you are running the command from to be either kafka1 or kafka2. This is because ZooKeeper is configured for SASL/DIGEST-MD5, and any commands that communicate with ZooKeeper need properties set for ZooKeeper authentication.


  1. Verify there are messages in the Kafka topics, including wikipedia.parsed:

  2. Run the validation scripts to verify that they pass.

    cd scripts/validate/

CLI login

  1. If you are running cp-demo for a long time and issuing Confluent CLI commands on the tools container that error out with:

    Your token has expired. You are now logged out.
    Error: You must log in to run that command.

    Then run the following command, which refreshes the token by logging back in to MDS:


Stop the Confluent Platform environment

  1. Stop the consumer group app to stop consuming from topic wikipedia.parsed. Note that the command below stops the consumers gracefully with kill -15, so the consumers follow the shutdown sequence.

  2. Stop the Docker environment, destroy all components and clear all Docker volumes.


Stop the Confluent Cloud environment

If you ran the Module 2: Deploy Hybrid Confluent Platform and Confluent Cloud Environment portion of this tutorial, which included creating resources in Confluent Cloud, follow the clean up procedure below to avoid unexpected Confluent Cloud charges.

Any Confluent Cloud example uses real Confluent Cloud resources. After you are done running a Confluent Cloud example, manually verify that all Confluent Cloud resources are destroyed to avoid unexpected charges.

  1. Make sure that you’re still using the ccloud CLI context.

    confluent context use ccloud
  2. Delete the Confluent Cloud service account you created for the cluster link. This will also delete all API keys associated with the account.

    confluent iam service-account delete ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID}
  3. Destroy your Confluent Cloud ksqlDB cluster. Go to -> Select cp-demo-cluster -> ksqlDB -> Select “delete”.

  4. Destroy your Confluent Cloud cluster. Go to -> Select cp-demo-cluster -> Cluster Overview -> Cluster Settings -> Select “Delete cluster”.

  5. Destroy your Confluent Cloud environment. Go to and delete the environment “cp-demo-env” that you created.


The Health+ cluster will be shown in the Confluent Cloud Console until it ages out.