Confluent Platform for Apache Flink Features and Support

Confluent Platform for Apache Flink® is compatible with Apache Flink. The following sections list all components that are supported by Confluent. Only configurations related to the listed components are supported. Other configurations or custom configurations are not supported.

For requirement and compatibility details, see Confluent Platform for Apache Flink compatibility.

Core components

The following core components are supported with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink:

  • Runtime
  • Web UI
  • Flink CLI

State backends

The following state backends are supported with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink:

  • RocksDB - recommended as the default state backend.
  • Memory - recommended for small state.

FileSystem implementations

The following FileSystem implementations are supported with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink:

  • AWS S3 - includes Presto and Hadoop variants
  • Azure blob storage
  • Google Cloud cloud storage

Data formats

The following data formats are supported with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink:

  • Avro
  • Avro (CSR)
  • CSV
  • ORC
  • Parquet
  • Protobuf
  • JSON
  • Debezium JSON

Flink APIs, libraries and metadata catalogs

The following table lists Flink APIs and their Confluent Platform for Apache Flink support.

Flink Component Supported by Confluent Notes
Flink SQL Yes SQL Shell is not currently supported.
Table API - Java Yes Python for this API not currently supported.
DataStream API - Java Yes Python for this API not currently supported.
DataSet API No Deprecated in Apache Flink and not supported in Confluent Platform for Apache Flink.

In addition:

  • Libraries: Complex Event Processing (CEP) is the only library supported with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink, for use with SQL. PyFlink, Flink ML, Stateful Functions and Queryable State are not supported.
  • Catalogs: GenericInMemoryCatalog and JdbcCatalog are supported with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink. Hive not currently supported.


All Flink connectors are compatible with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink. However, support is limited to the connectors listed in the following table:

Connector Supported by Confluent Distribution channel Notes
Kafka Source and Sink Yes Maven via Java and SQL support only. Bundle with your user code JAR.
FileSystem Source and Sink Yes Apache Flink Java and SQL support only. Additional support charges apply. Not bundled with the Confluent Docker image.
JDBC Yes Apache Flink Java and SQL support only.
CDC Source Yes Apache Flink Databases: DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, SQLServer. Java and SQL support only.
All other connectors No Apache Flink No additional connectors are currently supported.

Deployment and monitoring

Note the following about deploying Flink jobs with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink:

  • Confluent Platform for Apache Flink supports Application Mode only.
  • Confluent Platform for Apache Flink supports high-availability deployment via Kubernetes. The default mode to deploy with Kubernetes is native. This is the only supported deployment solution for Confluent Platform for Apache Flink.
  • ZooKeeper is not supported.
  • The following metrics reporters are supported with Confluent Platform for Apache Flink:
    • Datadog
    • Prometheus
    • InfluxDB
    • JMX
    • Statsd
    • Graphite