Configure Audit Logs in Confluent Platform Using Confluent CLI

You can use Confluent CLI commands to dynamically update your audit log configurations. The Confluent CLI is the recommended tool for scripted or command line interactions with the MDS API Audit Log Configuration endpoints. Changes made using Confluent CLI are pushed from the MDS (metadata service) out to all registered clusters, allowing for centralized management of the audit log configuration.

Diagram that shows the workflow for centralized, MDS-based audit logging

Centralized audit logging workflow


Migrate individual Kafka cluster audit log configurations

You can expand audit logging capabilities to use a centralized (MDS) configuration that spans across multiple registered Kafka clusters.

If you wish to preserve an existing audit log configuration to leverage the audit log routing configurations already specified for each Kafka cluster, you must migrate the existing configuration files and combine them in a common file to be used in the newly-centralized configuration.


If you use the Confluent CLI or the MDS API without registering any clusters in the cluster registry, then any changes you make to the audit log configuration through the API using the Confluent CLI will only affect the audit log configuration of the Kafka cluster where MDS is running, and will not impact any other Kafka clusters.

How the audit log migration tool works

The audit log migration tool performs the following tasks:

  • Sets the output bootstrap servers to the value specified (when specified). Note that output bootstrap servers are empty by default.

  • Combines the input audit log destination topics. For topics that appear in more than one Kafka cluster configuration, the migration tool uses the maximum retention time specified in the configuration.

  • Sets the default audit log topic as confluent-audit-log-events. If necessary, the migration tool will add this topic to the set of destination topics (in which case, it specifies a retention period of 7776000000 milliseconds).

  • Combines the set of all excluded principals.

  • Replaces the /kafka=*/ part of each Confluent Resource Name (CRN) pattern using the cluster ID of the contributing Kafka cluster. For example, a route in the configuration from cluster1 with a CRN like crn:///kafka=*/topic=accounting-* will be transformed to crn:///kafka=cluster1/topic=accounting-*.

    For routes that have a CRN that uses something other than /kafka=*/, the migration tool will not replace the Kafka cluster ID. For example, if a route specifies kafka=pkc-123 and the cluster ID is pkc-abc then the tool will leave it untouched and return the warning:

    Mismatched Kafka Cluster Warning: Routes from one Kafka cluster ID on a
    completely different cluster ID are unexpected, but not necessarily wrong.
    For example, this message might be returned if you attempt to reuse the
    same routing configuration on multiple clusters.
  • For any incoming audit log router configurations that have default topics other than confluent-audit-log-events, the script will add extra routes for the following CRN patterns (if they do not already exist):

    Topic Route Event Category Type
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id> AUTHORIZE, MANAGEMENT
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/topic=* AUTHORIZE, MANAGEMENT
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/control-center-broker-metrics=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/control-center-alerts=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/delegation-token=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/control-center-broker-metrics=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/control-center-alerts=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/cluster-registry=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/security-metadata=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/all=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/connect=<connect-id> AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/connect=<connect-id>/connector=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/connect=<connect-id>/secret=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/connect=<connect-id>/all=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/schema-registry=<sr-id> AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/schema-registry=<sr-id>/subject=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/schema-registry=<sr-id>/all=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/ksql=<id> AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/ksql=<id>/ksql-cluster=* AUTHORIZE
    crn://<authority>/kafka=<cluster-id>/ksql=<id>/all=* AUTHORIZE


    If you do not want the routes listed above added in your newly-migrated audit log configuration, then edit your input files to only use confluent-audit-log-events in the default_topics before migrating.

Default audit log configuration

The default centralized audit log configuration writes event messages to the topic confluent-audit-log-events on the Confluent Platform cluster.

Viewing the Audit Log Configuration

There are a variety of scenarios in which you may want to view the current audit log configuration. For example, if you want to identify the target cluster currently being used for audit logging, or you want to see the target topic for specific audit log operations, you can view the audit log configuration using the confluent audit-log config describe command. This command returns the entire JSON configuration to standard output. If you want to update the audit log configuration rules, use this command to capture the current configuration before opening it in your text editor. This method is easier than starting with an empty file.

confluent audit-log config describe > /tmp/audit-log-config.json
cat /tmp/audit-log-config.json
  "destinations": {
    "bootstrap_servers": [
    "topics": {
      "confluent-audit-log-events": {
        "retention_ms": 259200000
  "excluded_principals": [
  "default_topics": {
    "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
    "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
  "metadata": {
    "resource_version": "FElOq8fl5Mp4imIaRbX4iA",
    "updated_at": "2020-08-06T18:50:01Z"

Update the audit log configuration

You can use the confluent audit-log config update command to dynamically replace the existing audit log configuration. The update option pushes the updated JSON configuration to the MDS API Audit Log Configuration.

The input to the confluent audit-log config update command is read from standard input by default. You can use the --file argument to specify the path to an input file instead. For example, in most shells, all of the following approaches are equivalent:

cat /path/to/my/file.json | confluent audit-log config update

confluent audit-log config update < /path/to/my/file.json

confluent audit-log config update --file /path/to/my/file.json

Following is a typical workflow for dynamically updating the audit log configuration:

  1. Run confluent audit-log config describe > tempfile to capture the existing configuration.
  2. Edit the tempfile.
  3. Run confluent audit-log config update < tempfile to write changes back to the MDS API Audit Log Configuration.

Alternatively, your organization may store all configurations in a source control system, and push out configuration updates automatically using hooks or triggers as source code is updated. In this use case, your “golden” JSON configuration is stored in source control, so your triggers should always overwrite the JSON configuration stored in the MDS API Audit Log Configuration.

Following is a typical “infrastructure as code” workflow:

  1. Check out the version-controlled configuration file. Edit the file and create a merge request.
  2. Your peers review and approve, and you merge the changes back into the source control system.
  3. Your control system’s hooks call your organization’s automated scripts, which check out the “golden” JSON configuration to a file at <path-to-audit-log-config.json> and call confluent audit-log config update --force --file <path-to-audit-log-config.json>, overwriting the previous audit log configuration known to the MDS API with the newly-updated configuration.

Overwrite concurrent modifications using the --force option

Use the --force option when you want to overwrite any concurrent modifications. For example, in a scenario where administrator A starts editing the configuration, and administrator B makes a concurrent edit, when administrator A completes her edit and attempts to upload the new configuration, she gets an error. This error occurs because both administrators are trying to update the old version of the configuration concurrently. In this case, after inspecting the new version of the configuration, administrator A may decide that it makes sense to use the --force option to overwrite administrator B’s changes.

Note that the MDS API checks the resource_version in the JSON updates. If it does not match the latest version, the API returns a concurrent update error:

Error: Metadata Service backend error: 409 Conflict: {"destinations":{"topics":{"confluent-audit-log-events":{"retention_ms":1000000000}}},"default_topics":{"allowed":"confluent-audit-log-events","denied":"confluent-audit-log-events"},"metadata":{"resource_version":"4Ecnf-3erIWXjqgbjLXauw","updated_at":"2020-07-15T22:30:12Z"}}

Using the --force option in this scenario allows the resource_version in your updated JSON to deviate from the current one.

In the following configuration update example, the original configuration is being replaced by the configuration in the file acme-audit-log-config-hr. Note the use of the --force option, which is required because the resource_version here differs from the one in the existing configuration. Upon the successful completion of the update, the new configuration is returned:

confluent audit-log config update --force --file acme-audit-log-config-hr
  "destinations": {
    "bootstrap_servers": [
    "topics": {
      "confluent-audit-log-events": {
        "retention_ms": 259200000
      "confluent-audit-log-events_hr": {
        "retention_ms": 604800000
  "excluded_principals": [
  "default_topics": {
    "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
    "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
  "routes": {
    "crn:///kafka=*/topic=hr-*": {
      "management": {
        "allowed": null,
        "denied": null
      "authorize": {
        "allowed": null,
        "denied": null
      "produce": {
        "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_hr",
        "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_hr"
      "consume": {
        "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_hr",
        "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_hr"
      "describe": {
        "allowed": "",
        "denied": ""
  "metadata": {
    "resource_version": "3N-cNxcdIRtVr-4Jvkbg5w",
    "updated_at": "2020-08-06T19:01:32Z"

Edit the audit log configuration

You can modify the existing audit log configuration without creating an intermediate file (as you must do when using confluent audit-log config update).

When you run the confluent audit-log config edit command, your default editor ($EDITOR) opens a temporary file with the contents of the latest audit log configuration known to the MDS server. Enter your configuration updates in the editor. After you finish your configuration updates and close the editor, the Confluent CLI completes the updates by sending the temporary file to the MDS server.

Troubleshoot audit log routes

The routing rules for audit logs can be complex. The CLI provides two commands to help clarify and troubleshoot the audit log routing rules, given a specific resource CRN:

  • Use confluent audit-log route list to list all of the audit log routes that match the given resource or any of its sub-resources.
  • Use confluent audit-log route lookup to determine which of those routes is selected by the “longest common prefix” precedence rule for the given resource.


The MDS API Audit Log Configuration route lookup requires a CRN for a single resource, not a pattern using the wildcard character (*). If you include a wildcard in your search, you will get an error.

To view all of the audit log routes related to the Kafka cluster identified by the CRN crn://

confluent audit-log route list -r "crn://"
   "default_topics": {
     "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
     "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
   "routes": {
     "crn://*/topic=billing-*": {
       "management": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_billing",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
       "authorize": {
         "allowed": null,
         "denied": null
       "produce": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_billing",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
       "consume": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_billing",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
     "crn://*/topic=payroll-*": {
       "management": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_payroll",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
       "authorize": {
         "allowed": null,
         "denied": null
       "produce": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_payroll",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
       "consume": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_payroll",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
     "crn://": {
       "management": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_other",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
       "authorize": {
         "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
         "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"

To find out where the audit log messages for the resource "crn://" are being routed:

confluent audit-log route lookup "crn://"

  "route": "crn://",
  "categories": {
    "management": {
      "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events_other",
      "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events_other"
    "authorize": {
      "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
      "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
    "produce": {
      "allowed": "",
      "denied": ""
    "consume": {
      "allowed": "",
      "denied": ""
    "interbroker": {
      "allowed": "",
      "denied": ""
    "heartbeat": {
      "allowed": "",
      "denied": ""
    "describe": {
      "allowed": "",
      "denied": ""

Only the single route showing where audit log messages using this CRN will be routed is returned, with all defaults populated.