Table API on Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink® supports programming applications with the Table API in Java and Python. Confluent provides a plugin for running applications that use the Table API on Confluent Cloud.

The Table API enables a programmatic way of developing, testing, and submitting Flink pipelines for processing data streams. Streams can be finite or infinite, with insert-only or changelog data. Changelog data enables handling Change Data Capture (CDC) events.

To use the Table API, you work with tables that change over time, a concept inspired by relational databases. A Table program is a declarative and structured graph of transformations. The Table API is inspired by SQL and complements it with additional tools for manipulating real-time data. You can use both Flink SQL and the Table API in your applications.

A table program has these characteristics:

  • Runs in a regular main() method (Java)
  • Uses Flink APIs
  • Communicates with Confluent Cloud by using REST requests, for example, Statements endpoint.

For a list of Table API functions supported by Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink, see Table API functions.

For a list of Table API limitations in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink, see Known limitations.

Use the Confluent for VS Code extension to generate a new Flink Table API project that interacts with your Confluent Cloud resources. This option is ideal if you’re learning about the Table API.

For more information see Confluent for VS Code for Confluent Cloud.


The Flink Table API is available for preview. A Preview feature is a Confluent Cloud component that is being introduced to gain early feedback from developers. Preview features can be used for evaluation and non-production testing purposes or to provide feedback to Confluent. The warranty, SLA, and Support Services provisions of your agreement with Confluent do not apply to Preview features. Confluent may discontinue providing preview releases of the Preview features at any time in Confluent’s sole discretion. Comments, questions, and suggestions related to the Table API are encouraged and can be submitted through the established channels.

Add the Table API to an existing Java project

To add the Table API to an existing project, include the following dependencies in the <dependencies> section of your pom.xml file.

<!-- Apache Flink dependencies -->

<!-- Confluent Flink Table API Java plugin -->

Configure the plugin

The plugin requires a set of configuration options for establishing a connection to Confluent Cloud. The following configuration options are supported.

Property key Command-line argument Environment variable Required Notes
client.catalog-cache     No Expiration time for catalog objects, for example, '5 min'. The default is '1 min'. '0' disables caching. –cloud CLOUD_PROVIDER Yes Confluent identifier for a cloud provider. Valid values are aws, azure, and gcp.
client.compute-pool –compute-pool COMPUTE_POOL_ID Yes ID of the compute pool, for example, lfcp-8m03rm
client.context –context   No A name for the current Table API session, for example, my_table_program.
client.environment –environment ENV_ID Yes ID of the environment, for example, env-z3y2x1.
client.flink-api-key –flink-api-key FLINK_API_KEY Yes API key for Flink access. For more information, see Generate an API Key.
client.flink-api-secret –flink-api-secret FLINK_API_SECRET Yes API secret for Flink access. For more information, see Generate an API Key.
client.organization –organization ORG_ID Yes ID of the organization, for example, b0b21724-4586-4a07-b787-d0bb5aacbf87.
client.principal –principal PRINCIPAL_ID No Principal that runs submitted statements, for example, sa-23kgz4 for a service account.
client.region –region CLOUD_REGION Yes Confluent identifier for a cloud provider’s region, for example, us-east-1. For available regions, see Supported Regions or run confluent flink region list. –rest-endpoint REST_ENDPOINT No URL to the REST endpoint, for example,
client.statement-name –statement-name   No Unique name for statement submission. By default, generated using a UUID.

ConfluentSettings class

The ConfluentSettings class provides configuration options from various sources, so you can combine external input, code, and environment variables to set up your applications.

The following precedence order applies to configuration sources, from highest to lowest:

  • CLI arguments or properties file
  • Code
  • Environment variables

The following code example shows a TableEnvironment that’s configured by a combination of command-line arguments and code.

public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Args might set cloud, region, org, env, and compute pool.
  // Environment variables might pass key and secret.

  // Code sets the session name and SQL-specific options.
  ConfluentSettings settings = ConfluentSettings.newBuilder(args)
   .setOption("sql.local-time-zone", "UTC")

  TableEnvironment env = TableEnvironment.create(settings);

Properties file

You can store options in a file and reference the file in code.

# Cloud region

# Access & compute resources

Reference the file in code:

// Arbitrary file location in file system
ConfluentSettings settings = ConfluentSettings.fromPropertiesFile("/path/to/");

// Part of the JAR package (in src/main/resources)
ConfluentSettings settings = ConfluentSettings.fromPropertiesResource("/");

Command-line arguments

You can pass the configuration settings as command-line options when you run your application’s jar:

java -jar my-table-program.jar \
  --cloud aws \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --flink-api-key key \
  --flink-api-secret secret \
  --organization-id b0b21724-4586-4a07-b787-d0bb5aacbf87 \
  --environment-id env-z3y2x1 \
  --compute-pool-id lfcp-8m03rm

Access the configuration settings from the command-line arguments by using the ConfluentSettings.fromArgs method:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  ConfluentSettings settings = ConfluentSettings.fromArgs(args);


You can assign the configuration settings in code by using the builder provided with the ConfluentSettings class:

ConfluentSettings settings = ConfluentSettings.newBuilder()

Environment variables

Set the following environment variables to provide configuration settings.

export CLOUD_PROVIDER="aws"
export CLOUD_REGION="us-east-1"
export FLINK_API_KEY="key"
export FLINK_API_SECRET="secret"
export ORG_ID="b0b21724-4586-4a07-b787-d0bb5aacbf87"
export ENV_ID="env-z3y2x1"
export COMPUTE_POOL_ID="lfcp-8m03rm"

java -jar my-table-program.jar

In code, call:

ConfluentSettings settings = ConfluentSettingsfromGlobalVariables();

Confluent utilities

The ConfluentTools class provides more methods that you can use for developing and testing Table API programs.

ConfluentTools.collectChangelog and ConfluentTools.printChangelog

Runs the specified table transformations on Confluent Cloud and returns the results locally as a list of changelog rows or prints to the console in a table style.

These methods run table.execute().collect() and consume a fixed number of rows from the returned iterator.

These methods can work on both finite and infinite input tables. If the pipeline is potentially unbounded, they stop fetching after the desired number of rows has been reached.

// On a Table object
Table table = env.from("examples.marketplace.customers");
List<Row> rows = ConfluentTools.collectMaterialized(table, 100);
ConfluentTools.printMaterialized(table, 100);

// On a TableResult object
TableResult tableResult = env.executeSql("SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.customers");
List<Row> rows = ConfluentTools.collectMaterialized(tableResult, 100);
ConfluentTools.printMaterialized(tableResult, 100);

// For finite (i.e. bounded) tables

ConfluentTools.collect_materialized and ConfluentTools.print_materialized

Runs the specified table transformations on Confluent Cloud and returns the results locally as a materialized changelog. Changes are applied to an in-memory table and returned as a list of insert-only rows or printed to the console in a table style.

These methods run table.execute().collect() and consume a fixed number of rows from the returned iterator.

These methods can work on both finite and infinite input tables. If the pipeline is potentially unbounded, they stop fetching after the desired number of rows have been reached.

// On a Table object
Table table = env.from("examples.marketplace.customers");
List<Row> rows = ConfluentTools.collectMaterialized(table, 100);
ConfluentTools.printMaterialized(table, 100);

// On a TableResult object
TableResult tableResult = env.executeSql("SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.customers");
List<Row> rows = ConfluentTools.collectMaterialized(tableResult, 100);
ConfluentTools.printMaterialized(tableResult, 100);

// For finite (i.e. bounded) tables

ConfluentTools.getStatementName and ConfluentTools.stopStatement

Additional lifecycle methods for controlling statements on Confluent Cloud after they have been submitted.

// On TableResult object
TableResult tableResult = env.executeSql("SELECT * FROM examples.marketplace.customers");
String statementName = ConfluentTools.getStatementName(tableResult);

// Based on statement name
ConfluentTools.stopStatement(env, "table-api-2024-03-21-150457-36e0dbb2e366-sql");

Confluent table descriptor

A table descriptor for creating tables located in Confluent Cloud programmatically.

Compared to the regular Flink class, the ConfluentTableDescriptor class adds support for Confluent’s system columns and convenience methods for working with Confluent tables.

The for_managed() method corresponds to TableDescriptor.for_connector("confluent").

TableDescriptor descriptor = ConfluentTableDescriptor.forManaged()
      .column("i", DataTypes.INT())
      .column("s", DataTypes.INT())
      .watermark("$rowtime", $("$rowtime").minus(lit(5).seconds())) // Access $rowtime system column

env.createTable("t1", descriptor);

Known limitations

The Table API plugin is in Open Preview stage.

Unsupported by Table API Plugin

Currently, the following feature are not supported:

  • Temporary catalog objects (including tables, views, functions)
  • Custom modules
  • Custom catalogs
  • User-defined functions (including system functions)
  • Anonymous, inline objects (including functions, data types)
  • CompiledPlan features are not supported
  • Batch mode
  • Restrictions from Confluent Cloud
    • custom connectors/formats
    • processing time operations
    • structured data types
    • many configuration options
    • limited SQL syntax
    • batch execution mode

Issues in Apache Flink

  • Both catalog and database must be set, or identifiers must be fully qualified. A mixture of setting a current catalog and using two-part identifiers can cause errors.
  • String concatenation with .plus causes errors. Instead, use Expressions.concat.
  • Selecting .rowtime in windows causes errors.
  • Using .limit() can cause errors.