CREATE TABLE Statement in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink®️ enables registering SQL tables on Apache Kafka® topics by using the CREATE TABLE statement. With Flink tables, you can run SQL queries on streaming data in Kafka topics.


CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [catalog_name.][db_name.]table_name
    { <physical_column_definition> | <metadata_column_definition> | <computed_column_definition> }[ , ...n]
    [ <watermark_definition> ]
    [ <table_constraint> ][ , ...n]
  [COMMENT table_comment]
  [DISTRIBUTED BY (partition_column_name1, partition_column_name2, ...) INTO n BUCKETS]
  WITH (key1=value1, key2=value2, ...)
  [LIKE source_table ( <like_options> )]

  column_name column_type [ <column_constraint> ] [COMMENT column_comment]

  column_name column_type METADATA [ FROM metadata_key ] [ VIRTUAL ]

  column_name AS computed_column_expression [COMMENT column_comment]

  WATERMARK FOR rowtime_column_name AS watermark_strategy_expression

  [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] PRIMARY KEY (column_name, ...) NOT ENFORCED



Register a table into the current or specified catalog. When a table is registered, you can use it in SQL queries.

The CREATE TABLE statement always creates a backing Kafka topic as well as the corresponding schema subjects for key and value.

Trying to create a table with a name that exists in the catalog causes an exception.

The table name can be in these formats:

  • catalog_name.db_name.table_name: The table is registered with the catalog named “catalog_name” and the database named “db_name”.
  • db_name.table_name: The table is registered into the current catalog of the execution table environment and the database named “db_name”.
  • table_name: The table is registered into the current catalog and the database of the execution table environment.

A table registered with the CREATE TABLE statement can be used as both table source and table sink. Flink can’t determine whether the table is used as a source or a sink until it’s referenced in a DML query.

The following sections show the options and clauses that are available with the CREATE TABLE statement.


This following CREATE TABLE statement registers a table named t1 in the current catalog. Also, it creates a backing Kafka topic and corresponding value-schema. By default, the table is registered as append-only, uses AVRO serializers, and reads from the earliest offset.

  `id` BIGINT,
  `name` STRING,
  `age` INT,
  `salary` DECIMAL(10,2),
  `active` BOOLEAN,
  `created_at` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3)

You can override defaults by specifying WITH options. The following SQL registers the table in retraction mode, so you can use the table to sink the results of a streaming join.

  `id` BIGINT,
  `name` STRING,
  `age` INT,
  `salary` DECIMAL(10,2),
  `active` BOOLEAN,
  `created_at` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3)
) WITH (
  'changelog.mode' = 'retract'

Physical / Regular Columns

Physical or regular columns are the columns that define the structure of the table and the data types of its fields.

Each physical column is defined by a name and a data type, and optionally, a column constraint. You can use the column constraint to specify additional properties of the column, such as whether it is a unique key.


The following SQL shows how to declare physical columns of various types in a table named t1. For available column types, see Data Types.

  `id` BIGINT,
  `name` STRING,
  `age` INT,
  `salary` DECIMAL(10,2),
  `active` BOOLEAN,
  `created_at` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3)

Metadata columns

You can access the following table metadata as metadata columns in a table definition.

Use the METADATA keyword to declare a metadata column.

Metadata fields are readable or readable/writable. Read-only columns must be declared VIRTUAL to exclude them during INSERT INTO operations.

Metadata columns are not registered in Schema Registry.


The following CREATE TABLE statement shows the syntax for exposing metadata fields.

  `user_id` BIGINT,
  `item_id` BIGINT,
  `behavior` STRING,
  `event_time` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) METADATA FROM 'timestamp',

Available metadata


  • Type: MAP NOT NULL
  • Access: readable/writable

Headers of the Kafka record as a map of raw bytes.


  • Type: INT NULL
  • Access: readable

Leader epoch of the Kafka record, if available.


  • Access: readable

Offset of the Kafka record in the partition.


  • Type: INT NOT NULL
  • Access: readable

Partition ID of the Kafka record.


  • Access: readable/writable

Timestamp of the Kafka record.

With timestamp, you can pass event time end-to-end. Otherwise, the sink uses the ingestion time by default.


  • Access: readable

Timestamp type of the Kafka record.

Valid values are:

  • “NoTimestampType”
  • “CreateTime” (also set when writing metadata)
  • “LogAppendTime”


  • Access: readable

Topic name of the Kafka record.

Computed columns

Computed columns are virtual columns that are not stored in the table but are computed on the fly based on the values of other columns. These virtual columns are not registered in Schema Registry.

A computed column is defined by using an expression that references one or more physical or metadata columns in the table. The expression can use arithmetic operators, functions, and other SQL constructs to manipulate the values of the physical and metadata columns and compute the value of the computed column.


The following CREATE TABLE statement shows the syntax for declaring a full_name computed column by concatenating a first_name column and a last_name column.

  `id` BIGINT,
  `first_name` STRING,
  `last_name` STRING,
  `full_name` AS CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name)

System columns

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink introduces system columns for Flink tables. System columns build on the metadata columns.

System columns can only be read and are not part of the query-to-sink schema.

System columns aren’t selected in a SELECT * statement, and they’re not shown in DESCRIBE or SHOW CREATE TABLE statements. The result from the DESCRIBE EXTENDED statement does include system columns.

Both inferred and manual tables are provisioned with a set of default system columns.


Currently, $rowtime TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) NOT NULL is provided as a system column.

You can use the $rowtime system column to get the timestamp from a Kafka record, because $rowtime is exactly the Kafka record timestamp. If you want to write out $rowtime, you must use the timestamp metadata key.

PRIMARY KEY constraint

A primary key constraint is a hint for Flink SQL to leverage for optimizations which specifies that a column or a set of columns in a table or a view are unique and they do not contain null.

A primary key uniquely identifies a row in a table. No columns in a primary key can be nullable.

You can declare a primary key constraint together with a column definition (a column constraint) or as a single line (a table constraint). In both cases, it must be declared as a singleton. If you define more than one primary key constraint in the same statement, Flink SQL throws an exception.

The SQL standard specifies that a constraint can be ENFORCED or NOT ENFORCED, which controls whether the constraint checks are performed on the incoming/outgoing data. Flink SQL doesn’t own the data, so the only mode it supports is NOT ENFORCED. It’s your responsibility to ensure that the query enforces key integrity.

Flink SQL assumes correctness of the primary key by assuming that the column’s nullability is aligned with the columns in primary key. Connectors must ensure that these are aligned.

The PRIMARY KEY constraint partitions the table implicitly by the key column. A Kafka message key is defined either by an implicit DISTRIBUTED BY clause clause from a PRIMARY KEY constraint or an explicit DISTRIBUTED BY.


In a CREATE TABLE statement, a primary key constraint alters the column’s nullability, which means that a column with a primary key constraint isn’t nullable.


The following SQL statement creates a table named latest_page_per_ip with a primary key defined on ip. This statement creates a Kafka topic, a value-schema, and a key-schema. The value-schema contains the definitions for page_url and ts, while the key-schema contains the definition for ip.

CREATE TABLE latest_page_per_ip (
    `ip` STRING,
    `page_url` STRING,
    `ts` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3),


The DISTRIBUTED BY clause buckets the created table by the specified columns.

Bucketing enables a file-like structure with a small, human-enumerable key space. It groups rows that have “infinite” key space, like user_id, usually by using a hash function, for example:

bucket = hash(user_id) % number_of_buckets

Kafka partitions map 1:1 to SQL buckets. The n BUCKETS are used for the number of partitions when creating a topic.

If n is not defined, the default is 6.

  • The number of buckets is fixed.
  • A bucket is identifiable regardless of partition.
  • Bucketing is good in long-term storage for reading across partitions based on a large key space, for example, user_id.
  • Also, bucketing is good for short-term storage for load balancing.

Every mode comes with a default distribution, so DISTRIBUTED BY is required only by power users. In most cases, a simple CREATE TABLE t (schema); is sufficient.

  • For upsert mode, the bucket key must be equal to primary key.
  • For append/retract mode, the bucket key can be a subset of the primary key.
  • The bucket key can be undefined, which corresponds to a “connector defined” distribution: round robin for append, and hash-by-row for retract.

Custom distributions are possible, but currently only custom hash distributions are supported.


The following SQL declares a table named t_dist that has one key column named key and 4 Kafka partitions.



Deprecated Use the DISTRIBUTED BY clause instead.

The PARTITIONED BY clause partitions the created table by the specified columns.

Use PARTITIONED BY to declare key columns in a table explicitly. A Kafka message key is defined either by an explicit PARTITIONED BY clause or an implicit PARTITIONED BY clause from a PRIMARY KEY constraint.

If compaction is enabled, the Kafka message key is overloaded with another semantic used for compaction, which influences constraints on the Kafka message key for partitioning.


The following SQL declares a table named t that has one key column named key of type INT.

CREATE TABLE t (partition_key INT, example_value STRING) PARTITIONED BY (partition_key);

Watermark clause

The WATERMARK clause defines the event-time attributes of a table.

A watermark in Flink is used to track the progress of event time and provide a way to trigger time-based operations.

Default watermark strategy

Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink provides a default watermark strategy for all tables, whether created automatically from a Kafka topic or from a CREATE TABLE statement.

The default watermark strategy is applied on the $rowtime system column.

Watermarks are calculated per Kafka partition, and at least 250 events are required per partition.

If a delay of longer than 7 days can occur, choose a custom watermark strategy.

Because the concrete implementation is provided by Confluent, you see only WATERMARK FOR $rowtime AS SOURCE_WATERMARK() in the declaration.

Custom watermark strategies

You can replace the default strategy with a custom strategy at any time by using ALTER TABLE.

Watermark strategy reference

WATERMARK FOR rowtime_column_name AS watermark_strategy_expression

The rowtime_column_name defines an existing column that is marked as the event-time attribute of the table. The column must be of type TIMESTAMP(3), and it must be a top-level column in the schema.

The watermark_strategy_expression defines the watermark generation strategy. It allows arbitrary non-query expressions, including computed columns, to calculate the watermark. The expression return type must be TIMESTAMP(3), which represents the timestamp since the Unix Epoch.

The returned watermark is emitted only if it’s non-null and its value is larger than the previously emitted local watermark, to respect the contract of ascending watermarks.

The watermark generation expression is evaluated by Flink SQL for every record. The framework emits the largest generated watermark periodically.

No new watermark is emitted if any of the following conditions apply.

  • The current watermark is null.
  • The current watermark is identical to the previous watermark.
  • The value of the returned watermark is smaller than the value of the last emitted watermark.

When you use event-time semantics, your tables must contain an event-time attribute and watermarking strategy.

Flink SQL provides these watermark strategies.

  • Strictly ascending timestamps: Emit a watermark of the maximum observed timestamp so far. Rows that have a timestamp larger than the max timestamp are not late.

    WATERMARK FOR rowtime_column AS rowtime_column
  • Ascending timestamps: Emit a watermark of the maximum observed timestamp so far, minus 1. Rows that have a timestamp larger than or equal to the max timestamp are not late.

    WATERMARK FOR rowtime_column AS rowtime_column - INTERVAL '0.001' SECOND
  • Bounded out-of-orderness timestamps: Emit watermarks which are the maximum observed timestamp minus the specified delay.

    WATERMARK FOR rowtime_column AS rowtime_column - INTERVAL 'string' timeUnit

    The following example shows a “5-seconds delayed” watermark strategy.

    WATERMARK FOR rowtime_column AS rowtime_column - INTERVAL '5' SECOND

The following CREATE TABLE statement defines an orders table that has a rowtime column named order_time and a watermark strategy with a 5-second delay.

    `user` BIGINT,
    `product` STRING,
    `order_time` TIMESTAMP(3),
    WATERMARK FOR `order_time` AS `order_time` - INTERVAL '5' SECOND

Progressive idleness detection

When a source does not receive any elements for a timeout time, which is specified by the sql.tables.scan.idle-timeout property, the source is marked as temporarily idle. This enables each downstream task to advance its watermark without the need to wait for watermarks from this source while it’s idle. By default, Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink has progressive idleness detection that starts at 15 s and increases to a maximum of 5 m over time.

You can turn off progressive idleness by setting the sql.tables.scan.idle-timeout property to 0 ms, or you can can set a fixed idleness timeout with your desired value.


The CREATE TABLE LIKE clause enables creating a new table with the same schema as an existing table. It is a combination of SQL features and can be used to extend or exclude certain parts of the original table. The clause must be defined at the top-level of a CREATE statement and applies to multiple parts of the table definition.

Use the LIKE options to control the merging logic of table features. You can control the merging behavior of:

with three different merging strategies:

  • INCLUDING - Includes the feature of the source table and fails on duplicate entries, for example, if an option with the same key exists in both tables.
  • EXCLUDING - Does not include the given feature of the source table.
  • OVERWRITING - Includes the feature of the source table, overwrites duplicate entries of the source table with properties of the new table. For example, if an option with the same key exists in both tables, the option from the current statement is used.

Additionally, you can use the INCLUDING/EXCLUDING ALL option to specify what should be the strategy if no specific strategy is defined. For example, if you use EXCLUDING ALL INCLUDING WATERMARKS, only the watermarks are included from the source table.

If you provide no LIKE options, INCLUDING ALL OVERWRITING OPTIONS is used as a default.


The following CREATE TABLE statement defines a table named t that has 5 physical columns and three metadata columns.

  `user_id` BIGINT,
  `item_id` BIGINT,
  `price` DOUBLE,
  `behavior` STRING,
  `created_at` TIMESTAMP(3),
  `price_with_tax` AS `price` * 1.19,
  `event_time` TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) METADATA FROM 'timestamp',

You can run the following CREATE TABLE LIKE statement to define table t_derived, which contains the physical and computed columns of t, drops the metadata and default watermark strategy, and applies a custom watermark strategy on event_time.

CREATE TABLE t_derived (
    WATERMARK FOR `created_at` AS `created_at` - INTERVAL '5' SECOND
LIKE t (

WITH options

Table properties used to create a table source or sink.

Both the key and value of the expression key1=val1 are string literals.

You can change an existing table’s property values by using the ALTER TABLE Statement in Confluent Cloud for Apache Flink.

You can set the following properties when you create a table.

changelog.mode kafka.cleanup-policy kafka.max-message-size
kafka.retention.size kafka.retention.time key.fields-prefix
key.format scan.bounded.mode scan.bounded.timestamp-millis
scan.startup.mode scan.startup.specific-offsets value.fields-include


Set the changelog mode of the connector. For more information on changelog modes, see dynamic tables.

'changelog.mode' = [append | upsert | retract]

These are the changelog modes for an inferred table:

  • append (if uncompacted)
  • upsert (if compacted)

These are the changelog modes for a manually created table:

  • retract (without primary key)
  • upsert (with primary key and/or compaction)

Primary key interaction

With a primary key declared, the changelog modes have these properties:

  • append means that every row can be treated as an independent fact.
  • retract means that the combination of +X and -X are related and must be partitioned together.
  • upsert means that all rows with same primary key are related and must be partitioned together

To build indices, primary keys must be partitioned together.

Encoding of changes Default Partitioning without PK Default Partitioning with PK Custom Partitioning without PK Custom Partitioning with PK
Each value is an insertion (+I). round robin hash by PK hash by specified column(s) hash by subset of PK
A special op header represents the change (+I, -U, +U, -D). The header is omitted for insertions. Append queries encoding is the same for all modes. hash by entire value hash by PK hash by specified column(s) hash by subset of PK
If value is null, it represents a deletion (-D). Other values are +U and the engine will normalize the changelog internally. unsupported, PK is mandatory hash by PK unsupported, PK is mandatory unsupported

Change type header

Changes for an updating table have the change type encoded in the Kafka record as a special op header that represents the change (+I, -U, +U, -D). The value of the op header, if present, represents the kind of change that a row can describe in a changelog:

  • 0: represents INSERT (+I), an insertion operation.
  • 1: represents UPDATE_BEFORE (-U), an update operation with the previous content of the updated row.
  • 2: represents UPDATE_AFTER (+U), an update operation with new content for the updated row.
  • 3: represents DELETE (-D), a deletion operation.

The default is 0.

For more information, see Changelog entries.


  • Type: enum
  • Default: delete
'kafka.cleanup-policy' = [delete | compact | delete-compact]

Set the default cleanup policy for Kafka topic log segments beyond the retention window. Translates to the Kafka log.cleanup.policy property. For more information, see Log Compaction.

  • compact: topic log is compacted periodically in the background by the log cleaner.
  • delete: old log segments are discarded when their retention time or size limit is reached.
  • delete-compact: compact the log and follow the retention time or size limit settings.


'kafka.max-message-size' = MemorySize

Translates to the Kafka max.message.bytes property.

The default is 2097164 bytes.


  • Type: Integer
  • Default: 0
'kafka.retention.size' = MemorySize

Translates to the Kafka log.retention.bytes property.


  • Type: Duration
  • Default: 7 days
'kafka.retention.time' = '<duration>'

Translates to the Kafka property.


  • Type: String
  • Default: “”

Specify a custom prefix for all fields of the key format.

'key.fields-prefix' = '<prefix-string>'

The key.fields-prefix property defines a custom prefix for all fields of the key format, which avoids name clashes with fields of the value format.

By default, the prefix is empty. If a custom prefix is defined, the table schema property works with prefixed names.

When constructing the data type of the key format, the prefix is removed, and the non-prefixed names are used within the key format.

This option requires that the value.fields-include property is set to EXCEPT_KEY.

The prefix for an inferred table is key_, for non-atomic Schema Registry types and fields that have a name.


  • Type: String
  • Default: “avro-registry”

Specify the serialization format of the table’s key fields.

'key.format' = '<key-format>'

These are the key formats for an inferred table:

  • raw (if no Schema Registry entry)
  • avro-registry (for AVRO Schema Registry entry)
  • json-registry (for JSON Schema Registry entry)
  • proto-registry (for Protobuf Schema Registry entry)

These are the key formats for a manually created table:

  • avro-registry (for Avro Schema Registry entry)
  • json-registry (for JSON Schema Registry entry)
  • proto-registry (for Protobuf Schema Registry entry)

If no format is specified, Avro Schema Registry is used by default. This applies only if a primary or partition key is defined.

Currently, the Schema Registry subject compatiblity mode must be FULL or FULL_TRANSITIVE. For more information, see Schema Evolution and Compatibility for Schema Registry on Confluent Cloud.


  • Type: Enum
  • Default: unbounded

Specify the bounded mode for the Kafka consumer.

scan.bounded.mode = [latest-offset | group-offsets | timestamp | unbounded]

The following list shows the valid bounded mode values.

  • group-offsets: bounded by committed offsets in Kafka brokers of a specific consumer group. This is evaluated at the start of consumption from a given partition.
  • latest-offset: bounded by latest offsets. This is evaluated at the start of consumption from a given partition.
  • timestamp: bounded by a user-supplied timestamp.
  • unbounded: table is unbounded.

If scan.bounded.mode isn’t set, the default is an unbounded table.

If timestamp is specified, the scan.bounded.timestamp-millis config option is required to specify a specific bounded timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT.


  • Type: Long
  • Default: (none)

End at the specified epoch timestamp (milliseconds) when the timestamp bounded mode is set in the scan.bounded.mode property.

'scan.bounded.mode' = 'timestamp',
'scan.bounded.timestamp-millis' = '<long-value>'


  • Type: Enum
  • Default: earliest-offset

The startup mode for Kafka consumers.

'scan.startup.mode' = '<startup-mode>'

The following list shows the valid startup mode values.

  • group-offsets: start from committed offsets in Kafka brokers of a specific consumer group.
  • earliest-offset: start from the earliest offset possible.
  • latest-offset: start from the latest offset.
  • specific-offsets: start from user-supplied specific offsets for each partition.
  • timestamp: start from the user-supplied timestamp for each partition.

The default is earliest-offset. This differs from the default in open-source Flink, which is group-offsets.

If specific-offsets is specified, the scan.startup.specific-offsets config option is required to specify specific startup offsets for each partition. For example, a value of partition:0,offset:23;partition:1,offset:400 indicates offset 23 for partition 0 and offset 400 for partition 1.

If timestamp is specified, the scan.startup.timestamp-millis config option is required, to define a specific startup timestamp in milliseconds since the Unix epoch, January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT.


  • Type: String
  • Default: (none)

Specify offsets for each partition when the specific-offsets mode is set in the scan.startup.mode property.

'scan.startup.mode' = 'specific-offsets',
'specific-offsets' = 'partition:0,offset:23;partition:1,offset:400'


  • Type: Long
  • Default: (none)

Start from the specified Unix epoch timestamp (milliseconds) when the timestamp mode is set in the scan.startup.mode property.

'scan.startup.mode' = 'timestamp',
'scan.startup.timestamp-millis' = '<long-value>'


  • Type: Enum
  • Default: except-key

Specify a strategy for handling key columns in the data type of the value format.

'value.fields-include' = [all, except-key]

If all is specified, all physical columns of the table schema are included in the value format, which means that key columns appear in the data type for both the key and value format.


  • Type: String
  • Default: “avro-registry”

Specify the format for serializing and deserializing the value part of Kafka messages.

'value.format' = '<format>'

These are the value formats for an inferred table:

  • raw (if no Schema Registry entry)
  • avro-registry (for Avro Schema Registry entry)
  • json-registry (for JSON Schema Registry entry)
  • proto-registry (for Protobuf Schema Registry entry)

These are the value formats for a manually created table:

  • avro-registry (for Avro Schema Registry entry)
  • json-registry (for JSON Schema Registry entry)
  • proto-registry (for Protobuf Schema Registry entry)

If no format is specified, Avro Schema Registry is used by default.

Currently, the Schema Registry subject compatiblity mode must be FULL or FULL_TRANSITIVE. For more information, see Schema Evolution and Compatibility for Schema Registry on Confluent Cloud.